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Life Is Strange

Fantastic game, with great storty.
Were to begin, you are a 18 year young women in school, and want to become a Photograph artist, and you wake up in school class, then when the bell rings, you go to the bathroom in school, and take a photo of a blue butterfly (what is the hole plot of the game), and then you hide because people storm in the bathroom, and then you hear and see two people Nathan and Chloe (Chloe your best friend, who you hadn't seen for 5 years) shout angrily at each other, and he shots Chloe dead, then you use for the first time your powers, without you knowing it, you are back in the the school class you started in.

Then all the fun will begin, and yes it is a very fun game to play, every choice you make has big and small consequences, and the plot get more and more confusing, and when you think almost at the end who you think has done it, you get a BIG twist.

This game is just like the great movie The Butterfly Effect (2004), were you save your best friend/girlfriend but every time you save her, you make everything worse, and that was the clue way from the beginning of the game, when you see a blue butterfly and make a photo from it.

Every turn every choice you make changes the stuff in the game, but not the ending, and that is one thing i would have love to different, because the ending is always the same, OK you (Max) act a little bit different to Chloe, but you still have only the two bad endings.

The only two things i did not like was Climate Change propaganda in the game, and it happens more then a few time, people talk about it and you read it on posters, and i did not like the endings, i don't say what they are but for me both are bed endings, i really wish it had more endings, were it has a good/great ending, i am a sucker for good endings, i can't help it, but endings were supposed to hurt, and not easy to make.

But everyone who have not played this game, and love a game that is not action based and more story based, where you have to click on a lot of stuff, and love a really good Sci-Fi game were you can change stuff with your rewind time, and other extra powers, then this is your game, great game, and very moving, some scenes are tough to watch, also because of the great music it has in it.

BTW the graphics are all hand-painted, never seen that in a game, and makes it even more special.

Where the Crawdads Sing

What a great movie
What a great movie, about a abandoned little girl, who tough herself to live in the marshes in a little house.

It's a movie about love and sadness, and a movie about people who cares about her even when she is shy, and a lot of people don't like her, because they find here strange, just like in real life, and then the police arrest her, because they think she is a suspect of a murder.

So great to see a movie from 2022, that has absolutely no identity politics, and is just a good movie like most movies were 20 plus years ago.

The twist ending is also something, this is a spoil free review so, and i would never want to say it.

If you love a love story movie with drama and is slow going and almost no action, and has some great acting and good story, then look no further, then this is your movie.

The Terminal List

Great first season, but...
This was a great first season, wish it was the only season, because why would he do anything anymore, when everyone is dead who had something to do with his platoon dying, and his family dying?

Action is great, the FX is great and story is good, acting of all the actors is great, the biggest problem i had was the last episode, he killed many people who had nothing to do with the drugs that made brain tumors in soldiers, and the ones who killed is family, he killed a lot of innocent people, when he promised not to kill people who had nothing to do with everything that happened.

If they changed that part to a part that Madam Secretary only died i would have been ok with it all, but not all the lives he killed for just one person, Madam Secretary.

Stranger Things: Chapter Nine: The Piggyback
Episode 9, Season 4

I hated all the crying that was happening true the HOLE last season.
It was a OK/Good season, but i would have liked that it was shorter, or more action and a lot less talking, most of the time nothing was happening, and they were talking all the time, even at times it was way to dangerous to talk, they were talking.

But what i hated the most about this last season, was the crying that was happening true the HOLE season, 11 was crying the hole last season, and yeah was getting sick of it, she was crying about EVERYTHING, that was was really weak of season 4.

Hope that last season (5), will be even better, and be more like the first season, and please stop all the crying all the time.

Locke & Key

Great concept but very poorly written.
Have seen the 1st season, and the idea and story would be fantastic, if for not everyone was so unbelievable dumb, absolutely everyone is dumb in this show, they all do stuff only a 5 year old would do, even the adults are dumb, the cops are also really dumb, and the acting in this TV show is also not that great.

Cannot understand why people give this show a 7 or higher, everyone does stuff normal people would not do, you will shout every time to the screen "You idiot!", and that will be a LOT of times, and nobody listens to each other, and everything is SO predictable, the writers are just awful.

