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Game of Thrones: The Dragon and the Wolf
Episode 7, Season 7

Worse finale than other seasons
Although there are intense moments, overall the end of this season is worse than the others and predisposes you to what is badly written in the long-awaited last season. 1) It is incomprehensible that the two queens did not clash, something that was expected at the end of last season. 2) The story of Knight King seems to be at its peak, but knowing what will follow just overwhelms you with frustration. 3) Sorry to spoil it, but the Jon-Daenerys romance is desirable for fans but it didn't tie the story. It was just used to rush things in the end. Especially if we think that such a romance probably doesn't exist in the books that will be published and it's just a directing / screenwriting trick to push the story to the end, then the frustration for such an inspiration is even greater. I think the episode is overrated and is for a brave 7/10.

Game of Thrones: The Prince of Winterfell
Episode 8, Season 2

Unexplainedly low score
It is incomprehensible to me why the episode has such a low acceptance. is a sure 10/10. It may lack the intensity of other episodes, but it has nice dialogues that you can enjoy.

Game of Thrones: Valar Morghulis
Episode 10, Season 2

A great season finale
It is not as great as season 1 finale, but it certainly sets up for a great next season. There is so much tense during the episode. Is for sure a 10/10.

Game of Thrones: The Dragon and the Wolf
Episode 7, Season 7

Worse finale than other seasons
Although there are intense moments, overall the end of this season is worse than the others and predisposes you to what is badly written in the long-awaited last season. 1) It is incomprehensible that the two queens did not clash, something that was expected at the end of last season. 2) The story of Knight King seems to be at its peak, but knowing what will follow just overwhelms you with frustration. 3) Sorry to spoil it, but the Jon-Daenerys romance is desirable for fans but it didn't tie the story. It was just used to rush things in the end. Especially if we think that such a romance probably doesn't exist in the books that will be published and it's just a directing / screenwriting trick to push the story to the end, then the frustration for such an inspiration is even greater. I think the episode is overrated and is for a brave 7/10.

Game of Thrones: The Mountain and the Viper
Episode 8, Season 4

Just epic, from the beginning till the end! So much intense, emotion and confrontation! The exile of Jorah is a great scene!

Game of Thrones: Breaker of Chains
Episode 3, Season 4

Top until the end
An excellent episode with great finale! Epic moments once again!

Game of Thrones: Mhysa
Episode 10, Season 3

Another great season finale
After an intense previous episode, this finale is so great and in my mind underated. It deserves a 10/10, what a great music and such an end.

Game of Thrones: And Now His Watch Is Ended
Episode 4, Season 3

The complete transformation of Daenerys into a leading character
The title says it all. A perfect episode with a strong finale. Among the best of the season, without a doubt.

Game of Thrones: Fire and Blood
Episode 10, Season 1

Great finale of 1st season
The episode escalates the story beautifully, giving an epic finale to the 1st season. The ending with the birth of dragons and the transformation of Khaleesi into a mother of dragons and unburned, culminates in a genuine 10/10 episode.

Game of Thrones: The Long Night
Episode 3, Season 8

Three stars due to sir Jorah
As the title suggests, I put three stars because of sir Jorah. Throughout the 8th season, I didn't feel any shivers in my spine, nor did I get to the point of crying or having a knot in my neck. But Sir Jorah's self-sacrifice, his defense of Khaleesi until his last breath, caused me all that I said above. I would put only one star, but the knight's selfless love for his queen made me put three. For the rest of the episode, I have to say that this is a tragedy. A complete disappointment for a story that seemed so well structured and with intense suspense. The main characters out of form unfortunately and the epic confrontation we were expecting never came.

Game of Thrones: The Last of the Starks
Episode 4, Season 8

More frustration before the final
Arriving at the end, after the disappointment of not culminating in the previous episode, you see even more frustration. Useless plot and attempt to rush the result we will see in the last episodes. Unfortunately...

