
IMDb member since July 2018
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The Devil's Own

Watch it for Pitt and Ford.
Starring big stars Harrison Ford and Brad Pitt The Devil's Own is a strange film- While The Devil's Own doesn't do a spectacular job of fulfilling the promise of its cast or its complex politics-and-guns premise, it is nevertheless reasonably well-paced. The less intently you watch this movie, the greater the chance that you'll be pleased by it. Unfortunately, if you're paying attention, it won't take long to notice that very little of the last act holds together. That sort of high-tension, mind-numbing climax makes it difficult for me to retain more than token enthusiasm for the production as a whole. Pitt and Ford do credible jobs as Frankie and Tom. Despite his character's brutal, bloody past, Pitt manages to capture our sympathy, in large part because, aside from the killings, Frankie seems like a likable sort of guy. Ford, in a role that's a far cry from the cocky Han Solo, recalls Jack Ryan, the protagonist of Patriot Games and Clear and Present Danger -- a hero whose armor is just a little too shiny.


Nowhere as bad as everyone claims.
This was one laughed at movie. Jokes abounded on how astonishingly bad Gigli was. Is it true? The advance word on this film was so vicious that I had to see for myself if it's as bad as its early reputation suggested. The verdict: Gigli doesn't live up to (or should that be down to?) its hype. The worst film of all time? Give me a break. Gigli isn't even the worst film of the summer, and won't come close to the year's Bottom 10 list. I'm not going to defend the movie. I don't recommend it and, for the most part, it's an example of inept filmmaking, but it is watchable. I have to wonder if those who are coming down so hard on the motion picture have a secondary agenda. Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez are adequate- not Bogart/Hepburn but not too terrible either.

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

Underrated dark comedy from a master.
Shane Black is a good writer. Judging by Kiss Kiss Bang bang he is also a fantastic director. This dark comedy is an incredibly underrated comedy and showcases the powerhouse talent of Val Kilmer, Robert Downey Jr. and Shane Black. Laden with one liners and throwaway jokes Kiss Kiss Bang bang should be re watched to get everything in, for only one viewing is not enough. Perhaps this is the reason the film underperformed at the box office. If you are a fan of Robert Downey Jr. you owe it to yourself to watch this film.


Handheld in a monster movie.
Cloverfield is a good film. Like The Blair Witch Project it puts you in the midst of the action with a camcorder. This is good because the immediacy of the situation is well realized and the chaos truly captured. In a nutshell a giant creature wrecks havoc on the big apple(yet again) and we are with a group of 20 somethings when it happens. The pacing is what makes this film- I remember watching for the first 20 minutes nothing happens and then once the carnage begins it's a roller coaster. The actors are all adequate and the effects are quite good. If you want good entertainment Cloverfield is the movie for you.

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