
IMDb member since August 2018
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Janghwa, Hongryeon

After re-watching this film many many years later with a more educated and understanding view on things I'll have to up the score of this film to a 10.

When I first watched this film I quite didn't understand it, the horror elements and a masterfully suspense inducing stress that balances so well that I was to scared to pay a detailed amount of concentration at first.

Now that I watched it again with an almost a blank state I think that I completely understand the film.

If you expect a traditional scary movie then this is not for you. This is more then that; it is a movie about more then horror or the supernatural. It does make you think it is about that, but it is more about the way your environment and trauma changes the way how you perceive things, how it forms you. And how people deal with trauma.

It felt very relatable and almost David Lynchian in a way during certain scenes.

The way sound is used like wind, simple sounds like the crackling of an old Korean house build on wood.

It really is a great study as well on how to use sound to create atmosphere.

The shots are also beautiful; especially in the beginning of the film. Upper camera shots (from above) is so well done and makes you love the beauty of the environment where the family is living( immerses you straight away.

The film is also about perspectives; I believe watching it a second time really helps with seeing the film from a different perspective. You basically get the feeling that you are the protagonist in this movie when you watch it the first time.

I really recommend this film and I try to be ambiguous as possible in my review since I truly believe that the tbe less u know about this film that the better the experience will be.

I am personally a person who doesn't take horror well; or any element with horror. And I truly believe that if you tou have a fear of the horror genre that you have to try and look beyond it. This is a very very beautiful film worth watching and to push through despite the fear you might feel. It is way more than just horror.

Chuen zik saat sau

Stylish and cool
It is like some other reviewers said; very stylish and fun, but don't expect a good story. U don't really care about the characters at all. I like the fact that they talk about different movies in this movie.

Still very enjoyable it really difficult wether to give it a 6 or a 7. If you like B-movies then definitely put this one on your list and watch it when u just wanna put ur mind on zero %.

I still don't understand why these 2 killers are against each other really, but obviously it is about a girl and the winner gets the girl i think? Lol.

The guy in leather also has great entrances like those boss battles in weird video games from the PS1 hahaahaha xD.


It is just a rehash had some good potential, but then the protagonist suddenly went John Wick and OP and the Predator became dumb for plot reasons. They had lots of cool scenes and shots, but it doesn't make up to how flawed the writing is on this one.

Also why are they talking in a modern English way? The accents the way they say it... I think the golden age of Hollywood is really over. There are no original stories anymore. The USA pays for healthcare yet they score one of the lowest on longevity. Why do I bring this up? I sincerely believe the USA is going backwards in almost all things and now even the movie production is taking a hit. This is proof of it. Luckily, we are still getting some good stuff out there here and there, but it is like they don't want to bother with good stories anymore.

The only Hollywood director I actually kinda care about these days is Jordan Peele. Even though these are one of the better Predator films out there it is still just a rehash with generic movie soundtracks and writing. It could have been much better. If the way they spoke English weren't as cringe I would've probably given it a 6. It is an average predator film that tries to go back to the roots. Watch it if you are bored and with friends etc.

Joheunnom nabbeunnom isanghannom

Almost an 8 or an 9
This film is really great except for the ending which made me give it a 7 instead. It's a very hard decision to score it a 7 since the action, cinematography, script is very very high for a movie from 2008.

However they kinda forgot that they introduced the bad guy with the perfect aim @ some point and well.... it doesn't satisify me when at the ending they kinda threw away all the chacracter building.

It definitely keeps you on the edge of your seat with a great balance in indirect-comedy and great murderous action scenes. The camera shaking was a little bit too much, but forgivable.

Dont' expect a very sirious story though. It is simple and nothing more; enjoyable to watch with friends.

Westworld: Generation Loss
Episode 4, Season 4

I am totally impressed by this episode it is even making me question my own reality...LOL.

The latest episode (3) was considered the best one yet in my opinion, however, this one definitely takes the cake. I am giving this an 8/10...a little bit lower than the 9 I gave for ep 3...why? Cos there was one little stupid mistake that kinda ruined it for me during a fight scene where an intelligent AI suddenly develops Stormtrooper Syndrome... Other than that....great episode..... crazy good... Westworld is back on track again and this is by far on-par with Season 1. What a great show.

Westworld: Années Folles
Episode 3, Season 4

great episode
Even though it kinda uses the first season's Westworld park as a set/loop it doesn't feel boring at all. They didn't stick around too long in the old-westworld setting and jumped straight to the goal instead of dragging it out.

There is also a kind of play on fatalism and Bernard (so it kinda feels predictable on what is going to happen in future episodes), but we shall see how they will handle it. So far this is the best episode so far. Can't wait for more.


