
IMDb member since June 2018
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Teen Titans Go!

This show is weak
Just like the Ben 10 reboot , this show is bad. The bad stuff : Animation , Jokes , Action Scenes , Twerking , the Characters are not as good as in the original (robin is the worst of the titans) , the writing and the show during 2015-2017 dominated the schedule. The good stuff : The character designs are decent , the voice acting is good , it contains lesser known corners from the DC Canon and the movie was decent. It almost is the best modern CN reboot , but the PPG reboot is better.

Hero: 108

Honestly this is not bad
Yes , the animation and the character designs are weak , but the show itself is fairly okay. The first season was mediocre , but the 2nd was way better , some likable characters and it's nowhere near as awful as other shows from CN.

Will Rock

Maybe not the best game , but a good one nontheless
It's a game similar to Serious Sam , which was a great budget game. This game is a good low budget game as well. Decent graphics , good gameplay , most games took place in Ancient Rome , they decided to try something different (Ancient Greece). It has a variety of weapons , a multiplayer mode which is dead now.

The Angry Video Game Nerd

The Best Series From the Internet
While the series has a few flaws , they are very minor. The series is about The AVGN , a nerd who reviews awful games (on some occasions good games) and while not meant to be taken seriously , it's somehow more trustable than today's game journalists (IGN , Polygon , Kotaku , Common Sense Media).

Silver Surfer

The game is alright , the difficulty is too hard
While I like the music , gameplay and graphics , the difficulty is so damn unfair. It's considered one of the worst NES games , but it's not. It would fit more in the Hardest NES Games Ever.

Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends: Where There's a Wilt There's a Way/Everyone Knows It's Bendy
Episode 3, Season 2

Everyone Knows It's Bendy was so bad
What the hell happened to this episode? Like seriously , it's the 2nd worst thing ever on TV tied with "And Then There Were None" & "And Then There Was Ben" from Ben 10 Omniverse. Bendy is a kusoge character , Frankie was out-of-character , Mr. Herriman was more of a jerk than he already was , also False Advertising because not everyone knows Bendy.


Why everyone hates this show?
Yes , it might not be as good as things like Regular Show , Teen Titans (2003) or Adventure Time , but it's decent.

The Freq Show

Only Tropes vs Women in Video Games competes this junk
This is the worst thing ever. Even worse than school , and I cannot believe I say this.

GTFO: Get the F&#% Out

Horrible Movie
This movie has abysmal acting , starring Sarkeesian , her feminazi cronies , demonetises video games and more. This is so bad , Incredible Crew (worst Cartoon Network show in existence) is better than this.

Ben 10: Omniverse: And Then There Was Ben
Episode 2, Season 6

Worse than Omni-Tricked
1. 200th episode of the whole series 2. Horrible lines 3. How it has higher than 4/10?! 4. SO MANY CHANNELS ABOUT THIS

Tropes vs. Women in Video Games

The worst thing that could ever exist on the internet
I would give it a 0/10 , but I can't because of the lowest rating being 1/10. What's bad about it? EVERYTHING! Nothing good from it , steals fottage , tells lies and game companies take this idiot who made the series seriously.

The Problem Solverz

AWFUL with Caps Lock
1) The character designs are abysmal. Chop Socky Chooks character designs looked better. 2) Godawful animation that makes Teen Titans Go look like a masterpiece. 3) Way too bright colors 4) Annoying characters 5) It got a second season. What's good about it? 1) It's quite original.

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