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Breaking Olympia: The Phil Heath Story

This documentary stands out
"This documentary isn't just for bodybuilding fans; it's for anyone who enjoys sports or has ever harboured a dream. It's exceptionally well-crafted.

I appreciate how this documentary not only spotlights Phil Heath but also delves into the experiences of other champions - capturing their emotions both in victory and defeat, and everything in between.

By humanizing the great champions of the past, this documentary really made me appreciate the journey these athletes take.

It should also be noted that this documentary is extremely well-done. The editing, the pacing, the music, the interviewees, the filming. Everything is top notch.

I highly recommend this to everybody. If you're only going to watch one sports documentary this year. Make it this.

Yijae, Got Jookseummida

It's really challenging to write something that will convince you to see this.

Should I mention the exceptional performances by the actors? Or the breathtaking action sequences? Or the intricacies of the plot? Or the high production values?

But all of that is just surface level. And this show cuts so much deeper than that.

This show is an emotional juggernaut. It hits with the force of a freight train, and keeps kicking even after the victims are down. I don't think I've cried so much since watching 'Sell Your Haunted House'.

This show not only surprised me, but it also moved me profoundly.

I cannot recommend it strongly enough. You would be doing yourself a disservice by not watching this absolutely brilliant show.


Solid filmmaking
Just like everyone else, I heard the rumors. As an old horror enthusiast, I've been eagerly seeking something genuinely terrifying for quite some time now.

I do believe the movie delivered in that aspect. HOWEVER, it's not the scariest movie ever made.

That being said, I find this to be a genuinely impressive film. I appreciate how it manipulates light and darkness, as well as shadow and reflection, to convey subtext, symbolism, and subplot. It's a remarkably clever method of conveying deeper meanings, one that seems to be overlooked in many reviews.

This is a film that rewards attentive viewers. The symbolic language throughout offers ample foreshadowing, making it a likely candidate for enhanced enjoyment upon a second viewing. This isn't something I can say about many contemporary horror films. It's a movie I enjoyed watching and one I anticipate enjoying again.

The use of music lyrics to set up certain scenes was not only brilliant but also highly effective and rewarding.

Ronja Rövardotter

Lacks the humour, the charm, and the music.
This feels like I'm watching a theatre play based on the movie. And I'm pretty sure I've seen local amateur theatre with better acting.

There is so much of the dialogue that feels clunky and stiff. And it's delivered by some of the worst actors I've seen in a long time.

But it's so much more; gone is the charm, gone is the humour, gone is the magic. And the most glaring thing missing: The music.

It's just not Ronja without the music. It's so flat and boring with the new soundtrack. It sounds like they've gone to YouTube's open archive and just pasted in some license free music. It sound like most of it is just some dude with a synth and a "medieval fantasy" sound-library. It has no soul.

And that is how I feel about the entire show. It's just soulless, empty and flat.

Masters of the Universe: Revolution

The writting is atrocious.
Whom ever wrote the dialogues in this should be ashamed of themselves. They are truly horrible. There is a way of writing cheesy one-linres that feel charming and fun. This however; is not it.

I only made it 6 minutes into the first episode before I had to turn it off and cleanse myself in the waters of Lake Minnetonka.

Having reset my brain to a lower setting, I now returned to this truly awful show.

And yes. The rest of it was as foul as the first. It is mindbogglingly bad, and down right insulting to anybody who has ever learned the English language.

If I had known that this show would exist in the future, I would have chosen German in school instead.

Star Trek: Prodigy

The best star trek since the 90s
This show is not perfect.

But it is really good.

Lower your expectations and just enjoy it for what it is. It's a nickelodeon show about the star trek universe with 6 completely new members and a brand new ship.

It doesn't follow the normal star trek set-up, it's obviously made with children in mind, so don't expect anything to deep, or too dark.

And in this lies the charm. It just feels like good old charming star trek. There is enough here for old fans, and enough here for new fans.

And I promise you, the characters will grow on you. What felt a little bit awkward and stiff in the beginning soon melts away and you'll come to love this crew just as much as previous crews.

