
IMDb member since January 2006
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Asteroid City

Loved it, not for everyone I guess
It is sad to see the poor reviews here. I guess a lot of people don't get how fast this movie dialogues moves, or understand the dry humor of it. I loved how it is stylized and the cast is first rate. We laughed a lot watching this. Perhaps you have to be of a certain age to really get this movie. It is not action packed with a lot of action, but that is the charm of this film. The humor is understated, so much to see and hear here. The set themselves are hilarious. I guess today's audience is too desensitized to over the top graphics, gratuitous violence and sex to find this appealing. This is a cerebral comedy. I am glad they didn't dumb it down for the general American audience to understand.

Så var det jul igjen

Not good, Netflix messed this one up
Jashan is over the top obnoxious as is most of this cast. Everyone is so flat, or uninteresting, or just mean. Jashan is like a bull in a china shop, he is wholly self unaware, doesn't bring much to the table. Nothing likable about his overbearing character. I was rooting for the girl to dump him. The Norwegian family is wholly inflexible and just not likable at all from the start. There is no chemistry between the two main characters. This may be technically a Christmas movie, but there is no warmth or real affection, especially at the end of the movie where they try to wrap it into a nice little funny love fest package, but it fails miserably. They could have called this Skunk, because-yes it's a stinker. Could have been better, writing was awful.

Candy Cane Lane

Had some good laughs
Was this a Was this entertaining....yes. Loved the animation of the little people, Chris Redd was great! The theme of the movie is not original. I wish Hollywood would not rehash the same themes over in Christmas movies. However, this was a nice take on a familiar theme. The chemistry and timing between Eddie Murphy and Tracee Ellis Ross was actually pretty good, definitely could see them doing another movie together. Loved most of the characters, not so much though of Pepper, as she was a bit over the top silly-obnoxious. Would like to have seen someone else in that role? The two announcers were funny, good banter between the two. Danielle Pinnock did a great job, hope to see her in more comedic films with more screen time, or lead character. Overall, it was fun, would watch it again.

Family Switch

Boring, nothing new to see here-
Just forced myself through this movie, egads. The absolute best part of the movie is Rita Moreno. It is so wonderful to see her in movies. The bad part was there was not enough RM in the movie. The plot is the same old blah, blah, blah body switch movie. There is nothing new here. The acting feels forced, the attempt at comedy feels over the top forced. Jennifer G reprises every movie role she has ever done. I have nothing against her, she seems like a genuinely nice person, but as an actress she lacks any kind of range, like watching white bread soaking in milk. This role would have been better suited to a comedic actress with depth. Ed Helms was good, better if the lead was someone with.a more multifaceted personality. It would have been better to have had Ed Helms as a widower and Rita Moreno as the grandma switching bodies.

Summer Strike

wanted to like it, but just couldn't
This is another of the spewed out inane K-dramas Netflix has put out there. Lately, they are seriously lacking in good content. The characters are mean spirited, abusive, dim-witted, and boring . Seriously, do South Koreans really drink so much that they black out and can't remember anything? Seems to be the norm for these shows and I am seeing more of this trend in K-dramas. This story itself is very slow. I wanted to try to feel empathy for the main character, but just couldn't muster it. She is supposed to be educated, but continually does stupid, senseless acts. The setting was very pretty though, one of the reasons I like K-dramas. This series lacked having a good story line. There are many terrific shows out there, sadly this is not one. It is tortuously slow and the characters are not likable. Do yourself a favor and pass.

Nooni Booshige

Such a letdown
It started off really well, but then twisted on itself just one to many times to keep being interesting. This series didn't seem to know what it wanted to do. I get that South Korea absolutely loves churning out these tug at your heart string Alzheimer's stories. The best one was Navillera-absolutely outstanding series. This one just doesn't seem to make the grade. I love a lot of these actors, they have great performances, the writing just does not do justice for them. It is almost pathetically stupid at times and the narcissism is rampant. I love K dramas but there are way better ones out there. Skip this one, but look for the actors in other series.

