Reviews (31)

  • Excellent Action packed movie! Russell Crowe delivered as always a great performance. Liam was great in his role along with all the other supporting actors!

    Kept me at the edge of my couch til the very end. I was begging for more and more.

    Very complete movie with an awesome ending.

    If you like war movies that has a mission to rescue plot well this is right up there with "Tears of the Sun" !

    Very realistic delivery with a brutality that will elate and sadden.

    Intense fighting. Excellent special effects with blood and fire.

    Great job Russell Crowe and Liam Hemsworth with his bro Luke and especially Milo Ventimiglia and Ricky Whittle!!! Awesome.
  • Held my attention right if the her go. Well laid out plot.

    True with traumatic experiences. The mind suppresses those memories and doles it out piece by piece throughout your life. Those pieces you fit together like a puzzle to try to make sense from them.

    Man what a great story. I thought it was a great a time the pieces all fit together and displays the image. Well crafted and unpredictable.

    Movies I think are not only entertaining but can educate and gets one to thinking.

    Let sleeping dogs lie can be a good thing I guess sometimes if you don't want to know the truth. But the question is will the subconscious mind let you????
  • The 9 is because I thought it kinda dragged on in the beginning. But it rapidly picked up and got real bloody. Dracula portrayed in the most terrifying form ever. Dracula here was relentless and utterly EVIL. The setting cinematography I thought was excellent. Well acted. Great idea for the making of this movie. Extracted from the captain's log re Dracula's story. We not only have a creature on board a schooner to deal with but also the raging onslaught of the rough seas. Very artfully done with the different type of characters and their personalities. Reminds me a little bit of the creature in JeepersCreepers and there a sequel? Who knows...
  • This movie is powerfully entertaining and very funny. A must own. A must see only in 3D will have you blocking and ducking. Everything possible is packed in this 2 hours of this heart pounding sequel. You will spill your popcorn and aspirate your Coca Cola. No spoilers here. Jason not only kicked assailants assess but wreak havoc on these beasts. He was not a lone shark he had mega back up. Wonderfully acted. Amazing special effects. Multiple plots. I cried several times. You couldn't ask for more. The true hero here was not Jason. I will not spill the carcasses here. You must go see 3D. Hands down I'm going to see again.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The worst shark movie to ever grace planet earth. Not even worth watching for free. You can count the times you actually saw a shark. Lets go with maybe 6 ish. Movie evolves around a folklore...a black Megalodon rising from the depths to punish mankind for treating nature like crap. It unfolds around an oil rig in the middle of the ocean. The little dog stole the whole show. Are Mexicans really that bad? Fear, superstition and lets squeez a big as BLACK shark in there to rip us off!!! Why why...WHY. Granted all the ingredients were there to make a bang on movie. But NO instead we go a movie with a killer ending BOOM.
  • A very nice refreshing game you can play on your console without the wearisome drudgery of the online crap! Reminiscent of the Deadspace series this game kicks butt. Great plot and awesome game play. Very fun and challenging. Scary as hell too so don't play at nite. It has everything you can want...creatures and a wide array of weapons. You play this character that has to find his way tru 'hell' to access an escape route back to civilization. You are guided and prompted by another character as you make your way to escape the mutant infested distant moon that you crash landed on. The unexpected is riddled throughout the journey!!
  • ....and these are no violins.. and they make sweet music..haha Mikey Rouke despite his plastic surgery nightmare continues to deliver high caliber acting. Great plot. Unsurpassed special effects. A breath of fresh air in the myriad of cesspool movies. A definite gem to be watched over and over again.
  • Man what an awesome story...this series held my attention...guess an experience bloke like myself can understand the complexities at work here. Human beings man...I dunno...all I know is everything comes full circle. It may take years but eventually all is revealed...this is one aspect of this story.
  • Lets not get too critical here. It's fast paced action ENTERTAINMENT!!! Two hours non stop. Loved it!!! Held my attention!!! A great rental ! A good movie for a change after all the recent garbage!!!
