
IMDb member since August 2018
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Teen Titans Go!

Not As Bad As People Say
It's good, I love and hate the show in some aspects, but overall I love the show, I Love Raven, And Beast Boy (NOT REALLY CYBORG) and all jokes stick, except for the occasional fart joke, but other episodes are good, (BUT NOT CYBORG) Robin and Starfire were always good characters to me, not my favorites like Raven Or Beast Boy but still you can't really hate the Teen Titans in this (EXCEPT FOR CYBORG) To me at least cyborg is what makes the show 7/10 and not 9/10 because all his jokes are screaming and not funny at all, he screams, then says waffles repeatedly and screams again, he just isn't funny, I get that Beast Boy was also in the notorious waffles episode but still you can tell he has some sort of depth to him, even if it not much he still has some depth with his love for Raven teased and his battles with Terra, (BUT NOT CYBORG) he has no depth and all jokes said by him fail. You could change him, make him like he is in the original, give him some depth not just, Waffles... I love the show it's much better than people say, but cyborg needs to relax at times.

Teen Titans Go! To the Movies

An Hour And 20 Minite Long Fart Joke
Every bad joke lasted a minute, (and there were quite a few) and every good joke lasted 1 second, I was so excited for this movie scince I loved the show so much, but it didn't live up, to my hype, I waited three hours so I could see Greg Cipes, (Beast Boy) to ask him about this movie, I watched the trailer several times in hype for this, yet it was terrible, everything is in your face at all times and there are more fart jokes than Ice Age. It also scares me this movie is more of a musical than Frozen.

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