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Rick and Morty: Unmortricken
Episode 5, Season 7

Unforgettable episode
Really, it was just sublime watching this amazing piece. There was an abundance of closures and knots tied in amazing fashion. Lots of drama, bits of comedy and intense focus on reflections on life, death, revenge, purpose and a bunch of stuff that made this animation into what it is essentially.

I did something this time around that I never even felt the need to in all of the past episodes. I simply finished the episode and watched it again right after. It really was something new to me and it just felt right to give it another go and absorb all of it to its fullest.

This was an amazing episode and hopefully a breath of new life into the series even though I can't even fathom how they will go from here.


The Last of Us: Endure and Survive
Episode 5, Season 1

A lesson in synthesis, coherent writing
It's absolutely abysmal how they can lead you to care about the characters in so little time. One episode is enough for them to introduce characters, seamless and aptly carry you among their narratives and ultimately deliver some impacting and profound emotions you feel about them since you are already ensnared by their story.

I played the game. And nonetheless this was such a lesson in storytelling that I felt that need to put the controller down and reflect about what just happened all over again. There was no controller though. The joy of feeling what I felt back then another time, albeit in a different but similar way was fantastic. Such an amazing job, phenomenal adaptation. 10/10.

Infinity Train: The Campfire Car
Episode 6, Season 3

Super emotional
I'm a 33 grown a$$ man and I burst into tears watching that amazing emotional scene. The music brought my inner child right out, so simple, yet so heartfelt. Never thought I would be this touched watching a random cartoon. Yet here I am. I agree with the other reviewer, this is pure soul.

The Walking Dead: Here's Negan
Episode 22, Season 10

Powerful episode, profound backstory
Godammit. What an amazing episode this was. Had to sit for some time and reflect on it a little bit. The episode gives a deep and satisfying background to Negan's apocalypse arch and some great insight into what happens inside that head of his. His relationship with Lucille, albeit full of imperfections, was so good to see and the guilt and shame he carried even before her death defines most of his complex character and was amazing to watch. Super episode, more than I expected and just what we fans deserved!

(Kudos to anyone who read the initial "goddamit" in Negan's voice btw haha)

WandaVision: All-New Halloween Spooktacular!
Episode 6, Season 1

Excited to see where this is going
This show just keeps giving and I'm absolutely thrilled and anxious for the final episodes. This one was somewhat grim and had dark moments, the series' flirtation with the concept of death is evolving in such a way that is nice to watch. All the easter eggs and references everywhere are so detailed and fun to pay attention and find that it just strikes me as how wonderfully crafted is this show. It is a blast to speculate and try to unravel whatever is going on there, and the ads (commercials) are very cool indications as to where the plot runs to. I'm enjoying throughly and truly.

Jack Ryan: Black 22
Episode 3, Season 1

Am I crazy?
I mean, what's going on with the reviews on this one? I thought it was a rather off the line yet brilliant episode. Sure, it didn't quite go on with the main plot and storyline, but it was an episode with a lot of nuanced emotions and subtle, implicit development on that aspect. I thought the drone pilot story was very interesting, how he was so conflicted with his job and his feelings about it, and when he finally gets to do some evident, apparent good, it somehow still looks like he feels hollowed.

And I love the dinamic that we, the viewers, are familiar with both sides of this story but we get to see a man in Nevada striking down on people all across the ocean and he doesn't really know these people and the ones he saved, for example, will probably never know who was behind the strikes. The abyss between those people yet the entangled nature of this "relation" was very interesting to watch.

Just my two cents, although I can definitely see why and even agree at some point with people who thought this was boring, uneventful or dull. Not my experience, thankfully.

Edit: Damn, he gets to "know" the people. This just elevated the episode to another level. I'm changing from an 8 score to a 9. Judge me. Awesome episode.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine: The Box
Episode 14, Season 5

Stellar episode
This is such a masterpiece of an episode, absolutely superb performances by the cast and a special guest appearance of Sterling K. Brown. He was fantastically spot on. One of, if not the best episode of the show.

Rick and Morty: The Vat of Acid Episode
Episode 8, Season 4

Best episode of the season BY FAR!
What an excellent funny and classic episode! I laughed so much at the "saving" just after $h1t happened and consequential $crewed loading, reminded me of some very bad quicksaves I made playing videogames, oh how many times I $crewed up in Commandos Beyond the Call of Duty.

Hilarious episode, hope they keep up next season.


Sloppy and weak plot, unfortunately...
I really thought this was gonna be better but it was below par in my opinion. The character development is mostly nonexistent and I didn't care for most of them, with few exceptions. The rushed unfolding of events made the script feel a bit weakly structured and predictable. It was enjoyable in some moments, but some decisions characters made were utterly nonsensical.

