
IMDb member since July 2018
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Birthright Outlaw

This movie is just "ok"
Watch at your own risk. Meaning: if you like any type of western, you're ok with so-so acting, you don't care if the directing is weak/amateurish... when you finish watching the movie you will say, "ok" movie.

If you are a 'movie buff', don't watch this movie. The acting and direction will have you shaking your head.

The plot is typical or better said 'done too many times'. And this results in no surprises, overly predictable scene after scene.

Lastly... this is a TV-movie at best. One that you quickly skip over while searching your channels and if you really can't find anything at all to watch, you return to this tv-movie and watch it because there is nothing else to do. Oh and yes you will say after that this was an "ok" movie at best.

The Angry Black Girl and Her Monster

Well below par
Simply put, this was not a good movie.

Every other scene left a feeling of, 'this scene could have been better'. And that equates to half of the movie.

The other half is arguably a 4 or 5 star rating at best. Either or, you will most definitely want your wasted time back.

Too many scenes were done well below par. You will constantly be asking yourself was this the director's fault? Inexperienced, rushed, no budget, lack of vision, etc.

Or you'll ask yourself, was this the actor's fault?s Inexperienced, misinterpreting the script, never became the character, just not a good actor, etc.

I wanted to turn this movie off multiple times and the only reason I didn't was my curiosity (not hope)... for will it get better? It never did.

I sort of feel bad for anyone who saw this movie in a theater; and felt they had to watch until the end because they paid money to see it.

I feel extremely glad I did not pay to see this 'movie'.

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