
IMDb member since January 2006
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The Librarians: And the Silver Screen
Episode 4, Season 4

Back on form
At last the series is back on form. After a few lack-luster episodes it's good to see the old librarians shining through. In this episode we had loads of humour and slapstick woven around a good story. I would tell you more, but I can't spoil your enjoyment.

The Librarians: And the Christmas Thief
Episode 3, Season 4

NOT a Christmas cracker
Yes, it is a Christmas episode but Oh Boy did they overload it with sugary sentiment. I am not a Bah Humbug person, but even a saint would be hard pushed to keep their dinner down after watching this turkey. It's only saving grace was an almost total lack of Wyle, for which we should all be thankful. Looking forward to the next ep though. :)

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