A gem to be seen
Sometimes I feel like giving up on Korean dramas in general, why? Cos lot's of series I have been watching lately are dragging stuff out; too much filler and just copy + pasta formula that was successful in the past.

Usually after 1 or 2 episodes a series becomes way to dragged out ranging all the way to 16 episodes or more, not this one.

Every episode felt fresh and interesting; there was maybe just one that I didn't find that great, but overall this show is a 8.5.

The writers are not afraid to kill of main chars or close to it. The balance is very good and there is not cringey romance and tropes used like other Korean series. There is fighting, prostitution, school drama, gangsters, sacrifice, good directing and good writing.

The thing I find is that most Korean dramas get overrated by k-pop fans cos there crush is in it; or they haven't seen anything good in their life.

I can vouch for this one; the ratings are true and I recommend watching this series if you want something that the directors and writers actually take seriously compared to the stuff where there are tons of subplots and errors.


Average series, but...
This drama has a mystical element to it. It is average at best. I am on Episode 7 now, but I think I am gonna drop it.

One of my friends committed suicide so I know a lot about this subject. I wouldn't call myself an expert, but the way suicide is handled and constantly has a "bullying" aspect too it just scratches the surface of what people with suicide have to deal with.

It is great however to publish this TV-series on South Korean TV since the Korean government still sees it as a taboo to implement a good mental health system to help people out without affecting their future chances of a job.

It is not as much taboo anymore as people like to think; otherwise this TV-series couldn't be published like it has.

The reason I am giving it a lower score is that it is constantly dragging out the plot and the same trope is used over and over again about the reasons of suicide. Also; just giving a pep-talk and helping someone who wants to commit suicide by dealing with their past isn't a way to lower their risk in just 1 episode...Now that I am thinking about it, I'll probably lower the score by one point even more.

I don't understand why everyone is saying it is a 10/10 drama, when it clearly it is not. Yes, it does have a great balance and funny comedy. But that doesn't mean it is a 10/10 show.

Also people who suffer from suicide ideation doesn't necessarily have the ability to actually want to commit it. There are many many more things that is just plain wrong; yes they do get things right, but when you are 7 episodes in you expect more depth. You can't really attach emotionally to characters after a while cos they get an happy ending in the same way all the time.

I know it is based on a webtoon and I also don't know how accurately it follows, but there is lots of missed potential here. I am sorry, but I can't finish 16 episodes of copy-pasta about such a heavy topic and give it a high rating.

I wish Korean dramas would experiment more and stop using marvel formules to craft a series. Especially for something like this.

Edit: just watched episode 8 and I am going to lower my score even more. First of all most people who are.


i don't understand the score
I don't understand why pple give this film such a high score? I was utterly bored and after 1 hour i just decided to turn the film off. Maybe cos i kinda grew up in a violent home (it is kinda normal for korean kids i guess) i am that impressed. Too much swearing...unlikeable characters and is a try hard film tbh.

I am usually able to finish a movie, but this is the second time in my life i couldn't finish one. I literally almost fell asleep.

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Star Wars: The Try hards is enjoyable...but i don't see any hope anymore since we are already 3 episodes in from the 6 max. It is all abt Reva basically, but her acting....i am sorry...SUX!!! They are trying way to hard at acting evil or bad. U don't have to overact in that kind of way or try so hard to come across evil. Just look at Anthony Hopkings and how he potrays bad guys in his acting career.

It is goold to see Obi-wan and Darth vader, but there are very silly things in the series that just kinda breaks the mood for me. In Episode three there is a scene where they go through the tunnels, sure there might be more than one tunnel...but suddenly Reva is @ the other end of it and the spy (double agent) is suddenly at the right side of the tunnel to save obi-wan from getting burned...uhhh??? What?

Also the chase in ep1 is just bad..i was able to ignore it, but since ep3 it is just these small things that can't destroyed my expectations. It is average at best. The only acting great so far is the little kid, obi-wan, and darth vader...but they barely have any good writing or lines. It kinda feels like a mess.

Weather Report

A weather report with hidden gems
Each weather report brings you closer in discovering a pool of great new music to enjoy and the motivation to keep on working on your personal projects.

David Lynch is a blessing for the creatives out there.... I adore him! :D.

Smile, You

it's 2009, wake up.
(this is more of a nostalgic review)

I've watched this in 2009 during one of the worst times of my life. What I needed the most was a family...friends...this show is something i've watched a ton of time.

I remember it was around novemberish all the way into the end of winter and it was snowing. It's a show that gives you the feeling of friends waiting for you... it doesn't matter your background you will be accepted and treated like family. This show taught me family values ironically. And it got me through hard it a good drama on its own? Nah...compared to today not so much, but historically....maybe if u like this soap-ish kind of thing.