If you like similar fantasy TV Show like this but with MUCH better story and acting, watch the TV mini series The Lost Room, that one will never let you say "You idiot!".

Ghostbusters: Afterlife

Was ok, but was more a rehash of Ghostbusters 1984
Saw this with my father, and we were ok nothing special and that's it, i got a little bit Stranger Things vibe from the kids, and i did not really like any of the kids, because Ghostbusters (1984) was not only a comedy but also a little bit creepy, and not a movie about kids, it was a movie about 30+ year old nerds who lost the only job they had, and became Ghostbusters because of that (mostly).

And the comedy parts were fantastic in Ghostbusters (1984), and that was really lacking in Ghostbusters: Afterlife same with the creepy vibe it had, and Ghostbusters (1984) and Ghostbusters II (1989) had that, ok Ghostbusters II (1989) had a lot less good comedy parts in it, but i find that movie still better then Ghostbusters: Afterlife.

And the biggest problem i had, is that Ghostbusters: Afterlife was more a rehash of Ghostbusters (1984), again with Ivo Shandor, and again with The Keymaster and Zool, and that they have to come together and have sex, so that they can change into daemon dogs, so that (again) Gozer can come to earth, and you see the original Ghostbusters only in the last 10 a 15 minutes, it would have been much better if we saw them true the hole movie, because they are the Ghostbusters, and we see Annie Potts as Janine Melnitz and Sigourney Weaver as Dana Barrett only a few minutes, what's that all about?

And i wish Rick Moranis as Louis Tully was in it, he is gone be in the new Honey, I Shrunk the Kids movie, i also really mist him, and Carrie Coon as Callie and Paul Rudd as Grooberson were also forgettable, and Sigourney Weaver as Dana Barrett and Rick Moranis as Louis Tully was that absolutely not, they were great in Ghostbusters (1984) and Ghostbusters II (1989)

I am a huge fan of Ghostbusters (1984), and also even Ghostbusters II (1989), and i have seen them a million times, and have them both on DVD and Blu-ray, and yeah Ghostbusters: Afterlife is only half as good as Ghostbusters (1984) is, i really wish Ivan Reitman would have made Ghostbuters (real) 3 years ago when the cast was younger and when Harold Ramis was still alive, Ghostbusters: Afterlife was a lot better then Ghostbusters 2016, but that is real easy, and almost impossible not to do, but it is a lot less good then Ghostbusters (1984).

Again, wish they did not use kids, not as the leads, or that they were with the original Ghostbusters, and that they (the original Ghostbusters) were most of the times in the movie, and that we had a new story about a new super bad guy/girl, and not a rehash of Ghostbusters (1984).

Blood Red Sky

Wow what a surprise
Great to see a good Vampire movie in 2021 with all the crazy identity politics going around in Hollywood and more, did not expect to see a good Vampire movie nowadays.

If you like good vampire movies with good special FX and a ok story, then look no further, it has a great backstory letting us see why everything is going like it is in the movie, the movie is about a mother and a son, and the mother must go to from Germany to the US (New York) for help, but then bad people do something very stupid on the plane, and then the real action is going to happen, and yes it has a LOT of action.

All in all a good action/thriller movie about Vampires, can not say much more about the plot, but if you like the Underworld movies, your defiantly also going to like this one.


Good Old Fashion Fun
Not his best, but a fun action movie, with some funny moments.

This is a new concept, were a kid put a bounty on Santa, and were Santa has guns, was finally something, great that they made a movie of something they have never done before (what i know of, and i have seen MANY movies), and it was ok not great, but just fun.

If you just like stupid fun, and are a fan of Mel Gibson then i would say just watch it.

Honest Thief

Good simple movie
This is a basic Liam Neeson movie, and i love that, he plays always the same, but for some reason it gets never old, just like all the older Arnold Schwarzenegger movies, he as always play a good guy who have a very particular set of skills, skills he have acquired over a very long career, and yeah you know the rest.

If you have seen the trailer and have read the description, then read on....

So it's about a bank robber, who finds the love of his life, and because of her he stops robbing banks, but he feels guilty so he calls the FBI, and then everything goes sideways very fast, great simple action movie with some great fast action car scenes, the only thing that was not so great was the shooting scenes, they are very bad shooters.

