
IMDb member since July 2018
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Edge of Fear

A Movie That Didn't Need To Be Made
Robert Patrick stinks here. I am surprised he lasted on Scorpion TV series for so long. The knife/shooting scenes are good. The Doc to survive so long with a knife in his chest, nah. He is a 'superman' in this film. I think it is a co-op film using Chinese money, couple of Asians and the rest American actors.


A 'Sci-Fi' D-Day film!
Wow! Far out story, different and watchable. Agree with others about blacks being integrated with white soldiers on D-Day and blacks being the Airborne unit. No blacks in the front lines in 1944, only in the supply and kitchen depts. This film just wanted to be PC. The set production good, uniforms correct, weapons correct and some plot holes, incorrect. Will not go into specifics, you see them. Not your 'normal' war film so suspend what you know about WWII & D-Day.

Hunter Killer

Hooyah for the Navy!
Good film. Gerard had no discernible Scottish accent in this portrayal of a sub captain. He is listed as a producer so maybe he felt he could this off, he did. I would put this 4th on my list of good Navy films. Some tense moments. The Seals were too 'heroic', made into super men here. I was in the AF but I feel the XO was insubordinate in a few scenes of interaction between him and the Captain. In descending order: Enemy Below, Hunt for Red October, Crimson Tide and Hunter Killer. A comment put Widow Maker as a good sub film, I felt that film was lame and didn't like it.

American Odyssey

Worth Watching
I binged watched the 13 episodes over 2 nights. Parts were good but there were more bad parts. Probably due to the script, direction and acting. Peter is awful and when I looked into his bio, I understood why. A 'twilight' actor. Ugh. Still, if you no other better choice, take a chance with this.


Good until the LOUSY ending
Concur with most reviews. Started out good for 50 minutes or so then, swoosh, downhill it went. Preposterous ending. The ridiculous last scene with Alex sitting on the couch, OMG, give me a break! She tears his face off upstairs and he walks down the stairs and sit on the couch and dies?


Good Except for Last Episode
I have to agree with others about the last show. I would give it an 8 until the 2nd half of part 6. The bomb disarming part was not well scripted. It did have all the political b.s. and inter-department jealousy and bungling by the police/intelligence services. I'd still recommend this though.

The Dead Pool

Make My Day, Clint!
1988! Thirty years ago and it's hard to believe it's been that long since this film was made by Clint & Malpaso. Harry is not a PC cop. He must have killed about 10 bad guys without being suspended or, at least, on administrative duty. Entertaining film. Being a native SF, I enjoy the city as b/g. Loved the elavator shoot-up scene at Ghiradelli Square. The credits showed a location shoot as 1954 Mason St. I was born and raised on 1949 Mason St. Wow, ain't that amazing...not.


Serial Killer in the City By The Bay
It was made 23 years ago! And I enjoyed it as much now and I did then. Weaver & Hunter did a good job with this. The director had to make adjustments whenever they appeared together due their stature difference and he did this nicely. Great film and showed parts of 'my' city nicely.


Just 10 minutes and I went NOPE!
And Cage didn't even show yet and already the film had terrible acting, bad soldiers and soldiering, and another dumb cop(not Cage). I clicked off.

The Predator

The Predator is the worst sequel ever
I have to agree with most of the low reviews. Poor script, real bad acting and Olivia stunk. The guys that played the 'good guys' and had their little crazy bios told to us were in a "Bus of Fools.'' I'm assuming the director had no military consultant. I didn't want to believe the reviews and found out how true they were myself.

Brooklyn's Finest

Fuqua Is Good!
A top notch director with a good story and a great cast. How many times have Cheadle, Hawke & Gere played cops in their careers? A lot. In this one, they continue with excellent performances. I like Gere in this one. I didn't like him in Internal Affairs. The time is 2009 but the crime and killings are still happening in the 'hood(in every city in the USA) today, nothing has changed in 9 years. Drugs & Thugs..S.S.D.D.! My 2nd time but like seeing it for the 1st time.


$68M For a Blah Film
What a waste of money(and talented actors) to tell a story to be enviornmentally conscious. Message whizzed over my head. I thought, "What a weird film." Matt better do a Jason B. film again and Christopher is better being a Nazi. skip this.

