
IMDb member since February 2006
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    18 years



A tragic tale of love and envy -Omkara
Omkara is a very well made movie where director Vishal Bhardwaj adapts the famous play 'Othello' written by Shakespeare and presents it on the backdrop of a outlaw clan of Uttar Pradesh.The presentation is very powerful and makes you feel a part of the movie. The realistic cinema served in a commercial package should be under the heading for Today's Special in the Movies menu.

'Omkara' is a half Brahman and an outlaw who has lived under the guidance of 'Bhaisahab'. When Bhaisahab enter the political field, Omi is promoted to his position and now its his turn to select his lieutenant. Langda Tyagi had been working with him for 15 years and Kesu Firangi is a newcomer but Omi chooses Kesu.Langda's heart is filled with envy and decides to take destroy lives of Omkara and Kesu. Here he plots a vicious plan involving Omi's love Dolly. He poisons Omi's mind that Dolly and Kesu are having an affair. Langda is helped by his wife and Raju, his protégé in his evil deed. The result of this plan is the climax of the movie.

The direction, dialogues, screenplay are top notch. Vishal Bhardwaj also being the Music Director adds a folk music which adds to the flavour of the movie. The dialect and the explicit language may cause a discretion among viewers but that being the need of the narration. The lifestyle of the characters need such language only. A great work done by the cast. Everyone acted up to the marks but Saif Ali khan playing Langda Tyagi stole the show.

This movie is a must watch. 10/10


a hammer in the head of critics-Dutt is Alive(Zinda)
Dutt had waited for this moment when all the Indian Media and people hail his name as one of the best actors. It is known that Zinda is rip-off of Korean flick "Oldboy" but as they say that "Nakal ke liye bhi akal chahiye"(U need brains even to copy something) and i'm sure that the majority of people in India had not even heard of the movie(including me). Zinda provides a fresh air to Bollywood and keeps Alive the thriller theme.

Sanjay Dutt steals the whole show this time and it was good to see him not in his usual punk role but a role of great maturity. Sanjay Gupta is the man!! I am a big fan of the Sanjay Dutt-Gupta duo and was waiting for this movie and i was not disappointed. Keep the good work up, guys!! Keep it Zinda!!

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