
IMDb member since January 2006
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Center Stage: Turn It Up

Very weak movie, even for a dance flick
When I was almost sure that dance flicks can't go worse, Center Stage: Turn it Up just comes and proves me wrong. Rachele Brooke Smith (the leading actress), as you are very pretty and know how to dance, acting is still a really big mystery to you, a mystery which you'll see, takes time to discover (to be honest, nor time or persuasion will help you, in my honest opinion).

Now, for the review! First of all, it follows the "dance flick manual" word by word: a young girl from a not so wealthy family runs of to pursue her dream (joining the best dance school), but, what do you know, even though she's very good, she's rejected. Damn, I didn't see that coming! What a shock! Sprinkle some cute dancer boy, a job where she obviously has to dance, and some intrigue, regarding another gal that's up to no good, and there you go, the perfect recipe for another "dance flick".

Besides 2-3 dance scenes, this movie is totally worthless, and extremely predictable. If you love dancing, and dance movies, you should really consider something a bit better, because this film is below sea level, and sinking fast.

Killer Pad

Do not waste your time on this
To be franc, this has been one of the most unpleasant experience I've been through as a movie enthusiast. "Killer Pad" seems to be summing all worst parts in cinematography: from poor newbie actor and awful lines to dull a script (three good friends move into a new house which seems to be the dwelling of the devil, wow, how original). To top that, this film also includes a lot of grouse and pathetic scenes which, of course, the directors thought would be very funny.

Don't mean to be uptight or something, but this movie is really crap.. In fact, it's more than that, it's an insult to the whole independent film making industry. To sum it up, don't waste your time...

The Pleasure of Your Company

Great romance/comedy flick
I don't know about you, but when I saw this movie I knew what to expect of it. I mean, what more can u expect from a movie that stars Jason Biggs and Isla Fisher and it's called "Wedding Daze" except another romance flick where two people run over some bumps, but in the end they straighten all up? And that's what this film has to offer: one hour and almost thirty minutes of pure relaxation and some laughs. By saying this I address all you uptight "movie critics" that take it way too seriously.

The plot isn't that very original, the acting is bearable, the funny situations that pop during the film are quite decent, Isla Fisher is great and it all ends well. To really have a treat out of it, see it with someone you care about, trust me, it'll do the job.

Beta House

Another American Pie wannabe...
Why do they even try? I mean, come on, how long they think the whole "Stifler" hype will last? Just stop it! It's not even funny anymore, it's just sad...

As you figured out from the title of the movie, Beta House, is about a fraternity, freshmen, girls and, the most original part of them all, falling in love. Of course, the guy that has his way with the chicks is Stifler, who, along with his mates, tries to complete another apparently impossible task. I won't reveal more about this "original" plot in order not to spoil your fun, if you decide to watch this "class A comedy".

To sum it up: awful acting + dull script + wrong use of the American Pie franchise = total waste of time! This movie is unbearable, but if u decide to see it after all, make sure you bring your friends. Hey, at least you won't suffer alone! :))

4 luni, 3 saptamâni si 2 zile

There is never black or white...
and this is the movie to prove I'm right!

Romania was a prohibitive country until '89, where most of the laws that simpletons had to obey were abnormal and just against the human nature. You couldn't do much and what you could to do, u had to do it very carefully. So, I guess I can understand the desire of young Romanian directors to pursuit these kind of subject, having so many talented actors and the necessary technology.

Coming back to the title of my summary, this film is covered in a blurry shade of gray, trying very hard to express a general truth, using a hard to swallow situation. Helped by a lot of motionless moments where the dialog prevails, the director shown us what movies are really about: acting, not CGI. It's about the characters and how they make you feel, and good acting is when you left the theater hooked to something they said, or did. "4 luni, 3 saptamani si 2 zile" portraits the human soul and its struggle and rises above the majority of those Hollywood dramas by doing so.

My conclusion is see this movie, but try to keep an opened mind and soul when you do...


Great movie!
Lately, I didn't see a lot of thriller movies worth watching, except Severance. In my opinion, the story is very well tight up, the acting is great, we got loads of action and the best part is that it has, here and there, a slight touch of black (and by black I mean pitch black) humor.

The main idea is that a group of deranged men armed heavily kill anyone who get into their perimeter. Don't worry, that's not all, but I don't want to spoil anything for you :P

Great movie! Watch it!

P.S.: Not for the weak-hearted ;)

Drive Thru

I am soooo sick of clowns...
I can't even imagine what must have been running through the directors head when he did this movie... without any doubt, this is the worst horror movie I have ever seen in my life! The story is plain: a mad clown from hell (OMG, that's very original!), seeks to kill as many teens as possible in the most brutal and horrific way. I'm sure ur very impressed and extremely anxious to see this great film but hold ur horses :) Drive-Thru is a real test of character because it takes a real man/woman to see this movie till the end, where, like all great movies, it leaves room for a sequel. The action is weak, the acting is weak, the screenplay is even weaker... the story is really overused and beside the cool clown costume, it doesn't have anything worth watching. All the lines are unnatural and the young actors take it even more below the average.

In conclusion, do urselves a huge favor and don't waste precious time on Drive-Thru...

Blood Diamond

Blood, diamonds, drama...
For starters, I can freely say that this is one of the best movies of 2006. Leonardo DiCaprio, in his career peak, with his acting leaving no room for critics, together with the already established and well-experienced Djimon Hounsou, make this film an adventure-drama u are ought to see! The subject of the movies isn't that amazing but Edward Zwick (the director), with the help of some great locations, excellent script, extraordinary filming and good supporting actors, managed to surprise even the meanest movie critics.

I saw "Blood Diamond" with my girlfriend at that time being, and, at the ending she started crying. Well, I got a little embarrassed by the situation but this embarrassment soon passed when I looked in the theater room and saw every woman with teary eyes. So, guys, if u want to make your woman be sentimental, this is a movie they'll love!


Worst movie I have ever seen... seriously, it really is
Beside the fact that Michael Madsen and Neal McDonough, the only actors worth watching in this movie, appear for 4 to 6 minutes tops, the leading actor is Michael Lazar, who directed, wrote and produced the movie is by far, one of the worst actors I've unwillingly saw.

The whole movie is filmed with a miniDV cam, like the ones u took with u on ur family vacations, with no lighting or any additional cinematic equipment. The lines are absolutely dull and just awful... the main idea of the movie is a debt that Vic (Michael Lazar) has to pay to Santo (Nick Vallelonga), a local mob boss, which is, we all agree, a very new and a revolutionary plot...

To sum it up, if u really have to see this movie (by really I mean REALLY), don't do it alone cus u'll fall asleep before noticing.

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