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No Exit

Not enough build up
I absolutely never say this but I think this movie needed to be longer. The book did an amazing job of building up a lot of tension before the kidnapper reveal and between each subsequent plot twist while still being very action packed. The movie really didn't accomplish the tension nearly as well. Adding more scenes between each plot twist would've added a lot to the movie. Instead, it was a very quick succession of reveals which left me feeling disappointed. As other reviewers have said, Darby being an addict added nothing to the plot. In fact it would've made a greater impact during the hand scene for Darby to be an artist like in the book. If the movie would've been more true to the book storyline in this regard, more time could've been spent on all the characters being together adding to the eeriness of the movie.

Hello, Goodbye and Everything in Between

Odd pacing
The pacing of this movie felt off for me. When the movie started I thought I missed something because the beginning of their relationship was so rushed. It's hard to root for a relationship we only see in quick clips. This movie was pretty short so spending 10-15 extra minutes establishing the relationship for the audience probably would've helped the romance be a lot more believable. I'm not sure if it's rushed like that in the book too because I haven't read it but the title is Hello, Goodbye and Everything in Between. The hello is a blip and we are missing a big chunk of that in between part.

The Handmaid's Tale: Pigs
Episode 1, Season 4

All over the place
There were some inconsistencies that didn't really make sense to me. June wants to protect the young Mrs Keyes after learning she was sexually assaulted but then June tells her to kill a man. While that man was one of the perpetrators, killing anyone is very psychologically damaging, especially for a young girl. The very end of the episode was also confusing. It's clear June thinks of Mrs Keyes as a daughter/younger sister but Mrs Keyes' motive for laying down with June are unclear. Was she looking for comfort from a friend or was it something more in her mind?

Riverdale: Chapter Eighty-Four: Lock & Key
Episode 8, Season 5

Chad calling women "females" and treating Veronica like property. Cheryl forcing Jughead to participate in the key draw when he is clearly drunk. Archie continuing to have relationships based purely on sex and running away when any emotions are involved at all so he can continue to not deal with his issues. Also everyone talking about their 30s approaching them they're all supposed to be 25. Cheryl continually being manipulative to every single person in her life instead of just talking to them. Honestly all of the guys being incapable of introspection. They all need therapy.

After We Collided

So toxic
The toxicity of this relationship is on par with the couple on The Kissing Booth, maybe even worse. The plot was so disjointed. The acting was horrible. Just... bad.

Christmas Catch

Swing and a miss
I love bad cheesy Christmas movies but this one was BAD. If your only personality traits are clumsy, bad fashion sense, loves Christmas, you're probably the female lead in a terrible movie. The only way the Mack became a detective was through nepotism because she is abysmally bad at her job.

Four Weddings and a Funeral

Secondary characters made the show
Overall I enjoyed this show but the secondary characters were just so much better. The core four had almost no character development at all while the secondary characters flourished.

Dangerous Lies

Not good.
This movie was... not good. There was absolutely no character development. Adam was a pretty guy honestly and for as much as she protested, Katie certainly didn't feel bad enough about their actions to ever actually stop going along with very shady things.

There were a lot of plot points that didn't make sense and weren't wrapped up. If Mr Calvern cared about the reputation of his company, he wouldn't have shown up at the house in the middle of the night for no apparent reason. Julia would've known as a lawyer, that representing Leonard, Katie, AND Adam was a massive conflict of interest. Where did all of that money in the attic come from??? Why was toxicology testing not done on Leonard? If the police were actually looking into his death, why did they not take his medications and medication log as evidence? How is Katie going to pay the massive amount of property taxes on that giant house? 100,000 dollars is not going to cover expenses for very long. Thinking about all of this during a 1.5 hour movie is exhausting.

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