
IMDb member since April 2018
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    IMDb Member
    6 years


Lone Star Justice

Ridiculous Policing
It's like watching George Green in charge of Randy and Lehey. They make simple connections seem like they're Columbo. First episode should have been solved in 24 hours. Everything did add up from the beginning. The door, the position of the body..... What were they looking at?? Another episode it takes them 2 weeks to see a $42k transaction in the bank records? Best team in Texas you say Sheriff? You must not have much to choose from. If you're looking to do a crime, this county is your best bet. I can see why it only lasted one season. These are the only crimes they could solve. If it's not served to them on a silver platter you're better off having Cheif Wiggum on the case.

Violent Night

Combine all Christmas Movies into 1 and add more gore
This movie is terrible. They try to combine Die Hard, Home Alone, Ture Lies and whatever movie had to do with winter or Christmas. Just terrible. I can't believe this made it to the theatres. They should have included a WWE Athlete to make it complete. Maybe they did, I wouldn't know because that's how bad the acting is. I sure hope they didn't think this was going to be Christmas classic because it's far from that. It was hard enough getting through to the end on this. This movie could have been over in the first 10 mins if the security were doing their actual job. I only give it 4 stars because it might have had potential but they went way out there.

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