I would recommend everyone this movie who also liked the other Liam Neeson action movies, it's sometimes slow, but when the action begins it's great.

The Dead Zone: Plague
Episode 14, Season 2

Predictive programming
Talking about Predictive programming, in this episode Johnny Smith sees a vision of children getting sick, and everyone in town and he sees in his vision everyone die, and do you know what this virus is called?

It was called the CORONA virus, and that is not the big shock for me when i saw it a months back with my sister, do you know what the cure was?

It was the malaria drugs, just like what Trump said, and just like what millions of people now use in Brazil. I and my sister was shocked, when we saw this episode.

Warrior Nun

Yeah, not that great
This series plays in Spain, were EVERYONE talks English, Wow what dumb, i have been to Spain many times and not many people speak English, and absolutely not English with a UK accent, this made it for my already unbelievable.

Secondly why MUST Netflix now put trans people in almost all there TV Shows, what is it with that, 0,3% or less of the world population is trans, but we see it now in MANY TV Show.

Story is ok nothing special, such a pity there are almost no good new TV Shows anymore.

The Dead Zone

Great TV Show that gets better and better.
I SO loved this TV Show back in 2002 up to 2007, has a fantastic story arc, love Anthony Michael Hall as Johnny Smith, he is a great actor as the lead actor that looses everything, his fiancée and his son JJ, but gets a amazing psychic power, were he can see the past and most importantly the future, and he helps a LOT of people with his new power, and that he gets a good bond with his new friends Bruce Lewis and the husband Sheriff Walt Bannerman of his all time love he knows from when he was a little child Sarah Bracknell Bannerman, and lost because of the nearly fatal car crash, and becomes good friends with his ex fiancée Sarah Bracknell Bannerman.

In episode 2 of season 1 he gets a choice in a vision, to save Sheriff Walt Bannerman or let him die and getting his fiancée Sarah Bracknell and son JJ back.

In the last episode of Season 1 he meets the elected Mayor (who becomes a politician and later the Vice President) Greg Stillson, who want's to become the president of America, but becomes the Antichrist when he becomes the president in Johnny Smith visions, every time you see Johnny Smith hold his hand you see Washington DC and the rest of America being destroyed by a wave of fire.

The only BIG problems i have with this TV Show is that it has no ending, and that after 6 seasons, and that Sheriff Walt Bannerman dies in the first episode of season 6, so what was the point of saving Sheriff Walt Bannerman in episode 2 of season 1 when he dies in the fist episode in Season 6, and gets his ex fiancée Sarah Bracknell back and his son JJ?!?!

They should have ended the TV Show with Season 5 were Johnny Smith finally beat Greg Stillson, and that Greg Stillson goes to jail for the rest of his life or dies, but no we get NOTHING of that, and the great TV Show ends with no ending, was VERY mad the first time i saw the ending of this TV show after 5+ years, Still cannot understand why this TV Show it did not have a ending.

The intro theme song was ok in the beginning but nothing special, but became fantastic with Season 4, the new intro music made the TV Show even better, a GOOD intro theme song gives more depth in a TV Show.

Almost forgot the spacial FX, the Bullet Time effect this TV SHow has, and was the first time a TV Show adopted the Bullet Time special FX, we know the Bullet Time FX from the movie The Matrix, and was blown away when i saw it in this TV Show back in 2002.

I still will recommend this TV Show, if you like TV Shows with psychic powers or if you like Fantasy then look no further.

The Old Guard

Fight scenes and action is great, story and more is not that great.
The Fight scenes and Action scenes are good, and that they go to different country's i love does parts of the movie, but the story is not so great, just a simple story about revenge and helping there people, i would have loved to have seen a little bit more in depth background story, and a little bit make of there past, now i have to feel something for them, but i don't feel that much for them because we see not enough in depth background story about each person, the little we see is just not enough, to make me feel something for them.

The story begins with 4 immortal people, and for some reason 2 of the 4 immortal people are gay, why what is the point?! When only 2 a 4% of ALL the people in the world are Alphabet person, what is the change that half of them are gay?!