The Four Seasons

great cast, but annoying script
When I first saw this years ago, I really liked it. Now being older than the cast at the time, I find them annoying and obnoxious. I would never want to know, let alone vacation with this group. The cast is first rate, but yikes. Evidently this is a movie by Alana Alda for Alan Alda alone. The title should have been 'Self-Centered Obnoxious middle age man can't get enough Attention,' but I guess that was just too long. Another movie on my list of used to love, but now gone into the growing chasm of older movies never to watch again. It is also annoying that there is a required character length to leave a review, but hey.


Watching it once was enough
As many other reviews have said, this just was not written well, it did not have a good flow, and poor character development. This would have been much, much better if it hadn't have been a musical. Most of the music numbers are forgettable, too numerous, and too lenghty. The dancing is great, but over saturated. I love Octavia Spencer, but she seems like an out of place goddess in a sea of mediocrity. Patrick Page is amazing. Rose Byrne is a wonder. As time goes on, Ryan Reynolds (whom I have enjoyed in many movies) is playing the same old sarcastic character he always does. Good for him for making a mint out of it, but it is getting old and tiresome for me. This had a lot of potential given the actors, but it ran amok into old random bits of rehashed parts of every part the two main characters have played forever. I stayed to the end (my husband walked out half way through). Once was enough for me, good afternoon.

Easy-Bake Battle: The Home Cooking Competition

Should be called-Entitled People Cook Off
Who are these people? World travelers, Instagramers, beauty execs, luxury real estate sellers, influencers? Not your regular everyday people, contestants fond of throwing out information that comes across as elitist. Another reviewer mentioned favoritism and I agree. The host seems very biased. Still it was an enjoyable watch, some good dishes were created and some helpful tips shared. Hopefully, there is a more economically diverse contestant search next time and from all over the country. If you are spending $25,000 per week per winner, let's see different regions. I don't think California based shows are quite in touch with the rest of the country. Personally I'd like to see a church lady cook off show, epic local dishes made by competitive church ladies. Maybe a grandma or grandpa competitive cook off. Let's see some older people represented.


What has happened to Disney
I supposed they thought this little bit of fluff it would be cute and sentimental, but it wasn't. The little girl seemed to have problems saying her or 'remembering' her lines. I can only guess this must be an exec's family member. Brie L confirmed what I had thought before, that she is a mediocre actress not bad, but not great. This had potential, but missed the mark just like so many other recent Disney productions. I wonder what is going on in the creative and casting departments at the studio. They are churning out a lot of rubbish with tired scenarios. I imagine that the first 10/10 rating was written by a member of the cast or family member. Again, this had loads of potential, the graphics and art were good, but lacked in acting execution and story line.


Good, but story changed
Tom Hanks did a great job, though lost the accent here and there, not unlike Dick Van Dyke in Mary Poppins. Joseph Garden Levitt was amazing as Jiminy Crickett. The voice of Pinocchio was spot on as well, great job by Benjamin Ainsworth. Cynthia Erivo was wonderful as the Blue Fairy. However, the changes in the story were a total let down. Blue Fairy part was way under played, she was pivotal in the story and only seen once in the movie. Turning Monstro into a sea monster instead of a whale? Why??? Changing the ending was awful. IN the original Disney film, that scene is heartbreaking and triumphant. What a loss! Also, did not need the shadowy monsters on Pleasure Island was unnecessary. This is a kids movie and did not need that over the top horror. Changing how Pinnochio finds Geppeto was another bad move. Adding the additional puppeteer character was unnecessary as well, but not bad. Just wished they had been true to the original script which was much more touching. This one left me disappointed.

Once Upon a Small Town

Like a bad Hallmark movie, but a series
I had high hopes for this series, as I have become a huge fan of K-dramas and K-series. Just watched the first episode, and was very disappointed. This must be the 'Hallmark Movie' acting style of Korea. The story is old rehashed tale. Characters do not have the draw or depth of many other Korean dramas, Kim Ji-Won does not draw you into any likability, and lacks any chemistry with main characters. Overall acting is mediocre, unfortunately. I can't help but wonder if Netflix rushed this out due to the popularity and ride the wave of these Korean dramas. Too bad this one was a wash out. There are many other great and better K-series to watch. If you do not require much thought or depth of characters in a series, the scenery is pretty. Check out other series such as: Hotel Del Luna, Extraordinary Attorney Woo, Hi Mama, Bye!, and Never Give Up.