I really hope we get more seasons of this. Because this is the best star trek since the 90s.


Probably the best Norwegian movie. Ever.
Norway has produced a handful of really good movies in the last 20 years or so. Unlike it's Scandinavian neighbors whom has not been successful in any other field than drab murder mysteries and pretentious drama; Norway has actually managed to make a couple of really good genre movies. Norway has previously made one of the best Zombie movies ever made. And this is not the first time they have tackled a troll.

But this is the best troll movie ever made. It is absolutely beautiful, the music is fantastic, and the actors did a fantastic job. I can not stress enough how good the actors are.

If you only watch 1 Scandinavian movie this year. Make it Troll. Because it is hands down the best thing that has ever came out of Norway.

Black Adam

Saved by good actors
Black Adam is by no means a great movie, but it is far better than I thought it would be. I was expecting something along the lines of 'Ant Man' or 'Shazam'. But Adam has more depth too it then just a side-character's origin story. It actually has an identity of it's own, and much of this is due to the actors doing a really good job.

The CGI is "okay". The rendering is good, but the physics and the animation is a bit stiff. I think another 2-3 months in development would have done this movie good.

But other than that, I think it's a solid movie. You don't need to be a hardcore nerd to follow the plot and you don't need to watch every DC movie that came before it to enjoy this (thank God for that.)

So yeah, get some popcorn, lower your expectations, and just watch a superhero movie.

The Sandman

Very bland
The CGI is amazing, I have to give them that, and I do rather like the main actors, all of them are doing a fine job. But it is hard as an actor, when the script is mud.

It's not a bad show, not at all. Just uninspiring, long-winded, stretched thin and again: Bland.

They've removed all the philosophical subplots and replaced them with: talking. Nothing is really being said, nothing said is actually moving the story along. It's just the characters commenting on what's going on.

They've also changed a lot of the characters, and none for the better it seems. The actor who played Lady D was really really good. But again: Her being there, served almost no purpose to the show.

I honestly feel like they could have edited this down to a 2 hour movie, and nothing of value would have been lost. There is so much filler, fluff and endless boring scenes that does nothing to challenge, entertain or emotionally move the audience. There is no intent behind it. There is no magic to see here. There is no will motivating this. It simply exists. And nothing was gained from its existence.

The Silent Sea

Good but not great
First off: The set-designers did an amazing job. This is probably one of the best TV sets I've seen in a long time. This could've easily been a movie set.

And the rest of the production crew did an outstanding job. I really do hope this wins at least some reward, because a lot of hard work went into this.

As a viewer; Pay attention to details, there is a lot of foreshadowing and smart little things included that will make sense later on. But you need to be alert. This is not a show you should watch on a rainy afternoon with a bowl of popcorn. This requires a little bit more brain-activity than that.

However, I'm a little bit disappointed. There is some stuff that is left unresolved, and there is a lot of "suspend your disbelief" going on here. You can't take this show to seriously, but at the same time you have to talk it seriously enough.

The show demands a lot of the viewer, and I have to think that is a failing of the script.

I also think 8 episodes are either too much or not enough. They either needed another 4 episode to really get into the nitty gritty details, OR, they need to cut this down to a movie. The 8 episode format works for netflix, because in a sense, you are probably going to binge this and watch it as a long movie. But there are some fat they could have cut out, if that is the case.

I would say this is leaps and bounds above the average sci-fi TV-show, but it's still just a sci-fi TV-show. So don't expect James Cameron or Ripley Scott.

Go in with low expectations, enjoy it for what it is, and you might get a good viewing out of it.

Archive 81

It's "okay"
The show is very slow, so if you are expecting some sort of high energy jump scare horror, you are barking up the wrong tree.

This is a drama show with some supernatural elements. Not a horror movie.

I thought it was okay. The story is somewhat interesting, it has some layers. The acting is somewhat good. The set is interesting enough. The production value is good enough.

Watch this if you have nothing else to watch.