Rage 2

Good fun game
I like the game he is fun to play, but I also liked the first game, I love it's a open world game (wish Doom 2016 was also), it has a OK story, end is a little bit a let down, also way to easy, but you have MANY good side quests, with a LOT to explore, if you explore everything and do all the side quests you easily do more then 25 over it, a bit longer than Rage 1, a pity most bosses looked the same, but is not bad hhh enough to not want to play the game more, the Apocalyptic world is great and feels a lot of times like Fallout 3 and 4, but with much better graphics, a lot enemies and monsters, great bunch of cars, a pity you can only upgrade one car the rest you can steel and then own you cannot upgrade, you really need a car in this game, its a big world, love all the different parts in the world, love the rainforest part looks VERY good.

Yes would recommend this game.


Had some very funny parts, and some childish parts
Just seen the movie Thursday, and was a funny movie, and has some very funny moment, when his friend from the foster home helps him to find what for powers are, but from the moment his best friend becomes i say jealous, the movie is going downhill a little bit.

And the end of the movie when all the other foster (aka sisters and brothers) kids get the same powers as him the movie went downhill even more, there are parts in it that are very childish, even my best friend i went to the Cinema with that likes kids movies, said it was TO childish.

Such a pity from everything i have read on internet this movie would have been a 8 or more easily, but from what i have seen it's for me more a 6 a 7, and absolutely not a 8 or higher.

I think your 12 year old child will love it maybe.

Alita: Battle Angel

Alita Battel Angel is the True Female Hero that's a role model for girls
What a great movie, with a strong women in the lead role, that is not political correct, she Alita is great, good dialog and acting, and seeing her be this great person that does not judge people but helps them when they are in need, the story is good and not told many times in this kind of way.

I love the daughter father relationship, i love the way she reacts to everything if it's the first time she seen or touch or smelt or taste anything, i just love her reaction to everything.

And wow, the fight scenes are one of the best, Really well done, they really thought hard about that, and the special FX are also fantastic, also really good, sometimes mind blowing, i LOVE that they followed the original Manga version, and that they changed Alita face like in the Manga, with big eyes and so, also because James Cameron loves the Manga, and put more Manga stuff in it because of that, you can see that James Cameron has a hand in this movie, even if he did not direct it.

If you love the Manga version or just Manga, or love a good Sci-Fi movie, then go and see it, you gone love this movie, also because there is no political nonsense in it.


He is Back, with a 3th movie of a serie i Love
Glass is really a good movie i really liked it, a really pity this is gone be the last movie in the Unbreakable movie series, i wish we would have more.

The acting is really good, i love the 3 actors, and i love they all were in one movie, i wish they made the ending different, i mean what happened to David Dunn, the special FX are good and i was shocked that this movie with such big actors cost only $20,-

Yes M. Night Shyamalan is back to making great movies again, now hopping that is stays that way, and that he is not going back after 3 good movies.

If you love Unbreakable and Split, you gone LOVE Glass.

The Predator

I love the Predator movie
I am a huge fan of the first Predator movie, also liked the second one, and the third one Predators (2010), from the beginning to the end is fun and a lot of action, i really like the fun parts, it makes the movie even better, not horror and action, no a lot of funny stuff and great action.

It has great special FX, and love the music theme for the first Predator movie, i cannot under stand that this movie has only a 5.8, there is nothing wrong with the story or the actors, i love the military from the bus, was laughing a lot, because of the stupid stuff some say, and did, was not happy they all died.

If this movie came out in the 80s everybody would have liked it, a pity so many people now are so serious, would have loved to see movie sequels, but it did bad in the cinema so i think that will never happen.

If you love a good sci-fi - action movie then this is for you, and if your a fan of Predator and are not so serious you would like it also.


Awful TV show

What a awful bunch of police officers, so MANY stupid stuff that happened in this show, in real life this would NEVER happen.

Were to begin?

Katherine Stevens must look at a bunch of cold cases, and found a 27 year old case about a young girl Laura Fraser who was pregnant and who was killed, she is bitten and stabbed 18 times.

Then a lot has happened........