The Healer

Could have been better, good premise, poor execution
Bad story, poorly directed. Camille Luddington is annoying, should have gone with a better actress with a soft side. The main actor is a cutie, and looks just like my son-which is why I watched the movie. Jonathan Pryce is good, the rest of the cast-ugh. Could have been a good movie with a different script and director. The dying girl scene in the barn, they play George Michael, 'Faith' (you know, 'it would be nice if I could touch your body') so appropriate for dying young teenager-not. CRINGE!


Worthwhile watch
I love the camaraderie of these girls. I like the way the script jumps from the present to the past to show how our heroines got to where they are. Failed relationships and choices that have unintended consequences, just life. We know from the get-go that there is heartache coming. I appreciated how we see the raw emotions that we all feel at times, so well portrayed. Binged watch what I could so far. It reminds us that no matter what we go through, it is wonderful to have friends and family that have our backs.

Valentine's Again

I hope Nicky Whelan made enough from this movie to take acting lessons.
Hallmark movies are mediocre most of the time, but this one couldn't even live up to that. From the get go, the acting is so bad that you have no buy-in to care what happens to the main character. I guess they cast for looks alone, she is a pretty girl, but this girl cannot act. Rather see someone who is a bit more realistic that can pull off these poorly written movies.


The unfunny monotonous version of drunk history
This is the meeting of bad writing, bad acting, but beautiful sets. Tried several episodes in different seasons but so painful to watch. Up there with worst tv series ever made. Cringe.


Worst Disney film in a long time
Story was ok. Same old characterizations The music was terrible, vocals hard to hear over the music. The songs were just not enjoyable at all. Lin Manuel Miranda way overrated.


Started with potential but ugh....cringey
Eddie, as other viewers have stated is a thoroughly aggravating jerk of a mean kid. He ruins the series, it's just too much. I love kids, but was hoping he would get hit by a car. That being said, the kid has some good acting chops as he is totally believable as a little prick. The show is hard to continue to watch as most of the characters are not likable at all. Richard should have run in the first episode, but then this cringey series could not have been made. That being said, Richard should have run in the first episode. K dramas much more entertaining. 9 stars for the acting as these people do a great job of convincing you of a trainwreck, 0 stars for the continuous assault to the senses.

Mrs. Worthington's Party

Sean Patrick Brennan I hope you have another job
Sean Patrick is a terrible actor. Without him this would have been a much better movie. Nice scenery though.

Good Bones

Karen is a karen
Annoying Karen, obviously in love with herself is obnoxious and irritating. Hopefully will come off of the HGTV roster.


Not one of Disney's better movies
After all of the hype, I found this movie to be a let down. It had some fun parts, but the lackluster ending was disappointing. They could have gotten their message of brothers taking care of one another and still made bank. Failed for me.

Locke & Key

Could be better
Bode is the little brother, unlikable and awful character. I am watching episode 2 and hope he gets lost in the well...permanently, maybe then this series will get better. He is totally annoying. Other kids are is also annoying and not likable...sadly will not finish series due to these two awful character/actors-they just ruin it.

Locke & Key

Could be better
Bode is the little brother, unlikable and awful character. I am watching episode 2 and hope he gets lost in the well...permanently, maybe then this series will get better. He is totally annoying. Other kids are is also annoying and not likable...sadly will not finish series due to these two awful character/actors-they just ruin it.

The Mandalorian

Great show
Unfortunately episode 6 was awful, was excited to see Bill Burr on here-unfortunately he got caught in the worse episode written


4 stars for the animation
The animation was pretty good. For me the story lacked. It was Hatfields and McCoys meets Cruella DeVille vs. sad Santa and a millennial. Did not feel like a Christmas movie. I wouldn't play this for my kids. They missed the mark on this.

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