This is reall really good
I came into this completely blind, having no idea who starred in it, who wrote it or even what network it was on.

And I have to say, I'm happily surprised. (It's a little bit too melodramatic, but it's american. It's suppose to be a little bit over the top.) This is just a really solid good show. The vistas are beautiful, the harsh reality of the situation is haunting, the music really suits the show, and yes, the actors are actually doing a pretty good job. It's not oscar worthy performances, but it's okay.

Honestly, I'm looking forward to the next episode.

Alien Nation

Incredible well-written
Tv-shows back in the 80s did not have the same budget as tv shows have today. Most of this was shot at a sound-stage, and you can tell. The make-up is very clearly make-up. The special effects are pretty cheap. But the writing is what really stands out. I do like that we get to see real stunts, real explosions, real make-up and real actors. But you do have to take into consideration that this entire show had a smaller budget than a single episode of Game of Thrones.

However! This show is incredible well-written. The actors are doing a well enough job, but none of them are good enough to carry this show, so it really comes down to the script and this is one of the best written shows I've seen in years. It's actually really really poignant and weirdly relevant. This show made sense in the 80s, it made sense 20 years ago, and it still makes sense. Heck, it might turn out to become even more relevant as this era goes on.

I like how they build up the show over time. The first episode was a little bit underwhelming. Maye the first 2-3 episodes was a bit weak, but it grows from there. As we get to know the characters better and better over time, and we see them grow; the story becomes deeper and holds more meaning.

Yes, this show actually has character development. So keep that in mind. If you don't like a character right of the bat. Don't be surprised if they'll grow on you towards the end of the season. In fact, the show as a whole just keeps growing and growing on me.

This is probably one of the best tv-shows of it's time and I would still put it on my top 20 of all time.

You really really need to give this one a chance. If you love sci-fi; This is a must. But even i you don't. I would still recommend this. This show is so much more than what you might think it is from a first glance. It really rewards those that decide to stick with it to the end.

I highly recommend it.

The Matrix Resurrections

Pointless and a missed opportunity
This movie is pointless. The only reason this was made is so that Warner can keep ownership over the IP. At the end of this movie, we are exactly where we were at the end of the last trilogy.

And it's a real shame, because I feel like they missed an opportunity to actually tell an interesting story here. With today's cellphone use and social media, and how we are already plugged into a matrix of our own doing, it would have been an interesting dynamic to explore. They had the chance to actual make some social commentary. It would have added extra layers to an already layered story.

Instead. This feels very corporate. It feels like a product imagined at a board-meeting. And sadly, it lacks all of the soul that the original franchise had.

Horror Noire: A History of Black Horror

Sadly, this ain't it.
This is an important story, that needs to be told, but this is not the way to tell it.

There are so many inaccurate statements in this movie that I almost turned it off. They are clearly trying to present a unified narrative and it just comes off as false, fake and dishonest. The history of black horror is politicized enough as it is. There is no need to add racist ideas to movies that didn't have them, because there are plenty of movies that did (and do) have those issues.

This documentary would have benefited from some basic fact checking and 10 minutes of google.

The Box

A slow Crescendo
The first episode is just a build up. You have to get past that to get into the story.

Then the slow build towards the end begins.

I actually liked this as a short 7 episode paranormal drama. It's not scary, so don't expect a horror-movie. It's a crime drama with supernatural elements.

Solid 7/10.

The Wheel of Time

I don't remember this
I don't really know what this is? It feels like someone re-told the story to a friend, and I'm now hearing it being told from a second or third source.

It doesn't feel like a dramatization of the book, nor does it feel like a playwright or a script version of the book. It feel like an amateur theater-troupe is doing scenes from something that somebody wrote down after hearing about the book.

There are tiny hints that tells me that this is supposed to be WoT. But It isn't.

And I don't even know if it is good on it's own. It looks very cheap. It looks like those live-action tv shows that would air after the Saturday morning cartoons. Like Zorro or Xena the warrior Princess.

