
IMDb member since August 2018
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Johnny English Reborn

A funny film
This movie is great. I love Rowan Atkinson and he is hilarious as always in this movie. There were some very funny gags and the plot wasn't simple but wasn't hard to follow either. Would recommend to people of all ages!

Sonic the Hedgehog

A charming movie
When I first saw the trailer for this movie, I was horrified. The original design for Sonic was one of the most hideous things I have ever seen. From the original teaser trailer, I assumed that it would be Sega's failed ripoff of Detective Pikachu that they somehow dragged Jim Carrey in to.

However, when I got to seeing the movie, after the internet's backlash and studio's redesign, I was pleasantly surprised. The movie was funny and lighthearted while also throwing in a little bit of nostalgia. I recommend this film for both Sonic fans and people looking for a nice movie.

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