
IMDb member since January 2006
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    18 years


See This Movie

Two film school graduates enter a film festival with a film that doesn't exist. Yet.
This movie's hilarious. When two knuckleheads graduate from a 10-day film school - one's a "Director" (Seth Meyers) and the other's a "Producer" (John Cho) - they decide to enter the Toronto Film Festival. There's only one problem. They don't have a movie and the Festival begins in a two days. The Director buys time by convincing his ex-girlfriend (Jessalyn Gilsig), who happens to be running the Festival, to consider his (at this point non-existent) film for the festival. When she tells him it's impossible because all the films have already been selected, he plays the "I'm dying of Cancer" card. She takes the bait and they're off to the races. I won't go into all the details of how they lie, cheat and steal to get their film made, but it's definitely worth checking out. If you want to be a filmmaker some day and want to get a taste of what it takes to break into "The Biz," or if you just want to laugh at why you're nuts enough to still be in the carnival ride of indie film-making, you should definitely "See This Movie."

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