Reviews (4)

  • One thing that kept coming up while I and a few friends were watching The Rebels was, why is this only a 30 minutes show? We want more!! I wish it had been a full hour.

    I would give this is an 9 out of 10...

    It started out on the WTF side but once it got about 5 minutes in it pulled me in, and just as you start to get into it, it's over!!! It reminded me of a combo of Weeds, Necessary Roughness, and North Dallas Forty... I love the fact that the FOX football show commentators were in this and did a flawless job...

    I really hope Amazon pick this up!
  • This was a decent TV series. It's too bad it didn't get to be seen by a larger audience, because it seems like this could have been Great.

    It reminded me of "24". Not in context or even production value, but as a self contained series with lots of different stories going off of the main storyline. With "Harry" it takes you for a ride, as you get involved with the dynamics of the characters.

    Oscar Knightley is the star here, even though Sam Neill is the famous name. Oscar take the limits of his character to a place that you almost forget it's a TV show.

    If you like good drama with some action, this is for you.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    In my thinking, George Clooney only does films like these to get a great vacation. How could he think this would help his career? He just came off a very good performance in "Up In The Air", to do something with very little dialog and so little action, it puts people to sleep. I personally saw 3 people heads nodding off a few times. and as for the script, where was the back story? was he an assassin or a weapon craftsman? was he a good guy or bad guy? How many other girlfriends has he killed? For those who think this might be a Jason Bourne/Michael Clayton Film, as I did, think again. "The American" has maybe 3-4 good action scenes. This might have been a good movie had it been a Bourne movie set 15 years after the trilogy ended. But it isn't. This just seems to start in the middle and ends with HUH? And in between you get to see lots of Italy's country side.

    All in all, you want good action, go see "Takers". If you want a travel log, go see "The American".
  • Simply well written, directed and acted... Woody's best of the 2000's if not his best since the 80's!! Hugh Jackman was the perfect pick for his roll. Scarlett Johansson's banter with Woody proves how well rounded an actress she has become.

    It's refreshing to not being in a romance on screen with the leading lady. He plays the perfect bumbling magician.

    There have been a few reviews maligning this movie. Don't let them stop you from seeing the wonderfully done film. People in the crowd I saw this with were laughing so loud at some lines i missed the next line. If you like Woody Allen films of the 70's, you'll regret missing this one.

    I suggest you go to watch this film with an open mind, if you do, you might walk out smiling.