
IMDb member since January 2006
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    18 years


The Birdcage

I can never get enough of this movie.
I can never get enough of watching this one!I practically know the quotes by heart I love it so much!!Hysterical & the scenes look so good you're almost ready to relocate to South Beach! Robin Williams & Nathan Lane have always been favorites of mine for a while & they pulled their roles off effortlessly.Hank Azaria to me was the biggest shock to me when he dances on the patio to Miami Sound Machine!The way politics are currently you can't help but love how the conservatives act when the truth finally comes out of who everyone really is.I've seen the original "Le Cage" of the 80's and I can honestly say I love them both. Even submitting this review will cause me to go & watch (and sing along) with this film once again!!If you haven't seen it you're missing a comedic & heartfelt classic (especially for ones that can relate)

Family Business

Absolutely LOVE this show!!
Here's one of 3 reasons why I kept Showtime as a premium for cable! Where has Mr. Glasser been all of our lives?? Remember the days where the most television got "dirrty" was Benny Hill or Super TV?? Gosh how I just love the present!My 2 favorite episodes would have to be when they were in the studio with Madcow in Chicago with the racist who just couldn't "control himself" when Flower & her friend introduced themselves & when Seymore had a young man who had to conduct an interview in Vegas during the AVN Awards & had the time of his life! I think Seymore is the best thing to happen to real porn in AGES & it's a pity I'm having trouble locating his films in a city plagued with politicians that go after what everyone really enjoys watching but too ashamed to admit it! I love ya Mr.Glasser keep it up man!!

Play Me Again Vanessa

CLASSIC! They just can't make 'em like this anymore!
Proud to sat I own this film & LOVED Vanessa in it!! I can watch this anytime I want & have to say Vanessa will always be the QUEEN in my book when it comes to great porn films she was the best & the directors were back then as well.Ladies are making much more more today for doing much less with no feeling as well as looking in the camera!!Ol' Skool porn REMAINS the best porn to me,there was great acting & went slower instead of just BAM let's go!! So many classic stars from Jeannie Pepper to Ron Jeremyu that actually acted in films back then and now it's just a corrupt business of millions of awful DVDs that aren't good at all.Plat Me Again Vanessa is a great addition to my extensive collection I hope others enjoy this as much as I have. All hail Ms Del Rio!!

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