
IMDb member since July 2018
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To Die For

Why... just why.
I saw this movie when it was first released and all i can remember from that fateful night is the crowd in the movie thearter remaing seated after this travesty had ended watching the rolling credits waiting for some miracle to appear on the screen that would give the last hour or so some meaning. The atmosphere was thick with just one question that everyone was thinking.... what in gods name was the point of all this.


Not bad for what it is
After reading some of the negative reviews i felt that this particular movie deserves a more positive rating. Although some events depicted here are a bit over the top but isnt that what these movies are about? This isnt supposed to be real life otherwise it would be as boring as bat shi!t. This particular viewer was entertained and at the end of the day thats all i ask when watching a film such as this. I rate this movie for what it is. The story is easy to follow, has some good action scenes and doesnt go to far overboard with the plot twists like some other movies.

The Thomas Crown Affair

Can someone please answer me this.. at the start of the movie we see a painting being stolen by folding it in half and placed in a briefcase... yes thats right.. then it somehow magically folds open with no creases and with the wooden border completly in is this possible people??????? Despite this glaring unbelievable situation what started as a somewhat decent movie completly falls apart by the halfway mark. Tedious, boring and totally ridicolus.

Avengers: Endgame

No. No. No
This is the culmination of everything just plain bad. I'm used to these superhero movies going over the top and disregarding the laws of psychics, nature indeed the universe to be somewhat entertained however this movie sinks to a new low. Iron man now has a new suit that magically forms from nothing at the press of a button, the hulk has been reduced a comical shadow of his former self and thor is now some emotional drunkard with a beergut. I could forgive all that if the story made some sense and was at least remotly possible but seriously time travel!! That has to be the worst laziest unimaginative peice of writing possible. "Question: why not just go back and kill thanos when he was an infant? Answer: it doesnt work like that." Really that's your explanation!!! I'm sorry but that is just one of the many many holes in this movie not to mention past Nebular travelling to the future and ends up getting killed by future Nebular. How can she be alive to kill her past self???????? IT CANT HAPPEN!!!!! so in summary this whole movie is totally ridiculous, impossible and an insult to any half way intelligent human being. I know it's just a movie, however these paradoxes are just to big to ignore to get any enjoyment from this debacle.

Odds Are

Just plain terrible
This a perfect example as to why some movies should never be made. There are no spoilers here as it is impossible for me to re-live this travesty. Please do not watch this movie.

Personal Shopper

Wait??? What just happened??
Just because its French doesn't make it artistic. This movie is all rather dull and by the end of the movie it seems that you end up right back at the start. The constant changes in plot are quite bewildering. At the start Maureen is questing if there are spirits or if its just in our minds. One minute she's attempting to be a medium and unsure if she herself even believes in it to running around as a personal shopper. Then she gets anonymous text messages and the film progress to shots of her sending and receiving messages on her phone. Next thing you know someone has been murdered..... I think they threw that it to try and make it more interesting. Then we end up with a strange scene where she is apparently talking to a ghost who responds by knocking on the walls and finally we are left with the question that the movie began with... Is there such a thing or is it all in our minds. So all in all this movie is a complete waste of time.

After reading some reviews on here about how people interpret this movie, particularly the ending, the truth is that by the end I couldn't care less. The characters were so boring that it makes no difference what happened.


Yeah right.
Sorry there's no-way I can believe that any pilot would fly a jet liner upside down intentionally for any reason whatsoever.

Open Range

If you think this is an action movie your wrong
This is a good movie if your a fan of romance and drama. If your looking for an action, adventure western then this is one long boring piece of crap.

Battlefield Earth

What just happened???
Stupid movie. Stupid actors. Stupid plot. I guess this is what you end up with when you have a bunch of scientologists making a movie.


I made it about 30minutes into this movie before I stopped watching. The movie started jumping from past to present to past to present... I guess they did this to try and make it more interesting but it didn't work for me. I just found it annoying. I really couldn't care about the characters and weather or not they lived or died. Just not my type of movie. Definitely NOT an action or adventure movie.

Elizabeth Harvest

I don't know what everyone is raving about. This isn't particularly thrilling or thought provoking or interesting for that matter. Heres why... *SPOILER ALERT*......

..... Mans wife dies. Man clones wife. Man kills cloned wife and enjoys it. Man clones wife and kills her... Wash, rinse, repeat. Then the same boring ending all of these films has. That's right you guessed it clone kills man and escapes. Roll credits

Arlington Road

Just plain wrong
Sorry but there is no way this deserves a 7.5. This movie could of been so much better than just another conspiracy theorists fantasy. The end just ruined the whole movie for me.

