
IMDb member since January 2006
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    18 years


Wide Sargasso Sea

Interesting and complicated
Having just finished watching Jane Eyre on the Beeb, I wasn't sure how I would take to Wide Sagasso Sea. Antoinette (or Bertha) is pitied and feared and only seen once after the 'non' wedding in Jane Eyre. This relatively short story gives us an idea of a possible life for Rochester and his first wife in Jamaica where they married, and suggests to us reasons for how she ended up where she did in Jane Eyre. But it is hard to equate the Rochester in Jane Eyre and this younger version, and some fans of the book may not be able to take the cruel attitude shown by Edward to his wife. However, it is not that dissimilar to some of the characteristics seen in the original Bronte novel. The acting was superb and the idea of the 'prequal' well conceived by the original author.

Æon Flux

I enjoyed this film
I came to the film unaware of the fact that it had been previously animated, and without reading any reviews. The concept of the end of the world as we know it, & the population surviving in a different social culture, is not new to science fiction, but I believe the concept for this film was quite original. If you are familiar with any science fiction film since the Matrix, or those that have come from comic book origins, all the calling cards are there. The film is action packed, with lots of women taking action packed roles - particularly Charlize Theron. Some may consider the film a bit of a chick flick, but if you like science fiction, action or Buffy the Vampire Slayer, & I know I do, I think you'll enjoy this.

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