A Quiet Place

SHHHHH! Or you will miss this film.
An okay film with holes: Youngest son way too young to left alone and to have to keep silent while walking home. How did the nail get there? Why did it stick straight up all of a sudden? Who planted the corn, plowed the fields? Nice looking cornfields. Over a year the movie tells us with 'Day 476" etc., and the corn is still looking fresh in the silo? The DVD box has, "A Masterpiece That Will Scare For Generations"...Is he serious?


ex-Machine = Morgan
This film is another version of that film albeit much more violent, bloody overkill. Kate did some good fight scenes with 'Morgan', very well choreographed. The small surprise ending I kinda suspected but still nice though. I also think this is similar to SOLDIER where so-called scientist try to manufacture a perfect killing machine and fail.

Our Kind of Traitor

A So-So Spy Movie
The location shots were nice and I took a tour of Europe with this movie. Not a good adaption of this book I would think. Two goofs...McGregor never shot a weapon yet he kills the guy with his one shot. The Russian find out where the traitor is hiding yet they send only 3, THREE people to capture them. I'd send at least a dozen. Another film that you can skip.

Jack Reacher: Never Go Back

TC still not JR, hope he stops trying
I wished that TC did not buy the film rights for these films. At 5'7", he is hieght challenged for the role than LC wrote. It should have Jason Stratham in the role. TC had the $ so he got it. TC, don't make a 3rd, puleeze!


Empty House
Something missing to make this film good. The budget is only $3.5M? Is that a typo? I would think Helen would ask for at least $1M per film. Scenes not scary to me. If I never saw this film, I would not have missed a thing. I am a CA/Bay Area native and have never been to the Winchester House in San Jose. After seeing this movie, I still won't.

The Family Man

Love This Sentimental & Cheesy Film
Probably my 4th viewing and I tear-up each time. The fantasy life he wakes up to reminds me of myself and my selfishness but that's another story. I think Tea and Nick have great chemistry and acted wonderfully in their roles. Their wife and husband and parental roles are what millions of people do everyday in the world. One of my favorite films. In a couple of years, I'll see it again.


Believe This! Won Best Picture.
This was award best picture, best actor & actress in 2012. I don't know if the awards are like our Oscars or not but hey, to each(country) his own. To me, run-of-the-mill horror flick with fast moving ghost images, some gore and blood, a spoiled teenage brat and the husband who got sucked into an 'amway-type' scheme for a employment. See this if you have nothing else planned. I saw it on n/f 9/25/2018.

True Justice

Same Seagal Junk
Even 8 years ago, Steve was acting like a zombie in his films. As exec-producer, he probably didn't speak softly but carried a big sword to whack his crew. His cast were like zombies too. terrible actors. I viewed this in the condensed version on n/f but had to quit after 30 minutes. He has his barrel chest and huge body but not a enormous as now, 2018 films. I won't bother with Seagal films anymore.


Very slow but interesting
Reminds me to never visit Finland in the winter. Throughout the whole 12 episodes, I was feeling the cold. How long is their winter? Many unsatisfactory police procedures the actors followed, not their fault but the director. In a few shows, the leads eat their lunch in a car in the middle of nowhere, have their case discussions in desolate places. Sheesh, eat in a restaurant or meet at a bar where it is warm with good food. Why do they always seem to have an inept superior in these European crime shows? Whether Italian, Spanish or Icelandic, the bosses are always jerks. Anyway, I saw all 12 and rate it a 6.

Like Father

Blink and skip it.
Yawn. Both veteran actors trying their best with a mediocre script. The games part on the ship was so unrealistic. Actors seemed to be 'walking' through it and you know who would win. Just another Love Boat type film that you will not miss anything if you don't see this.


Expected the usual but surprised.
Sarah(Emelie) a does a great job in the lead and 'Jake' is my hero. I will not doubt an 11 yr old again. Kept me interested and watching intently throughout. Some people want no plot holes, no errors but hey, it's just a movie. Don't look for the flaws and enjoy the popcorn. I recommend this.

The Frozen Ground

One of Cage better films
With all the crap that Nic has been doing, this is one of the good ones. I am surprised with Vanesa's performance. She did a really good job and I give her kudos for spending time with the actual victim for background knowledge. Hard to believe that one man could musrder so many women for so many years before getting caught. Good film which I got at my local library. I was not aware otherwise.


Disappointing Best Entry
If this was the 'best' Mexico had that year, the others must have been pretty bad. It was slow. Too many car rides and views from the back seat. The lead actor s**cked in his role. Others weren't much better. The DVD cover had "Stunning", "Powerful" and "Soul of Mexico" as praises. Bull! Not a good film and this was chosen Best Director at Cannes? Sheesh.

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