
IMDb member since March 2018
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    6 years



Survivable.... Just
Just watched this with my girlfriend. It came recommended on Netflix as we tend to lean towards the horror genre, especially when it takes us forever ever to find something to watch. As soon i saw Jamie Kennedy i knew id made a mistake but my girlfriend isnt as keen a movie fan as i am so i couldn't bail out at the opening credits. Just knowing he was in it made me suspicious of his character so any twist was already ruined. Hopefully he is kept busy with a raft of sequels and he stays away frim the Tremors franchise forever! This movie is dumb! Like as dumb as Jamie Kennedy's stupid face. As dumb as the writer and as dumb as the casting director for casting Jamie Kennedy. But watch it, who cares..... What else are we doing in lockdown

Tremors: A Cold Day in Hell

Fans of the franchise could sit through it...that's all.
The title says it all. If you are a fan of the franchise then your probably a Burt Gummer fan and as ever he is solid and the best part of the film by a distance. As a long time fan I enjoyed nods to the original movie and although the actors are poor and the accents are all over the place I was able to sit through it without too much effort. The makers aren't stupid, this is no 3 hour epic, it's a fast paced 90 minutes that doesn't require much thought. I actually enjoyed the idea from the previous movie 'Tremors 5 Bloodlines' that Burt Gummer is a survivalist YouTube star. It made sense and it was updating the franchise. The addition of Jamie Kennedy did not go down aswell and unfortunately he is back as Burt's son as they travel north to hunt Grabloids in the snow! This is just movie making for the sake of it. It added nothing to the franchise and if you had never seen any other movie in the series you would think this was just terrible! Burt Gummer saves it and as I said it wasn't a problem for me as a fan to sit through it but unless you can bring Val or Earl back from the original then please don't make another.

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