It gets more serious later on, but it isn't great.


say hello to high speed and a bomb.
It's an enjoyable movie. There is nothing wrong technically speaking...

Some things were kind of lazy; like how the police handled things and the rushed but weird editing and ending of the last 15 minutes of the film.

The acting is very great storywise not so much and you shouldn't expect a great bomb thriller story since I think this is a remake I've seen before years ago.

So what's wrong? At the end of the film certain editing choices doesn't make logical sense compared to the rest of this film. It feels like the director or the editor just wanted to finish the film due to a (personal) deadline or made a mistake during story boarding and not shooting scenes to connect it with the general flow and editing of the film.

As for the back story of the villain; uhmm...yeah? I guess where he is coming from but there doesn't seem to be any real justice and the film just made me feel I've been used as an old chewing gum.

Even though it is selling well/streaming well in South - Korea the general score it has gotten there by around 1 million viewers is around 5.3 as I write this, which in my opinion is an accurate representation if you look past the great acting, which is like a 9/10! If you are only interested cos you want to learn acting or just so you can talk about it cos all of your friends watched it; then sure watch this...otherwise? Mweh... Watch a different film if you can instead.

Black Widow

another marvel film with bad...
Why don't they hire real Russian actors or actresses?

They did the same thing with Black Panther with the bad Korean...its a joke and just seems discriminating to my eyes when they over-stereotype a culture or country.

No Time to Die

I was bored out of my mind..its too long and the potential sequences were rushed...the writing is also very bad. Some characters are literally not contributing to the story in anyway.


Beware of the high ratings they are just Krystal fans... this drama is really bad in many ways... i decided to give up on it after episode 6; there is just so much wrong technically, acting wise...and especially if know even just the basics of being a soldier and handling weapons.

Do not waste ur time on it.

Nareul guhaji maseyo

Prepare to cry, lots.
After Seo yeon's father suicide she and her mom are left with massive amounts of debt, alone. She grewed up too fast for her age..

This movie is very sad and very painful. It is about fitting in with your peers when u feel like an outsider because of the traumas u experience.

The child actors are very professional.

Honja saneun saramdeul

A film about einzelgängers
Jinah is an einzelgänger, someone who really prefers to be alone over socializing with others. She has her reasons and slowly begins to feel the angst of loneliness after her neighbor suddenly dies in the film Aloners.

This movie is very realistic and sometimes feels more like a documentary and abstract commentary on the daily lives of some people who are considered loners.


Adrenaline inducing thriller
People didn't like this film as much as I did. The pacing of this thriller is SO GOOD. I was constantly in suspense and felt LOTS of adrenaline. It's about deaf people surviving a killer; Ki-joo Jin's acting is on a whole different level in Midnight (2021) 9/10.

P.s. Drink some strong coffee when going into this will be worth it, trust me ;)

Keopi peurinseu 1-hojeom

I can't believe that I haven't started watching this Korean drama serial a decade ago; I generally have a hard time falling in love with Korean dramas, but it does seem that the older ones from decades ago generally captures my heart and this is one of them.

The main character dresses like a boy in order to get more work; she has an EXTREME appetite that cannot be stopped and its quite funny actually. The gags are very original and unique most of the times. The tomboy starts working at a coffeehouse and its so warming, touchy, and wholesome. She meets some of the greatest people that become her friends along the way. It doesn't feel like colleagues anymore, but, like family. It's so wholesome. I really recommend it.

It might be considered tacky and I usually don't like mainstream tackiness but this one is good (FYI; I DO enjoy tackiness, but more like in a kisch way. )

Siti hyunteo

I'm more of a film person, and even if I saw a couple of great serials from South - Korea, this isn't one of them. There are just too many small technical and practical mistakes in it that it ruins the immersion for me.

Even though Korea is high-tech and all they don't seem to know how smartphones work in this serial. Sure, there are some other dramas that have the same issue, however, it's all the small issues like how fire arms work for example.

They are supposed to protect high-level people yet they put themselves and others in serious danger by not knowing how guns work.

I'm not from the USA yet even I know about the safety of guns by getting a random YouTube recommendation years ago.

The ending is also very very very rushed and there is bad closure, it really ruins it and it seems that when they were making this they kinda didn't know what to do cos of all the pressure the film crew were probably under, or maybe, dramas are just not for me.

Hard Rain

I watched this movie after many many years.

When I was a kid I only saw the later half of the movie, but decided to watch it fully since I kinda got into disaster movies, lol.

The ending is quite tacky tbh.

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