
IMDb member since September 2018
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The Watcher

Disappointed so very much
Had high expectations but this was very bad. I literally wasted my time when I could have watched much better shows than this one. Ryan Murphy stumbled with this show. No need of season 2 when Netflix could have revived much better cancelled shows. So many big names were attached with this show but alas they couldn't get justice for the roles they were playing. The plot was going nowhere and they were so many face palm moments. I gave two extra stars just for Jennifer Coolidge but even she was also a wasted opportunity in this series. Sad and pathetic attempt. Cancel it already and don't make another season.


Season 1 & 2 - phenomenal, season 3 - disaster
My first Turkish series. I was so disappointed with the last season that I feel like an idiot for watching season 1 & 2 twice. Mind you ppl, I watched the first two seasons twice just to catch up to season 3 coz I loved the first two seasons. If anybody could have told me to avoid catching up to first two seasons, I wouldn't have wasted my time. Season 3, what even was that, man? I feel the writers were out of ideas and they came up with something just for the heck of it. This deserved to get the cancellation and didn't deserve any kind of continuation coz honestly season 3 wasn't even in continuation to the first two seasons. I felt season 3 was a stand-alone story. So disappointed. I am gonna rate 7 just for the first two seasons coz the last season was 0 for me.


Hot hot and just hot 🔥
Why are ppl in the reviews here so pissed? Like I get that at the end she chose the Australian guy to blow her brains out and decided to cheat on her husband. Even I was also angry that she did that to her husband but isn't it the reality though? Infidelity has become common everywhere so I don't blame the woman to fulfil her desires somewhere else when she isn't getting it from her husband. I am pretty sure ppl here who are hating on that woman are the ones who might have definitely cheated. So y'all should stop acting like goody goody ppl.

Coming to the story and cast, they have some of the hottest and handsome cast to be honest. Even though the story was cliche and sometimes got boring, the leads made the show interesting coz they all were beautiful to watch. And the sex scenes were lovely. I needed such explicit scenes and if they renew this show for a second season, I want more raunchy & over the top explicit scenes. I just watched this show for Mike Vogel. Expected to see his package but it wasn't revealed. Hoping it to be revealed in season 2. Anyway, that Australian guy had a massive D. I was not expecting that. I was caught off guard.

Keep it up, Netflix. An advice, plz make it more sexy.


Pathetic boring attempt 👎
I come on IMDb and rarely give bad reviews but this deserved so much bashing & rightfully deserves not even 1 star. How can Amazon Prime go wrong with this when they had brilliant actors and the show sucked big time? I am literally at loss of words.

I also see here ppl giving 1 star coz of Anne Hathaway saying negative about Trump but that's really not the point coz overall the show was plain terrible irrespective of the actors picking political sides or whatever.

I really went into this with high expectations coz of the brilliant casting but when I started, halfway thru the first episode I started dosing off. No spark, no excitement, no potential, nothing. Somehow I thought rest of the episodes would be fine but oh no. Second episode in and I literally lost interest. After that I had to complete the series by watching it at 1.50x or 2.00x speed coz I didn't wanted to waste anymore of my time.

The only episode that I liked a tiny bit is Uzo Aduba episode & Morgan Freeman episode coz that episode had two actors in it. Also I expected more from the Helen Mirren episode but I was highly disappointed with that one. The awful episodes were of Anthony Mackie and Constance Wu. Just atrocious.

I wasted my precious two hours time which could have been well spent by watching an excellent anime movie or something. Boo. 👎


Love the chase but
It's 2020. So obviously I am late to the party but boy I enjoyed the party. I caught up with the series during quarantining. A unique concept which had elements of same old thrill, action & a little bit of drama which I quite enjoyed watching it. Whenever I completed a season I used to think what kind of storyline they would bring in the next season coz I felt they used to cover all of the threats each & every season but they definitely bought something new each season. I so love the chase, the cat and mouse game between Jack & the terrorists but I felt that just to cover the 24 hour episodes, they had to drag the storyline. Anyway, that's my only complain but I enjoyed it. Also I am curious to see if this show would have been made now, it would have been a treat to watch all of the cast using the latest technology and all. Expecting them to revive. But oh well, 10/10 from me.

