
IMDb member since February 2018
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    6 years


Thugs of Hindostan

They Talk blah blah blah!
Don't lessen others because they judge it with them mentality so if you appreciate your mentality watch it and judge it for your self not others because after watching is really unfair with this hard work and nice movie.

Family Guy: Turban Cowboy
Episode 15, Season 11

Who is real terror here!?
The person with this idea Is a real Terror. He is Atheist and he try to show every religion bad and unfair.

Family Guy: Livin' on a Prayer
Episode 12, Season 10

False description of Religion
Why in this show every bad things comes from Religions!!!!! But what this show does is much worse than Religion.

Family Guy: Not All Dogs Go to Heaven
Episode 11, Season 7

What Family Guy want to say?!
Explain your Opinion is acceptable Making fun of others Faith and Believes is not acceptable This is not how it works Family Guy, you always try to make bad face of religion and show it, to makes Atheistic GREAT but actually you soil Atheist names not religion. So I'm not sure what you wanna say, that Atheist are bad or religion are?!!!??? Which one is you?!!!???


Amazing story and performance from Ranbir
Much bigger than my expectations, this movie must everyone see and learn to not judge until being sure!

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