
IMDb member since March 2018
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    6 years


Bunnyman Vengeance

Bunnyman !!!!
Bunnyman !!!! Bunnyman aka Bunnyman Vengeance is the third film in the series. Who's your favorite giant killer bunny ? lol Bunnyman of course ! Here our favorite killer bunny is rampaging through a haunted house killing kids, well teenagers actually. I feel technically this is the best film, but I still have a soft spot for the original one.

The Bunnyman Massacre

Kids being slaughtered on a school bus
This movie stars out with kids being slaughtered on a school bus by a giant killer bunny. Yeah, that about covers what type of film this is. If you don't have a dark sarcastic sense of humor, this this film isn't the film for you. I appreciated that the filmmakers went there, and had come fun with the genre.

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