Game of Thrones: The Last of the Starks
Episode 4, Season 8

More frustration before the final
Arriving at the end, after the disappointment of not culminating in the previous episode, you see even more frustration. Useless plot and attempt to rush the result we will see in the last episodes. Unfortunately...

Game of Thrones: Book of the Stranger
Episode 4, Season 6

An episode you want to see many times
Another amazing episode, despite the fact that it is in the 6th season and the quality seems to be falling. Lots of interesting scenes and a lot of intensity. I will focus on one of Daenerys' top 10. The setting with the Dothraki leaders is one of the best moments that characterize the quality of the show, but also the excellent playing of the beloved Emilia. You are stunned by the style of dealing with Dothraki's leaders, the expression of devaluation and disgust towards them is one of the best I can remember. That's why I will get stuck many times in this episode and in this scene.

Game of Thrones: The Bells
Episode 5, Season 8

Daenerys went mad? Thanks I won't buy!
Put a dragon to fly, fire and tear down stone buildings like lego bricks. Then believe that you have made an impressive episode, where you convinced us of your ultimate goal: to turn Daenerys into a crazy queen. Invest in the collective emotion and morality of today, which has nothing to do with the Middle Ages you represent. Where mutilation and slaughter are customary. Seriously now, is this an episode for more than 1/10? Pity...

Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne
Episode 6, Season 8

If I could put zero in the last episode I would. And it has nothing to do with the anger of the viewers of the series for the last season. The episode itself, when you watch it and watch it again, leaves a big gap. In more detail: 1. The victorious speech of Daenerys in front of her troops seems so poor and distant from what this character has given us in the past. Looking back at her earlier speeches and her presence in general, you can easily see how poor the script is. Even the semiotics of the dragon's wings behind Daenerys as a sign of absolute evil (satanic) is like a cheap trick. 2. The dialogues between the characters are completely shallow, as is unfortunately the romance between Jon and Daenerys. 3. Normally, the end of a relationship and one of the most important characters in the series would cause intense emotion. This does not happen anywhere and does not happen even when the dragon takes his mother's lifeless body and flies away ... These are the main points of a catastrophic and silly end. Completely pointless finale of a hegemonic show. don't know if it's a message to the production, but what they did for about two seasons should definitely be reconsidered.

Game of Thrones: The Dance of Dragons
Episode 9, Season 5

Just epic, it makes you fall in love
Although relatively young in watching the series, I will write my first review for a specific episode, starting with that. I have watched great episodes until I reached the 9th of the 5th cycle, but I have to admit that in this episode I fell in love with the series. Especially the setting in the Mereen arena makes it so normal to fall in love with the series. Literally the final flying of the dragon raises the level of the series in the sky...

Game of Thrones

A great love and a great disappointment
For years I was a big denier of Game of Thrones. I watched it for the first time during quarantine, after years of brainwashing from those around me. I can say that I fell in love with it, especially until the 5th cycle. And not to hide, while I had no idea what impact it had for so many years, I fell in love with the character of Daenerys or Khaleesi if you prefer. It happened so normally that when I decided to see it again in the last few days, I felt exactly the same. And to end up with such a scenario disappointment. A real mess! In conclusion, the series until the 5th season is definitely for a 10/10, in terms of criticism. But beyond that, without the support of books, quality is constantly declining. Probably, after 50 episodes of the first cycles, at least thirty more were needed to complete its story correctly, or maybe more. This never happened and it seems that it has damaged the series in the end and possibly its backwardness. Because, even if we accept that the final ending of the characters is the one that George R. R. Martin will show in the last books that have not been released, the way to reach this end was completely wrong and outrageous. For the 6th season I would score a total of 8/10, for the 7th hardly a 6/10 or at most 7/10. Finally, the tragic 8th season with what happened does not pass the base, so I would indulgently put a 4/10, but I think is lower. The downfall of the story of Knight King and especially Daenerys, condemns the 8th season to a low and unacceptable score for such a TV project.I believe that the series should have stopped in the 5th cycle and should not have moved beyond the books. The series eventually fell victim to its own success. Mainly for the first five cycles I will give a general score of 8/10.

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