
IMDb member since July 2018
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The Miseducation of Cameron Post

Could Have Done More
Cameron starts humming "What's Going On" and within minutes is standing on the table singing it loud and proud. There's an inherent energy in that scene that often feels missing from the rest of the picture. Also, the people in this story are flesh-and-blood examples of a tragic emotional Stockholm Syndrome that should not be. I just wish the story did more with them.

Grow Up

Not the greatest, but certainly not the worst.
I'd give this student film 2.4 stars. Although the sound design has some serious issues (with dialogue being almost imperceptible for some scenes) I still found this an engaging bittersweet little experience. This was mainly due to the script which captures the tension of young adulthood where (if in a state of arrest) you still feel emotionally connected to 16/17-year-olds but this is socially (if not always legally) policed as paedophilic.

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