In Game of Thrones the clothes and cities looked "real", They had grit and dirt and layers to them. Here; everything looks like it came from a prop closet. It looks like they've just taking some random "fantasy" props and put it in some random Renaissance-fair village and then just recruited the first people walking by.

The casting could not be more random if you choose actors by throwing a stick into a crowd.

I haven't seen two pieces of clothing or jewellery that looks like they belong in the same world.

And why is everybody so young? It looks like a college drama club decided to do this. Not a Hollywood production.

The Deep House

Pleasant surprise
I love haunted houses, And I hate being underwater. So when I heard about this movie I was really excited.

I have to admit; I did not have high hopes going into this. It's been a long time since I've seen a really good horrormovie and these days, it's more of a guilty pleasure than something I'm really looking forward to.

However, this turned out to be an exception.

However, however, this is not a perfect movie, nor is it a great one. It's a pleasant surprise. I love love love the visuals. The underwater scenes are both beautiful and haunting, and CREEPY. Very very creepy.

I see others complaining about the actors and the ending, and to be honest, it does lack a bit of a punch towards the end, but I thought the acting was okay. It's not shakespearean acting or Oscar worthy performances, but for a low budget horror movie it certainly did it's job.

Overall the movie reminded me of the early 2000s Japanese horror-movies like The Ring, Ju-on and Dark water. The deep house is a slow and claustrophobic (actually Thalassophobic). It relies on atmosphere instead of action and jump-scares. This is not a slasher, nor is it part of the 'conjuring' universe. So sit down, relax and let it do it's thing. Let it wash over you and emerge yourself in this lovely little underwater horror.

Just don't expect too much of it.

The Wolf of Snow Hollow

One of the most boring movies I've ever seen
Me and the wife chose this for Halloween date-night, but jesus! It's bad.

There is absolutely nothing good to say about this one. The movie was boring, the character were flat, the acting was horrible, the editing felt like something from a school project. And at no point did I care even the slightest about anybody in this film.

It was wasn't funny, it wasn't scary, it had no drama whatsoever, it had a weak start, a weak mid and an extremely weak ending. It is completely pointless.

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe

This is not how you do representation
This is not how you do representation. This is just fuel for the maga fire. This is troll bait for the r*ght-wing n*tcases that roam this site.

Look. I'm too old for this. All I wanted to do was watch some cartoon and experience some nostalgia. I wasn't interested in getting into a political debate about bl*ck-washing. Nobody asked for this. The r*ght wing don't want it, the l*ft wing doesn't want it. Nobody.

But the real offense? You know what's really offensive about this?

It looks terrible. The character design looks wrong, the artwork is ugly and everything about this looks like an amateurish attempt at making a cartoon. At least the Kevin Smith version looked fantastic. But this is just cr*p.

Also, The music is really bad. This is an 80s show, and the 80s is hot right now. This was an excellent opportunity to inject some fun 80s music, not some horrible modern auto-tune pop tune. Or they could have used the original score and given it an update. But this is just tr*sh.

Also, also. The voice actors are terrible. Just terrible. I mean, the 80s voice actors was horrible to, but that's in a charming cheesy way. This was just bad. If you want more representation, create now characters, create new shows, do something original. Don't just slap a bl*ckface on an already existing character.

100 Foot Wave

Interesting topic, dull people.
The topic is really captivating. The sheer madness of actually going after a something so crazy is interesting.

The photography is insane! It's so beautiful. The music is really soothing and everything just feels like meditation.

Which is probably the dumbest thing they could have done. This is suppose to be action. This is the peak of action. These are some of the craziest waves I've ever seen. Utter and complete chaos. And they are presenting it like one of those breathing exercise cds you got in the 90s when your aunt bought scented candles for Christmas.

Also, the people are just a snooze-fest; utterly boring and dull. I figured that the kind of people who ride waves like these would be cocaine cowboys and hotheads. Instead they are all ecologic gardening and potheads.

They took the most boring people on television and put them in the most exciting place on earth and decided to film it like a fabric softener commercial.

Je8ileui bam

Very solid
Netflix has been a hit and miss.