Web Therapy

Star studded hidden comedy gem
Wonderful, brilliant & fantastic. Such an underrated show. The reviews on IMDb says it all how much underrated this show is. This hidden comedy gem only has 7 user reviews on IMDb which shows that not a lot of ppl know about this show. This has so many guest stars like the legendary Merly Streep, all of the friends cast except Jennifer Aniston, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jane Lynch, Meg Ryan, Jon Hamm, Steve Carell, Julia Louis Dreyfus, etc. A wonderful, unique concept and deserves so much better. Lisa Kudrow does a fabulous job being a snarky, self-centred, mean therapist. She is definitely a comedic genius. A special mention to Lily Tomlin. I didn't knew her work before watching this show but now I got to know & she is such a comedic pro queen. These comedic women really ruled this show. It's a 10/10 for me.

Web Therapy

Star studded hidden comedy gem
Wonderful, brilliant & fantastic. Such an underrated show. The reviews on IMDb says it all how much underrated this show is. This hidden comedy gem only has 11 user reviews on IMDb which shows that not a lot of ppl know about this show. This has so many guest stars like the legendary Merly Streep, all of the friends cast except Jennifer Aniston, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jane Lynch, Meg Ryan, Jon Hamm, Steve Carell, Julia Louis Dreyfus, etc. A wonderful, unique concept and deserves so much better. Lisa Kudrow does a fabulous job being a snarky, self-centred, mean therapist. She is definitely a comedic genius. A special mention to Lily Tomlin. I didn't knew her work before watching this show but now I got to know & she is such a comedic pro queen. These comedic women really ruled this show. It's a 10/10 for me.


In season 3, Laura Linney steals the show
I watched this during quarantining. At first, I wasn't interested coz I thought it had similar story like Breaking Bad and Narcos. But still I gave it a try. I always love Jason Bateman. He was also one of the reason why I watched this show. Seasons 1 & 2 were ok but season 3 belonged to Laura Linney. The character of Jason literally took a backseat in season 3 & also I expected more from the character Darlene but she was also shown less in season 3. But the way Wendy made bold choices in season 3 literally blew me away. I don't know why but I want Wendy Byrde to become more ruthless & become the main protagonist of the show in the final season. Also I am in awe with the cinematography which is similar to another hit Netflix show, Dark. What I didn't like is that the episodes are way too long.

The Good Place

One of the best finale of all time (all formats)
Just like Schitt's Creek, I was unaware of The Good Place. So decided to give it a go. While Schitt's Creek is a 10/10 material, The Good Place isn't. The concept is unique, I must give them that. But I feel like each season they reached their ultimate goal like in five to six episodes and the rest of the episodes were just fillers. Also this doesn't have a standout character as like other comedy shows. In Schitt's Creek, we had Moira Rose. In Modern Family, we had Gloria. In Baby Daddy, we had Bonnie Wheeler. In Happily Divorced, we had Fran. In HIMYM, we had Barney. This lacked in The Good Place. But this had one of the best finale in all formats (GOT & HIMYM, looking at u both). It was surreal and poignant and touched my heart. Also as always it was a treat to watch Maya Rudolph. Anyway, factoring everything I am going for 7/10.

Sex and the City

A classic masterpiece and ahead of it's time
It's 2020 and I got to catch up this masterpiece in these quarantine times. I did watch two seasons before but couldn't complete the whole series. Now I am done with it. I must say it was seriously so far ahead of it's time. I did watch the movies before I watched the series and those movies are my all time favourites. My favourite character is Samantha and I am pretty sure everybody loves her too. All the characters are good but out of all them I find Carrie to be too annoying. Anyway, I still can't get over the fact that Sarah Jessica Parker & Kim Cattrall had beef. It's too difficult to see the whole thing with both of them acting as besties in the show and the movies. It's too uncomfortable. Also I find Sarah Jessica Parker to be too dicey. So Team Kim Cattrall. But the show & movies are masterpiece so I have to ignore it. Well it's 10/10 from me.