Dragon Quest: Your Story

An ode to Dragon Quest and a tribute to fans
What a great homage that was. I remembered so many moments of playing the games while watching this movie. Such good times. I loved how they told this story making you feel a part of it. The movie looks stunning by the way, the visuals are so great!

It may not be for everyone, obviously directed to fans of the franchise but I hope some people will get to know this universe and even go after the games.

The Men Who Stare at Goats

Tag along.
The movie does not seem to have a destination, it goes nowhere, but it sure was wacky tagging along, much like it was for our McGregor character. Pointless but fun.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine

The most fun you can have - the title of your sex tape
This show is just amazing. Light humor, excellent characters, despite being more of a sitcom type, it has great character development and an amazing pace, lots of inward references and it always leaves you wanting more. I mean, just watch it, please. You need that right now! The actors are great, it's all great!


The Witcher

For fans and newcomers alike!
Some of the newcomers to the series might get a bit confused with all the timelines, bit what a great ride that was. The show sure takes its time to get things going, but once everything clicks, it's pure joy. Not to mention the absolute best swordplay I have seen in a long, looong time.

The actors, even if some were surprise castings for me, did the job nicely. Cavill is absolutely nailing the feel of Geralt, even the voice sounds cool.

The visuals, photography and directing were very good in my opinion, some of the visuals truly amazing. But they got that Witcher fantasy world's vibe pretty nice.

And to hell with that clown Darren Franich and his profession colleague Kristen Baldwin, the couple of 'skipping episodes' reviewers. I hope they get a pay cut.

South Park: Board Girls
Episode 7, Season 23

This is golden!
Another great episode, prolly the best one so far this season! We're not being bombarded with pointless jokes every second, but it's all just a full and whole exercise on satire. They still got it after all these years haha. And yes, change is good, I'm cool with all the changes since season 20.

The Darkness

It's just... bland. You've seen it all before. There is nothing, nothing at all new here, or even rather interesting amidst the stuff we all have seen. It's not terrible, at least I didn't think so. Just not entertaining as well. Will definitely not be coming back and wouldn't really recommend to anyone.

South Park: Season Finale
Episode 6, Season 23

Haters gonna hate, but what a funny episode that was!
I mean, I know why most of the negative rating's people are mad about, and that's even funnier. They probably are the big b.utt of most jokes and satire even though most wouldn't see it coming if it were riding a golden elephant with xenon lights.

Resident Evil: Degeneration

Fans of the game are the obvious target
The movie is kinda dumb, but as a Resident Evil (videogame franchise) fan, I somewhat enjoyed watching it. Some plot elements and characters are super flat but we can't really expect much from such a flick. Wouldn't really recommend it, and less so for non RE fans and zombie haters. If you have nothing to do and want to pass some time, give it a go.

Alternatino with Arturo Castro

Refreshing show, great first impression.
Best comedy sketch series I've watched in a very long time. Arturo is super charismatic and the humor is light-hearted, even though it often dwells on tricky subjects. I really enjoyed most of this first season.

Spider-Man 3

Utter crap.
My apologies to Raimi, but this movie is solid garbage. No amount of nostalgia can save this flick from that adjective. What a waste of cards playing Venom and Sandman like that, they should have never left the sleeve, not like that.

South Park

Season 23
Great season so far. The nails were hammered in all the right places and the b.utt of most jokes (we all know who they are haha) will get angry and rage, well, the ones who get they are being mocked, at least. I reckon lots of them will miss it by a mile.

I have read reviews here from people hilariously blind, who wouldn't see the joke and satire if it came riding on a gold flying elephant two feet away. Of course those people won't like the show. Their loss.

Can't wait for the next season! (Yes, I bought the "season finale" antics lol).

Definitely, Maybe

Insightful to some extent.
The way they tell the story is amazing. It's like you are really listening to it just like the little girl is and seeing how it all went down in the little time the movie has to tell it. Great Script and top notch acting, worth a watch, it's even insightful to some extent.

Spider-Man: Far from Home

Tied up perfectly.
It's just an absolute ode to Spider-Man that fans all the way to the 90's will enjoy. The movie is just tied up in a way that it made perfect sense. It all just adds up. Modern technologies made it possible to envision a Mysterio character that absolutely nails the concept. It's amazing. Surpassed my expectations of a well done Spider-Man story. A must see and one of the best depictions of Spider-man yet. Raimi fans should bow down. One of the best infinity saga movies as well. Kudos to those guys.


A fitting end to a fine trilogy
This is undoubtely a fitting end to a near 20 year trilogy. The building of the tension, albeit a bit obvious, sends you directly to thinking ground, whereas it manages to create the possibility of an expanded universe of a Shyamalan verse, a foundation for some added lore to a universe he envisioned. It's definitely thought provoking entertainment specially for comic book lovers. I enjoyed it throughly!

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