Dark Crimes

Someone lost a bet
All I can say is that Mr. Carrey must of lost a bet to end up in the train wreck of a movie. His portrayal is one dimension at best, the story long and boring. Its not thought provoking, its not arty, its not thrilling, its dreary long winded and by the end I couldn't care less about any of the characters or the plot for that matter


Decent enough movie
In my humble opinion this movie is worth a look. It does have some flaws however. Some of the characters are too ridiculous to be believable. I didn't love the ending at all. Some characters could of been developed a bit more. I did however like the imagery in this movie. Overall it wasn't to bad if you can look past the flaws.


Oh what a wasted opportunity
It was all there.... The remote Aussie outback, the typical Aussie characters, the lovable tough guy and a monster boar wreaking havoc. This movie had everything going for it...... then I watched it. Actors over acting, throwing in way too many cliches, bad CGI, and bad script. Spoilers ahead: *every character that gets developed just ends up dying and forgotten about almost immediately. *The monster boar acts in so many incomprehensible ways its like they had no idea how a boar behaves. I'm sorry but I refuse to believe that a monster wild boar would just stand there and let someone constantly stab it, or just stand there and get punched repeatedly or just stand there and roar at people. In fact either its going full speed to run someone down or just standing still. *the ending was just ridiculous. How she managed to find the survivors in the outback in the middle of the night just at the right time is beyond me. I wanted to like this movie but it really just fell apart in the end. Almost like the writers decided it was smoko time half way through and just left it at that. If you want to watch an Aussie monster movie watch ROGUE and leave this travesty in the junk pile where it belongs. SIDE NOTE: go out into the Aussie outback with your phone and see if you get a signal.... 9.9/10 you won't get any service.

Kingsman: The Golden Circle

Just lame. Way to ridiculous to even be remotely realistic. People getting shot in the head and able to fully recover??? Seriously???? This movie is just ridiculous. It gets the extra star because Elton john is in it and as far as I can tell he's just being himself... i.e rude and obnoxious.

Thor: Ragnarok

Finally got around to watching this. Thought is was going to be just another story in the endless marvel series. However I was actually pleasantly surprised by this movie. Its a more light-heated movie than the rest. The characters seem more down to earth in this movie and don't take themselves to seriously. Yes its another movie that follows the same old formula, baddie wants to rule the universe, goodies have to stop them but its a lot more fun than the rest and a refreshing change.

A Quiet Place

Too many plot holes, to many stupid mistakes that any normal person in this situation would avoid. Could of been so much better but that's Hollywood these days. Just follow the same basic formula. Nothing new or particularly interesting here.

Don't Breathe

Bad bad bad
Ok I don't need to write an essay about this movie... Three kids try to rob a blind guy in his home..... You'd think that would be easy..... Unless your one of these three who seem to be mentally challenged. Making stupid decisions, not doing anything a normal person would do. A perfect example of the crap that is coming out of Hollywood. It only gets the 2 stars because its not the worst movie I've seen.


A genorus 7
Not as good as I thought it would be but not bad. Mainly about a man meeting with his solicitor to get his story straight in regards to his trial for a murder.

Tomb Raider

Could of been better, could of been worse
With a look but wouldn't watch it twice. I'm still longing for a decent movie version of the games. Hate how Hollywood seems to take these way to over the top.


One of the best dramas
A pilot has to make an emergency landing on the Hudson river. Most people are familiar with he incident. This film portrays the pilots lives after the event and the emotional ride that they experience. I'm not usually a fan of dramas but this one stands out as one of the best

The Devil's Doorway

Another typical "found footage" film. Just follows the same formula as all the others. The scares were predictable and the story goes no-where. Not worth watching. Simple as that.


Pass on this one
Bad bad bad. Some stupid girl locked in a WOODEN cage... Yes that's right a wooden cage for the whole movie without ever trying to escape. You never see her captor, in fact she is the only character that appears in this film. Totally wooden acting, the mobile phone has got more personality. Stupid storyline, bad acting totally unrealistic


A well done b-grade movie
Let's be reasonable. This is a low budget movie. Its not spectacular, its not gory, its not over the top, for me it wasn't particular thrilling. However it was an interesting watch. You can see that the cast and crew actually genuinely cared about what they were making. Yes the special effects leave a lot to be desired but at least they weren't ridiculous. Overall this is a low budget b-grade movie that has been put together quite well.

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