The Politician

Season 1 meh but season 2 bellisimo
I was reluctant to see this coz it had the name politician in the title and I hate shows related to politics but I gave it a try in these quarantine times. Turns out this has nothing to do with actual politics but it's the dream of the main lead to become President of the US some day so he is hell bent to become student body president of his high school. Season 1 focuses mainly on high school drama. It was same old same old which I didn't like. Also we had the very talented Jessica Lange in season 1. I don't know why she decided to do this stupid role for this show which doesn't justify her immense talent. She should have never left American horror story. Anyway, season 2 actually focuses on actual politics and the main lead takes on already established unopposed senator of New York City in the elections which I found ridiculous but also at the same time I thought it was brilliant coz we need young ppl now more than ever to run the government. We get introduced to the lovely Judith Light & the hilarious Bette Midler in season 2. Hadassah played by Bette Midler stole the show for me in season 2. It was lovely to watch her bring life to this show. I would like to see more of her in the upcoming seasons. I wanted to give 5 stars but for Hadassah, an extra point so I am gonna give 6/10 for The Politician.

Love Life

Concept great but poor execution
Love me some Anna Kendrick. I watched this show solely for Anna. I had high expectations even though I saw so many bad reviews on IMDb, I ignored and still watched it. It started with great potential in the beginning but it just plateaued. I don't know why but I just couldn't connect to Anna's character. The concept is really great, it's just they didn't execute it properly. I didn't connect to the story too. And half an hour each episode didn't do any justice. That didn't make me connect to the character of Anna at all. They should have taken notes from another similar recent wonderful show "Normal People". Also why did they even show the character of Anna and his baby's father training their baby how to sleep in the final episode for no reason? It didn't make any sense to include it. That was unnecessary. Anyway, I wanted to give one star but coz of Anna I gave one extra star and one more extra star for unique concept. So total 3. What in the hell did Anna think doing this awful show?

Happily Divorced

Hidden comedy gem
I am so mad I didn't get to see this show when it first aired. It's 2020 and I still feel it's fresh. Anyway, this is a hidden comedy gem. I am sure not many ppl know about this show. This really deserved better. Also why tf it got cancelled after just two seasons? I am mad. I wanted to see more adventures of Fran and Peter. Fran is such a comedy queen. I fell in love with her. The whole cast did great job on their comedic timings on this show. Just revive it already. 10/10 from me.

Schitt$ Creek

Surprisingly wonderful (in Moira's accent)
Got to catch up with this comedy gem in this quarantine times. I avoided it coz the name of the show literally put me off. I was like WTF kinda name is that? But after watching it, I felt the wordplay on the name was genius. Anyway, in Moira's accent, "it's surprisingly wonderfuuulll". I am glad that it's a comedy show & without a laughter track in the background, this show never got bored. I usually prefer laughing track in the background for comedy shows. Each and every character bought life on the show. This is really a very underrated comedy show. It deserved to get much attention similar to Modern Family. But the character Moira was the heart of the show for me. My only one negative complain is that they should have given more screen time to Dustin Milligan coz he deserves better. Well, anyway it's still 10/10 for me.

Normal People

Delightfully Magnificent
I was skeptical to watch this show but in these tough quarantine times I had a lot of time on my hands so I gave it a try. Everything about this wonderful show is brilliant, fantastic and everything that is synonym to greatness. Everything from the actors, storyline, direction, cinematography, I mean everything is just simply awesome. The actors are rookie as far as I know and both of them did an awesome work. The way they expressed their emotions & feelings & the chemistry, it felt like they were seasoned actors which was a great thing. Sometimes it becomes a little bit slow but u can't help but savour everything coz it's that brilliant. The locations, the scenes that they captured were exquisite. They included everything like from actual extensive sex scenes to a guy going through depression to the girl going through emotional abuse. I personally needed to see all of those elements. I loved loved loved this show very much. Highly recommended. I would love to personally see this show win some Emmys as it deserves.

