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I, Robot

The movie I robot is the Isaac Asimov's book of the same name. The movie is about a policeman against advance technology, where people depend more and more on thecnology and less on themselves. In a near future where robots become a part of daily life in the cities to make easier the process. There are three laws that govern the robots: Law I: A robot may not harm a human or, by inaction, allow a human being to come to harm Law II: A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the first law Law III: A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the first or second law

This laws may seem contradictory so they can preserve at all costs humanity. But when humanity doesn't want protection, what happens? If I order a robot to kill someone that may or may not harm, they must obey. But according to their laws they can't, because they are not killing machines. So the mere purpose of robots is to reduce to statistics and calculations so they can act, even against their owner. So their rules become null when there is a higher purpose at hand, they act on duty but we don't. https://pensarparaserfeliz.wordpress.com/2017/04/09/i-robot-and- minimalism/

A Thousand Words

A 1,000 words
To speak a thousand words in a day without meaning is throwing away the opportunity to make a change in the world, your world. To have the hability to speak is a gift we have and earn to make sense in the world. What does the others need from you? What can you give?

Our words can give life or take it. We need to be careful with what we say to make our life easier or harder. Our mouth can open doors or close them once we speak. We just need to be aware of what we say.

What we mean transforms into actions. To make a change in what is happening with the world it can be because we don't listen to what is really happening. Learn to express what you really mean, nobody can contradict us if we really mean it.

Speaking is easy, but to choose whom to talk is what matter most. Depending on what matters the most we tend to mean things to make a difference in our lives. Speak from within not from the outside. https://pensarparaserfeliz.wordpress.com/2017/04/12/a-thousand- words/

Beauty and the Beast

Classic never change
We may be amazed by all the magic Disney created with the classic love story Beauty and the Beast. With all the technology involved the recreation of all the characters were magical. Besides the amazing effects, the lesson remains the same: self-love.

Belle is a girl that doesn't fit in, other villagers think she is weird for being interested in books and for not being concerned with how she looks or appearances. In contrast we have Gaston who is the ultimate hunk of the village that comes home from war to seeking wife, everyone in the village wants to marry him, but Belle doesn't. This makes Gaston think she is playing hard-to-get and wants her more. Belle's father is the misunderstood scientist that creates beautiful things to sell in another town.

When Belle is captured in the castle, we meet the Beast as a terrible and selfish person who is kept under the spell. The main character may be Belle with all her intelligence and good-sense that shows us that being intellectual help us see the tragic world we are living with a new approach.

But the character we can all relate to the most is the Beast, the lack of self-esteem is what we may see at every age. How the Beast develops in the story is the self-realization of who he really is and what matters the most: to love ourselves is more important than what others think of us. The Beast is enchanted for his frivolity and what makes him behave like an animal, but when Belle comes and shows him that outer image of himself is not the most important thing, rather he should show who he really is; that is when the change of his own image comes from within.

To know yourself, is to realize that what matters the most to you is what counts, and not what others think matter. Whatever interests us is what we are truly passionate about and not what other tell us. To find ourselves is to learn about who we are and what we are capable of.


Logan and consciousness
Logan is the film based of Wolverine a member of the X men, a mutant league that helps save the world from other evil mutants. Thanks to Professor Xavier they are educated and learn to control their powers or mutations for the good of human kind. In this battle between humans and mutants, Wolverine is the rebel that becomes one of the main characters of the comic book. Wolverine has become a hit, that the film industry has made a series of movies to explain his life through the years. His mutation and character becomes the center piece of the main issue: why him? And how can I get rid of it? This are the main questions we ask ourselves at a point in our lives. Logan's thirst to know himself has taken him to live far more than any other mutant, his ability to regenerate and his adamantium implants has become his fortune and curse.

This film takes place in the near future where there are no more mutants, humans have destroyed them. There are a few left and Logan is keeping alive Professor Xavier. This fight against humankind has come to an end where mutants are gone and there is no one else to protect earth. As the epic battle comes to an end, Logan finds out that mankind is making mutants by taking their genes to build weapons for the government. When a younger mutant comes to the scene, Logan finds out that this girl is his "daughter" and was raised in a Mexican hospital to be a weapon instead of a kid.

The main problem is when science interferes with mankind and expect it to behave as a robot with a series of configurations to act according. But human beings have a conscience that tells them who they are and percive a sense of what is good and bad. We can teach them to fight and act in a way but we will never stop thinking about our actions and who we are. Our place in the world is one of the main questions about our identity, and the present actions we do become a part of who we are. We can't be another person and change who we are, we can only be better or worse. https://pensarparaserfeliz.wordpress.com/2017/03/20/logan- and- consciousness/

The Giver

Language to give
In a near future when societies needs to defend themselves from real threats and the constant search for meaning; humankind hasn't varied who we really are. But what would happened if we loose all meanging from the world? If we express ourselves without the intention behind what we say? To be more and more precise in language to avoid our true feelings and ideas that keeps us from harm? It is the same idea to prevent others from suffering that keeps humankind away from itself. What keeps us in the dark to a new way of living avoiding what is a part of us: feelings. As if Emotions keeps us from what is good, the colour of life. And so this story we make call it: prophetic. People change words to disguise the true meaning of what is really happening. For example: euthanasia is to kill a person to preserve his or her dignity. To say it different doesn't mean that we aren't acting. The truth is in reality, not in our perspective, to change it is to lie to ourselves. The giver is a special job where there is a chance to See Far Beyond things that maintains the sense in the world hiding. Where an Elder transmit the past and learn the secret history of the world, when things were different. Those things are written in books, those weapons that confuse humankind. The past is kept in the dark so there is no future, there is no progress just stability, to be secure. https://pensarparaserfeliz.wordpress.com/2017/04/05/the-giver-and- the-risk-of-languaje/


Silence and knowing thyself
Any film director is characterized by his movies. Scorcese is not the exception. Some of his movies are violent, erotic, and filled with history. The movie Silence is a particular one, due that the lack of violence, erotism and the rapid movement of the camera shows us another version of this great director. You may call it an apology of Christianity or a complaint against this religion. But the fact is that this movie shows us when 2 great religions find each other: Budhism and Christianism. Both religions teach peace, but their essence is completely different:

Buda is a state where all men can become and then be happy and become one with God Salvation comes with the knowledge of true love to be happy with God

There is a slight difference in those religions. The movie explains it so well, that it may help you (if you believe) to realize what your religion is about. If you aren't religious then is a cultural knowledge to understand this religions.