  • No I can't dig this movie. I guess the problem here is that this movie just doesn't measure up to The 13th Warrior, 300, GOT, Excalibur...and other exceedingly better movies or series. It just didn't make the grade for its genre. Great poster tho. My conclusion is ...there is nothing left to create for this genre...all is left are remakes. Boom move on!
  • Held my attention all the way to the end. Well acted and seemed so realistic. Another great movie from Netflix. Movie addressed so many issues and did this artfully. There's a little piece of everything. Watch it and appreciate it. Sucked in SA back then. FREEDOM!!!!! Nice.
  • I was not only in awe of this story but in awe of the remarkable performance by Ben Foster...also including and was great to see Danny Devito!!.. Leguizamo...Peter Sarasgard...awesome!!
  • Well written and well acted. A unique twist to this genre. Awesome movie that got a lot of bad press. Man !!! I seem to recall the likeness to Gary Busy ' Silver bullet' ...
  • Why why why? Ok the massive monster was cool. This movie was not ok. It was terrible. Time to retire Resident Evil eternally! Not much going on here......................................
  • Man I love this series. It's more than the actual theme. There's a lot here: survival, romance , betrayal and tragedy. And mystery that always shrouds anything Alien.
  • Man everything about this movie can be real. It pulled me in and I felt I was there. Made my skin crawl. Bottom line is don't do prison time. Plot with some twist and surprises. Great acting off course.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    MCH hasn't aged a bit! Always liked him and everything he did. Ok so far New Blood is decent. Debra is very irritating and hopefully she fades away...I just concluded 2 Episodes hahaha. Anyway the show got my attention and I'm confident it will only get better!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Man this was entertaining and held my attention on a cold nite with nothing much else going on. Watch out for the Kee Ko doll! Hahaha. Acting, setting pretty decent. Story predictable. Expected a bit more punch but didn't happen. Got a little bit irritated towards the end. They did not show much of the creature .....just arms face and teeth..had that little twitch thing going on that originated from The Ring...😬.... I don't foresee a S2. Always got to give the Danish an A+ for going all out win our lose.
  • 19 November 2021
    Cute movie. It held my attention. Just a simple movie to enjoy without a critical eye. Funny...slightly emotional....symbolic...hey man it's a Tom Hank's movie. Enough said. Amen.
  • Hey this movie held my attention like all Clint's movies and rates a 10er because it's Clint Eastwood man!!!! I think it's kinda awesome he's still working and acting. My hat off to him. I loved the familiar thunder punch! I was expecting it! Anyway I enjoyed the movie and that's that. Not gonna employ any critical spiel here. I look forward to his next one!!!!!!!
  • Ok this movie held my attention. Definitely scared the crap outta me. A lot of twists and turns....but everything (well almost) fell into place in the end....maybe except for one scene which I could not figure out so I may have to rewind! Anyway I liked it booooo wah!!!
  • Now did I get your attention?! :) this movie held my attention. Yes it did. It was entertaining as hell ! And the special effects was frikkin great!! The scene outside the plane in the sky made me cringe! .. I've never sky dived or bungeed but man!!!..I'm trying hard to give spoilers here but lets not forget we watch movies sometimes for pure entertainment! And I do admire the creativity here. This is part horror, sci fi, action and comedy hahaha...if I were a serious guy with knots in my shorts I would rate it a ONE but I'm not! Hahaha....rock on people!!!!
  • Reminds me a little bit of EdgeOfTomorrow. Yes I will watch again on my big tv(watched on my phone on vacation 😂) Let's not forget that movies are supposed to be entertaining...I mean primarily...this was entertaining and stretched my imagination. I thought it was well done. There are other movies out there with the same characteristics and I've enjoyed them all!!!! Man! Whoever created these creatures WOW did a great job! The special effects were crazy phenomenal! ✌🏽
  • Held my attention and culminated into a binge! Man what a great series! Just shows you how a human being can potentially change ....for's seems like the survivors were more animal like and deadlier than the actual zombies lol.
  • Hey in the wake of a ' trillion' zombie movies and tv shows I think this was a bold create a plot that was unique ....and this movie was unique, entertaining and complete. It wasn't a quick hustle and it keep giving more and more! I liked it. Special effects were Tarantino like! And attention to detail was very obvious ! It was well worth the 2.5 hrs of my ass on the couch!! Hahaha. I actually think this plot would have made a great video game!!!!!! Hopefully it will hahahaha.
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