Love, Victor

Watch this for the supporting characters!!!
Love, Victor is an ok show. It's true we need more gay themed stories and they gave us a good one. But I wasn't impressed on the whole. We have already seen such type of stories with Love, Simon & Alex Strangelove. I wasn't impressed with both of them. At least Love, Victor is far better than those two. Usually when they make a gay themed story, they show so much of unrealistic stuff. And this, sometimes makes it so hard to digest. I was impressed by the supporting cast though. Felix & Lake, both the characters bring such a breath of fresh air on the screen. It was lovely to watch them. Ana Ortiz who plays the character Isabel as always bring so much spunkiness to her character and it's a treat to watch her too. Pilar & Benji are good too. I am also happy that they have given all the characters on the show their own storylines coz usually supporting characters are ignored way too much. Even though stories similar to Love, Victor has already been told, I like watching such stories again coz we need more gay themed shows. My only thing is I am still waiting for a show that portrays a more realistic side of all of it.

Asur: Welcome to Your Dark Side

Not as brilliant, ppl were expecting it to be but deserves a 10-star
Ppl are unnecessarily hating this show. In the beginning, it really had good ratings but when more number of ppl started watching it to see what the hype is, the more it's ratings went down. Ppl, it ain't that serious. Sure this series has its own flaws but that's ok, not everything has to be perfect. All of these reviews here are those ppl who are trying to compare it to international suspense/thriller series. We get it, y'all saw some English shows and expect the same thing from Indian shows. Not everything has to be perfect. To be honest, not brilliant but a good attempt. So stop with the hate and just enjoy it. At least we are getting a thriller show with some good storyline. I wanted to give like a 7 rating but I wanted to support this show coz of all the unnecessary hate here so I give it a 10 rating. Expecting big things in season 2, if there is any.


I am blown away like literally
Dark is such a breath of fresh air. It really has a unique concept. Terrific storyline. Brilliant looking cast. I don't know who came up with the idea and I don't know that it's real or not but I would like to believe that this exist. I mean it's really true that we very much experience a lot of deja vu in our lives. What if this can happen? We can only wish. Anyway, I binge watched the whole series in one go and it just blew my mind. It is so complex that I had to rewind certain scenes from the series to understand who is where and where is when and who is when. Every time I went "wtf, wtf, what even tf is happening?" but I enjoyed that adrenaline rush. This rush was similar to when I watched The OA. The OA is not that complex but Dark is complex on a whole another level. I hope and pray that Netflix doesn't cancel Dark just like they cancelled other brilliant shows like The OA, Sense8, Daredevil. Well it's a 10/10 from me.

To quote Lady Gaga, "talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference".

The OA

WTF WTF what even tf?
The OA is such a breath of fresh air. I mean it really has a unique concept. Terrific storyline. Brilliant looking cast. More so the brilliant Brit Marling. Also special mention to the new kids. I don't know who came up with the idea of inter dimensional travel and I don't know that it's real or not but I would like to believe that they exist. I binge watched the whole series in one go and it just blew my mind. It is not as complex as another fantastic show on Netflix called Dark but I can say that The OA is also a little bit complex. Every time I went "wtf, wtf, what even tf is happening?" but I enjoyed that adrenaline rush. This rush was similar to when I watched Dark. I got into this show after I saw all of the trending it did when Netflix cancelled it. Netflix did a terrible thing by cancelling this show. I am angry that they cancelled it on such a cliffhanger. Netflix is doing a terrible job of cancelling wonderful shows like Sense8, The OA, Daredevil and not cancelling the trash 13 Reasons Why. I hope The OA gets picked up by any other streaming service.


Another zombie show but with whole lot of quirkinesses
What a wonderful underrated zombie show!! There are a number of zombie shows but this has a unique concept with an amazing lead actress and amazing supporting cast. Rose really did so much justice to her character. She brilliantly portrayed the umpteen number of characters she was required to play in this show. All in all, I recommend everyone to watch it coz I am pretty sure it didn't get the much deserved television ratings while it aired and it didn't have a whole lot of audience too.

Mozart in the Jungle

The word "hai lai" was the highlight of the whole series for me
Mozart in the jungle belonged to Gael Garcia. He literally owned the series completely. I have become a huge fan of Gael after watching Mozart in the jungle. At first, I was skeptical to give this show a try. But it was so worth it to watch a show which has a very unique concept with excellent storyline and excellent cast. I haven't read the book. I wonder whether there is more to the abrupt ending to the story in season four. I am mad that they cancelled the show with that cliffhanger. Also the character "hai lai" deserved a better actor but I have no complaints with Lola Kirke. And I always cackled when Rodrigo calls Hailey "hai lai". That was the life of the show. Anyway, one word for both Mozart in the jungle and Gael Garcia "MAGNIFICENT".

