
IMDb member since March 2018
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Oh My God! It's sooo hilarious.....
I'm a dude and I can't stop chuckling from start to finish. Haven't laughed from a good movie in ages.

The dark comedy is SPOT ON!

It's kinda similar to Patriot series, in which the main character never once smiled or made jokes, but you'd find yourselves laughing to the floor.

The other characters, especially the boyfriend, lend a nice support to the whole theme.

This is defo not one of those cringey comedies that fails to even make you giggle.

Mare of Easttown

Snoozefest of Easttown
What do you do when you got 20 minutes worth of murder investigation story, but want to stretch it to 50+ minutes?

Answer: Fill the rest with garbage about family issues and teenage crap.


Crime series with very cheap way of ridiculous, over-simplified murder-solving
There were murders.

For 90% of running time, several non-consequential stories were thrown in such slow place along with several misaligned clues and distractions.

Then in the last minutes, Morse notices something in the evidence that were never mentioned once before and the crime is solved in such frantic pace that the audience don't have time to figure out who-did-what-for-what-purpose.

That's basically it.

It's just cheap.

The background to the murder always bear little to no connection to evidence collected and interviews done during the show. It seems the writer just make up stories at the last minutes to draw connection with some evidence or character.

This series is definitely inferior to Vera or Unforgotten in which background stories and evidence collecting were told logically throughout, which they then make compelling and logical ending.


I am just lost for words for this one.

Every episode truly feels like an adventure into the unknown. A VERY VERY rare feat these days.

All those massive settings and locations must have required immense works.

This is a beautifully sculpted work of art.


S1: Dull & boring. S2: Boy, the fun really begins. S3: My God, proper Total Recall-like stuff
This is one of those rare series, in which the new season keeps getting more and more thrilling. And the violence gets better and better as well. Simply put, exciting stuff in Season 3.

Shei shi bei hai zhe

It totally blew me away
Watching the first 10 minutes of 1st episode, I knew I've struck gold.

What's so different about it? It relies on shots angle, facial expressions and ambiance to induce the atmosphere. None of those annoying background music.

My God, the story, the camera shots, the scenes, the acting are all top notch.

And what makes this series so lovely is that it depicts normal people with real life problems. None of those over-the-top, bigger than life, over dramatic characters seen in other movies. If only more TV series were made like this.


Does anyone really care which drug addict is the real killer?
Couple of drug addicts who subsequently became the suspect, witness and possible accomplice of a murder. They lied. were delusional. made up stuff all the time. They can all be in prison for all I care.


Irony so dark, it's hilarious. A MUST watch.
After the first two episodes, I just can't stop myself from laughing through each episode. The irony just gets deeper and deeper by each episode. Especially in silence, Relu's or his wife's expression just got me bursting out in laughter (the wedding episode is the icing on the cake).

I am pretty sure this series is not meant to be dark humor type like say, Patriot, or action-comedy genre, but it actually makes me laugh uncontrollably at times. It totally deserves 10 stars.

The Capture

THIS should be the benchmark for future thriller series
How STRONG and solid storyline, sequence of scenes and events form the basis of edge-of-seat thriller. Oh my, how a simple camera footage can be the root of gripping thriller!

No fancy gimmicks, dialogues, shoot-out scenes, computer coding thingies, CGI scenes and whatnot.

The plot on agencies is nothing new. It's all about how the storyline is delivered. It's delivered to perfection!

De dag

Far superior to La Casa Del Papel
Seat of the pants thrill ride from 1st till last episode. Oh my! What a gem! Very little drama bits. Most scenes are focused on the police and behind-the-scene hostage taking actions. I was totally glued from start to finish.


S1 & S2 : Stress inducing thriller at its best
The last part of S1 got me in serious stress due to the whole mess the Byrdes got themselves into. Picking up right where it left off in S1, in first episodes of S2, I thought to myself: that last part of S1 couldn't be that messy, because here are the Byrdes seemingly doing just alright. By the time I got into the following episodes, I couldn't help myself from getting stressed all over again. Threats and all live-or-die of kind of problems just pay a visit to the Byrdes non-stop. The plot and storylines, not the scenes themselves, are the main factors for inducing such stress. A thoroughly proper thriller.


Simple drama about life's journey, yet strangely the simplicity makes me fall in love.
At first impression I thought the series is about Zach goofing around as clowns. But it turns out to be so much much more. Although running time is short, it tells about love, friendship, relationship and life in general in a beautiful, non-boring way. The story can be really depressing at times and that's where Zach's and Louie's actings really shine. I get bored quickly with most drama series, yet somehow I am hooked with this one. I can't think of other series that is similar to this, may be Flaked is the most similar. I love Flaked and I LOVE this.

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