The movie is about jesuit "padres" that go to Japan to evangelize a new and unexplored civilization. After 20 years, the missionaries are being put to death in the most horrid ways ever, for altering the peace and destroying the cultural and religious identity of the country. Why make others think the way you think? Why not let people live and let live their lives? https://pensarparaserfeliz.wordpress.com/2017/03/14/silence-and- knowing-thyself/

La La Land

Lala land and freedom
Lala land is one of the most awarded pictures of all times, and it comes to us in a time when the world is in such state with religious, political, economical and social wars that contribute to the world crisis.

The movie is based on a young girl that wants to make it in the movie business. Life in Hollywood with the constant chase for a major roll and to have a life changing experience and become famous. All she needs is one chance to change her destiny.

As we watch the movie with all the colours and music we can appreciate what life is through jazz. Its music takes us to another level where we try to fight for our survival, to have our 5 seconds of solo (fame) and then to mingle with the other instruments that complement our purpouse in existence. Life is about being in the world with all the kind of people that makes us hear they way we sound.

The parallelism in both lives, the struggle, the dreams, the project and the talent shows us that anyone can do it. But if we aren't willing to share the dream and make sacrifices, then we may travel different. That is what happens to the main characters, they fell in love, but didn't share any of their passions to make it work. That's why we see two versions of their love life, what you are willing to give to be successful.

The taste of freedom in this movie shows us the things we choose in the present affects the things to come in the future. The happy ending is all about us here and now. https://pensarparaserfeliz.wordpress.com/2017/03/06/lala-land-and- freedom/

Hidden Figures

The women on Hidden figures
The movie Hidden Figures is about three women that stood up for their rights through their capability to change the way the world views life: sending a man to outer space. This movie shows us a reality of women through 1935. The fight against segregation, and the social and civil rights of every woman in the country. It may seem that the movie talks about a racial profile, when we may be missing the point; it is about women fighting for their rights and stepping up in the study of exact mathematical sciences that are very much needed in the world, specially at NASA. Women's rights and segregation were fought for at the same time. NASA held women as assistants, secretaries and secondary help in the great enterprise of sending a man to space and back. This step in humankind united all kinds of people with all their talents to make the impossible, possible. To reach for the stars is a dream they conquered. At that time it was something crazy, literally, out of this world. When the world gathers without disctinction, we are able to achieve so much more in the meaning of life, than when we are all alone. https://pensarparaserfeliz.wordpress.com/2017/03/28/the-women-on- hidden-figures/

Remember the Titans

Remember greatness
In the movie Remember the Titans we learn about the racial dispute between black and white in 1971. The story shows us that we are all humans no matter the race but the ability to succeed in life no matter what we look like: we all have the same capacity to be successful. Now we may think the problem doesn't affect us, but again we are at the same point they were: we don't want others because they are different, they think differently so we have the right to segregate them. https://pensarparaserfeliz.wordpress.com/2017/05/13/aint-no-mountain- high-enough/

Miss Sloane

Ethic's business
The movie Sloane is about a woman in charge of governmental issues to pass bills in order to be mandatory. The main character is a woman, Elizabeth Sloane, who is willing to do anything to win. Therefore, we see her as a Machiavellian person moving the pieces (people) all around to show she is right. We see her working 24/7; she seems successful for having a job and apparently no scruples to win. This seems contradictory in Sloane who on the one hand fights gun-control, but on the other hand manipulates her co-workers to advance in her poll. The main issue is the way Ethics is ruled over the lobby in terms of approving o disapproving moral matters that affect the population. Ethics cannot be sold to the best bider. What is wrong is wrong, no matter who says it; it is not about the amount of money that guarantees you the right to defend killing another human being, nor the beliefs you have of any matter. Killing is taking the life of another. No matter what the reasons are, to kill is to stop the existence of a living being to change his or her ways. https://pensarparaserfeliz.wordpress.com/2017/04/26/sloane-ethics- business/

A Dog's Purpose

Have a purpose
The movie "A dog's purpose" explains us the life of a dog as a way to understand how it is possible for these amazing animals to be capable to do whatever it takes to make us love them. This idea may be taken from the cynical philosophers that taught us that to live a natural life, to be ourselves without too much rationalization, we will live a happy life, like a dog. The main proposal is that dogs are able to reincarnate until they have achieved their purpose: to be needed. The movie shows us that dogs are there as a way of service to humankind, and this is not as "tools", but as teachers. Dogs teach us to love unconditional; no matter how we feel or what are we thinking, they are always there. We can train them to be more "civilized", but their unconditional support is always there. They have a sense to know if we are feeling sad or happy, they are able to recognize our feeling and simply accompany us.

The Healer

Healing abilities
The movie The Healer is a great example of who we are and what we are able to do to make a change in society, but if we don't realize that we have the power to make a better world, we are condemned to be victims of what is happening all around us. Make a change in someone's life: smile at them, greet everyone, do your job, forgive others.

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