This is one of the better films I've seen on the platform.

You do have to realize that you are watching a "made for tv" movie. The effects are not near as good as you would get in a blockbuster movie. However. What saves this movie is the actors. Overall they are performing above the level of a television actor. Again; this is not Shakespeare, this is not seasoned veterans performing a well-written drama. It's a TV crew doing a horrormovie.

I personally thought the story was well-written. I thought the execution of it was well done, and the ending felt very satisfying.

I like the characters, and I like the plot of the film.

The movie was maybe a little bit too long and maybe the story was a little bit too over-complicated for what it was trying to accomplish. But these are minor details in an overall really solid movie.

Some in the comments are complaining about the mythology not being explained well enough, or that it's too Korean, or too relying on previous knowledge about Buddhism to really make sense. But I actually see that as it's strength. It's interesting to see a movie doing something differently. Especially on an international platform as Netflix. This is not a Korean movie for Koreans only, nor is it an american movie targeted directly at only americans.

Therefore it is challenging, and rewarding.

I recommend this to anybody looking for "something else".

It is not perfect, but it is a very solid movie that is worth watching and everybody involved with the project should feel proud.

Gate Gate Paragate Parasamgate Bodhi Svaha.

Masters of the Universe: Revelation

Bad marketing and bad scriptwriting
Had they called this 'Teela and the masters of the universe' it would have been okay. I would have watched that with joy in my heart. A he-man spin-off featuring Teela would have been exciting news. Instead they marketed this as a He-Man reboot. And it's not a reboot, nor does it have anything to do with He-man.

But the dialogues. And the writing. Yikes.

It's so bad. It's incredible bad. And it goes absolutely nowhere. These 5 episodes could have been edited down to a single episode and would still be too long. This entire show is pointless and I bet I'll forgotten all about it in 2-3 weeks.


Good, but flawed.
I wanted to add a review in hopes that this little show gets more attention. Because it deserves an audience. However, it might not have the mass-appeal that some of the slicker, faster and more experienced american shows have.

But for a low budget Icelandic series? This is really good.

The actors are great, the sets are amazing, the cinematography is very good, the music is somber and fits the tone of the film.

The writing however; could have been better. There are some obvious flaws. This can of course be a case of really bad editing and scenes ending up on the editing-floor, But it honestly seems like a manuscript mistake. There was some obvious questions that the characters simply did not ask, and some obvious actions that was never taken. And that is the main reason, why I'm only giving this a 8/10.

I see some people in the comments complaining about the pace, and yes. It is slow. But it also fits the overall mood of the entire show. It's intentionally slower and more subdued. I don't think this is a mistake, this is the style of the show and it makes sense within the universe it exists in. If anything... It could honestly have benefited from being a little bit slower, and a little bit longer.

But honestly. This is a good binge. This is time well spent.


Some of the best television I've seen in years
Lets be honest.

Korean television shows are 99% this: Two people who first don't like each other falls in love. The end.

This, is a different beast however.

The greatest part of this show is the smaller stories told in each episode. Regret, resentment, grief, Losing a loved one, losing a parent, losing a child.

And it hits you hard.

It's been a while since I've cried this much.

The actors are really really good. Everything about the production is top notch (for a television budget).

However the strength of the show is the television format. This would have made a good movie, but the longer runtime allows it to become something great. It allows it to tell not just one story, but multiple stories woven together as well as having a main story as it's core.

It's really really really well written and acted out brilliantly. Baek Hyun-joo as Chang Hwa-mo (the restaurant owner) gave one of the most believable performances I've ever seen.

The only reason I'm not giving this 10/10 is this: It's not long enough.

Unlike shows like 'The sopranos' that ran for over 6 season. This is a stand-alone single season with 16 episodes. That is still over 10 hours and probably one of the most rewarding binges I've sat through for a long time.

The first episode however is a little bit weak. So if you're reading all of the positive reviews here and start watching without feeling convinced. Do yourself a favor and keep watching, it gets better and better. And better.

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