First Katherine Stevens is so stupid to let all the evidence and stuff on the table, when she let people in her apartment, and of course Elizabeth Bancroft comes in her apartment and sees she is still working on the 27 year old cold case, then she is so stupid to not connect her superior Elizabeth Bancroft and the murdered girl Lily Sacofsky who is married to her best friend Tim Fraser when she Elizabeth Bancroft was young, then the girl Anya Karim who works with the evidence says to Elizabeth Bancroft she works in secret with Katherine Stevens to get her (Elizabeth Bancroft) for murder or for helping the one who murdered Lily Sacofsky, because she knows Athif Kamara (of course) and want Elizabeth Bancroft to take him down, and she says does not matter what she Elizabeth Bancroft did so long Elizabeth Bancroft can take down Athif Kamara.

Then she Anya Karim is being setup by Elizabeth Bancroft, so she is suspended and cannot work on the evidence to get her (Elizabeth Bancroft) for murder or something to do with it (the 27 year old case), then Anya Karim goes back to Katherine Stevens and tels her everything, then later Katherine Stevens is taken of the cold cases because Elizabeth Bancroft is good friends or something with some one high, and he want's to give his job to her because he is going to retire, then Katherine Stevens must go with Elizabeth Bancroft, to take down Athif Kamara so she can kill Katherine Stevens, and then when everyone is taken down by the police but not Athif Kamara, Katherine Stevens must film everything and she finds a secret room way in the back, but of course do not tell the police officers with big guns that she found something, so she alone go with only a hand camera in the room, and is shot by Athif Kamara but she has a bulletproof vest, and then Elizabeth Bancroft shoots Athif Kamara two times with a teaser and he dies, then Elizabeth Bancroft takes Athif Kamara his hand gun and shoots Katherine Stevens in her head, but she is still alive but barely breathing, then her chief hears that she Katherine Stevens is shot and called Anya Karim because he does not trust Elizabeth Bancroft

And then she Anya Karim tells him everything and that she has even DNA that proofs Elizabeth Bancroft is the murderer, then he interrogates Elizabeth Bancroft and says he has her DNA true her son, but Elizabeth Bancroft says it's the DNA of the men (Tim Fraser) she slept with, and that he Tim Fraser is his father and he is the murderer, and then even higher police officer who is in the other room comes the room in and says it's closed the cold case and forget it, even when the one who interrogate her says she must give her DNA the higher person says no it's closed, and that is about the end of the first season.

I have forgotten a lot of stuff that happened in the first two episodes, that also was SO stupid, but i have said enough, if you want a good cop show with a good story and not stuff that would never happen in real life, then look for another cop show, this show is just terrible.


First season is great, second season is not so great
When i saw the first season it was great, it was a trill ride all the way, till up the end, great acting great story, a great thriller.

Then i saw the second season and it went downhill very fast, acting is not so great anymore, and the story is sh*t, and the people now in season 2 are morons, it was hard to see all 10 episodes of season 2.

How can it be that the first season was great even fantastic and season 2 is sh*t, what happened to the writers and director of the first season, were they sleeping through the entire season.

If you want to see this TV show stick with only season 1, season 2 is laughable, nobody listens to each other, and just do things normal people won't do, it's just stupid.

Underworld: Blood Wars

A good movie.
May have spoiler, so be aware.

Selene is running from the Vampires, because she killed Viktor and Markus Corvinus, and she is running from the Lycans (Werewolves), she do not know where her lover Michael Corvin is and her daughter Eve, she only have a friend called David, but she feels she has no reason to live without them.

It's a good action flick, with a lot of fighting and shooting and sword fights, the story is OK but nothing special, good to see some familiar faces like David and Thomas, from the move before Underworld: Awakening (2012), there is some more gore then the other movies but it's OK not to much, fight scenes are good just as the other Underworld movies, also some great special FX, as the other movies.

If you are a big fan of the other Underworld movies or love good vampire and Werewolf movies, then you really gone like this one, it's a little bit like the fist Underworld movie, and that's a good thing, i really liked it, only a pity it was short, only 80 minutes without the credits.

Stranger Things

Fantastic just fantastic.
The Stranger Things is now one of the best shows out there, and has some fantastic special FX and story, and if you are from the 80s or earlier you will even like this show more.

