
IMDb member since March 2018
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The man behind the smile
This movie is stunning. The music, the cinematography, the acting! Mr. Phoenix outdoes himself in this film. He brings humanity to this character. In the beginning, I feel very sorry for him. I wish I could reach into the screen and let him know its okay. But the further he dives into madness, the more powerful he feels. The happier he seems. JOKER is a movie I cannot express into words. JOKER is a movie you must see for yourself.

10 Items or Less

A Fantastic comedy that will leave you wanting more
10 items or less may not seem like much at first, but it quickly sprawls into a hilarious comedy fun for the whole family. The plot is that the main character returns to his fathers store in ohio after he passes to continue running it. From there on you just see crazy antics of his staff and their weird lives. Shot in similar ways comparable to "Parks and Recreation" and "The Office", 10 items or less uses improv and setting to its full advantage. The only disadvantage is the small amount of episodes, with only 3 seasons and limited episodes per season, the show only lasts 21 episodes. However, it is certainly a wonderful show.

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