Baby Daddy

The Bonnie Wheeler Show
Is this the best comedy show or what? Ok it might not be the best but it still is in the ranks of the best comedy shows. Period. It got cancelled in 2017 but in 2019 it is still so refreshing to watch it again & again & again. This deserved to go on for like 10 to 12 seasons. It was a very underrated sitcom and deserved better.

This actually was called Baby Daddy but according to me the star of the show was Bonnie Wheeler. Everything about that character was perfect. I don't know much about her like what kind of roles she did in the past but just based on this role I must say, Melissa Peterman is really a great underrated comedy queen.

I loved all the other characters. They all did a great job. The punchlines and the comedy timings of all the characters were spot on. All of them did tremendous acting, even the various girls who played the litte girl, Emma. Probably my least fav is the character Riley Perrin but I like her too.

I am still mad that I didn't get to know who Ben gets to end up with and how his relationship with Elle turned out to be. Last season was really rushed coz of the episodes getting cut but anyway all in all, a great comedy show worth watching several times.

A special mention to Jean-Luc Bilodeau, he also deserves to get more roles in TV shows or movies just like Charlie Cox of Marvel's Daredevil.


Just stop with all the hate
I get it that it's not the best series and also it's not the best representation of our culture but come on can you all take it as a food for entertainment, plz? All the hate reviews on IMDb are unnecessary and certainly the show doesn't deserve the low score. You all are basically not acknowledging the hard work that goes on creating these shows. The story is mediocre but it has good actors and the cave, desert visuals are amazing. The makers tried to westernise the show for younger audience and that's ok coz it is all a fiction. We don't need to be pressed & critical all the time. I am pretty sure there might be many family related content shows going on in the Arab countries and they will definitely show our culture in those shows in an appropriate manner. People who find this show offensive, can go and watch those family dramas. Anyway, I hope Netflix doesn't cancel the show coz it has some very beautiful actors. Also the story ain't that bad. Waiting for season 2.

Sex Education

Where is the sex part?
Honestly speaking, I thought this might be another teenage drama & I wasn't interested in it coz I have seen insatiable and I expected much from that show but it didn't live up to it's expectations but the title of this show "sex education" got me intrigued so I gave it a try. A big fat question from me "where the hell is sex shown in this series?". It literally has sex in the title of this show. I expected much nudity from this show coz Netflix pretty much shows sex scenes openly in their other shows & movies. Hell, even HBO shows lots of nudity in their shows and that is a cable channel. We just got to see a few sex scenes here & there throughout the season, a penis in the first or second episode and a vagina in the third or fourth episode(I don't remember). That's it? I was also expecting some homosexual love but it was just confined to few minutes in few episodes. I was disappointed. There shouldn't be any boundaries when a digital content is being created. Coming to the storyline, it is a typical high school teenage drama. There is nothing unique. Acting parts of the actors are ok. Gillian Anderson is always iconic. The kids & other supporting characters are ok. But the storyline got dragged & dragged. Netflix, if ur watching this review plz take my advice and show us lots of sex. We are living in 21st century for goodness sake.

Edit: season 2 >>>> season 1

The Haunting of Hill House

Overrated horror mess
I had high expectations due to the overwhelming positive response for this series from the audience but sorry to say this was painfully boring and slow and there were very less elements of horror....Netflix should stop making 1 hour episodes instead they should create what is necessary for the storyline...there is no need to drag the show by making the scenes lengthy without any kind of dialogues...I mean I really expected lots of horror but I just jumped at one or two horror scenes, that's it which is highly disappointing...ppl are saying that this is the best horror series till date but they forgot that American horror story still exist...American horror story might have declined it's bar in the latest seasons but beginning seasons are still iconic and has full of horror elements...the haunting of hill house is certainly not the best horror show and it is certainly not even an average one for me...sorry not sorry...

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