For me Stranger Things is a mixture between E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (1982), The Goonies (1985), and Poltergeist (1982), also movies i love.

If you want a TV Show that gives you back the 80s feeling when you were young then this TV show is for you, it's funny it's trilling it has action and it's creepy, you will never get bored with this first season, After each episode, you long for more episodes.

It's just like seeing E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (1982), The Goonies (1985), and Poltergeist (1982) for the first time.

See it you will love it.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows

Fun for kids....not so much for adults
***Can have spoilers***

Were to begin, there are moments yes i can laugh, but a lot of time it's like i was watching a kid movie or looking at the cartoon version of TMNT.

I already saw it was not doing that great in the Box Office, but i saw the first movie and that one was good, but this one is just not that good, a lot of time there was stuff that was childish, and like any kid movie no one dies, even when the plane was shot to pieces, all the bullets missed the pilot and co-pilot, and they had miraculously a parachute, when they were blown out of there chairs, when the roof was blown of, even the Ninjas had miraculously a parachute when they were thrown out of the plane, and so were a lot of other stuff that was very childish, and the story was also not that great, and what happened to Splinter, he also was a bad character in this one, when he was great in the first movie, and Baxter Stockman (the bad scientist) was VERY annoying, and Krang, were to begin, and much more.

Such a pity that Michael Bay changed the director Jonathan Liebesman for Dave Green, Jonathan Liebesman is a MUCH better director, but of course Michael Bay and Paramount wanted a more child friendly movie, so that young children with there parents could go to this movie and see it.

But it was the wrong choice, because a LOT of people did not like the movie and find it to be childish and had a BAD story.

Why was a Foreign $302 million and Domestic $191 million for the first movie not enough for Paramount and Michael Bay, the movie only cost $125 million to make, so it did great in the USA and outside the USA.

But maybe they gone learn not to change directors and not make it more child friendly if the first movie was doing OK and made them millions.

I wish it had better actors and story and the same director, and was also more for the what older children, and adult, just like the first movie.


Fantastic show
The first time i saw Grimm i knew that this was gone be a great show, everything is great, the characters (the Actors) the story's, and most important i love all the people (the Actors) that play them.

I get the same family feeling as i had and still have with Buffy the Vampire Slayer, you come to love the characters, you want to see more of them, people that know and love that show know what i am talking about.

And most important it's getting better and better every season, there are not a lot TV Shows out there that are getting better every year (season).

I am Counting the days till a new episode comes on the air, and there are not many TV Show i have that with.

I also love you don't see sex scenes in it, i mean like in Games of Thrones or Banshee, and i haven't seen any episodes yet were i think how stupid is he or she, why did he or she did that, and so on.

I love also that you have good fight scenes in it, it doesn't look like a bunch of amateurs actors fighting, it looks real, and thats what i hate about the TV Show Lost Girl, they all look like a bunch of amateurs actors fighting, really bad.

Also when they transform into something is beautifully done, i love how Rosalee Calvert (Bree Turner) looks like when she transforms, she looks very cute :-)

And all that makes for me that this show is getting a 10 from me.

If you love Fantasy and Action and also Drama and a Family feeling then this is your show, you won't be disappointed.

X-Men: Days of Future Past

Great movie
What a great movie is X-Men: Days of Future Past, i love almost everything about it, and even greater to see all the old stars from X-Men 1, 2 and 3, and great to see all persons who died, in X-Men 3.

It has a good story with very good actors with good special FX, i am happy Bryan Singer made this movie, he has done a great job, just like x-man 1 and 2.

Only a few questions were answered: Why did Logan / Wolverine has his adamantium claws back, before he (his mind) went back to the past, in The Wolverine (2013) he lost his adamantium claws in the end.

And why is Charles Xavier back, when he died in X-Men 3, and in the end credits he (his mind/sole) was in a guy who was in a coma, was that his twin brother, and so why did he still need his wheelchair.

But for the rest it was a fantastic movie, i loved almost everything about it, i wish only we would see more of Rogue, and not only 2 seconds, i hope they will make more x-man movies.

If you love the other X-Men movies you will love this movie, just go and see it.

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