
IMDb member since September 2018
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A film about nothingness
Nighy is brilliant and retrained - as always and made the film watchable but frankly it is a a film about nothing at all. He goes on a bender when told he has terminal cancer and gets drunk and we see no more of that behavior or the character he meets for the rest of the film. It is watchable mostly because of Nighy who's always a ball with his face of restraint. Are we truly to believe the bureaucracy of the council as depicted here? Or the son who has zero intuition about the father he lives with? All in all it was an inconspicuous ride and an innocuous tale stretched into infinity by the very fine acting of Nighty.

Inside Man

Great idea with a huge flaw
Why didnt the clever prisoner in the basement figure out that carbon monoxide was killing her and ask Ben to switch off the heater??? It is a really STUPID flaw in a very interesting concept. All she had to do was say "Ben please turn off the heater" and when it was iver how come Ben not arrested for attempted murder???

I thought the acting was really good but it was spoilt by this silliness about the heater for me. Nicely shot and the next silliness is the guy about to be executed still teasing about his wifes head. Its beyond comprehension that this would occur or that the authorities would allow such contact.


Suspend accuracy and enjoy a good old movie
Don't think too much - a great movie and the flying scenes are amazing. Some of the CGI was sloppy but I still loved it. Acting was good with some solid characters. If you want historical accuracy you might hate it - me? I want to be entertained and I did enjoy this movie. I don't understand some of the reviews but everyone's different I guess. Get some popcorn, get a beer and enjoy it. I found the acting of the rogue pilot a tad hammy and I think he would have been thrown in the gaol if he acted with so much insubordination. I found the nationalistic America is the best a bit grating and did the Japanese really throw a pilot in the sea attached to an anchor?


Appalling casting
Really boring and incredulous film that i switched off within 20 minutes. If i coukd give less than 1 star i would. What were they thinking? TOO WOKE and far from anything entertaining. I cringed at the casting whi h put me off the whole film.


Elvis broadly as he was... great movie
Seen through the eyes of Colonel Parker a very credible and enjoyable attempt at Elvis's life. Sweetened the Pricilla bit (they divorced? She had an affair?) and played up Shillings minor role. Apart from those necessary political moves to get cooperation it was excellent. Touching in parts and delivers - must be an oscar nod for the lead role.

The Green Knight

Dissembled balderdash with nice scenery
I can only remember bits and bobs about this film because it was on and off interesting. The acting was not great but im a sucker for period pieces. Not recommended as I sort of didnt understand it.

Death on the Nile

Loved it
Majestic, beautiful, maybe a little contrived but I dont care. Great period film - dont think too much and enjoy. The boat is stunning, i liked rhe way Poirots moustache is explained.

No Time to Die

Woke Bond
Some nice action sequences but a bit stodgy and pc for my liking. All this I'm 007, no your not, I AM. I love Craig as Bond but this was the worst of his offerings.

The Blacklist

Super show BUT not the LIZ NONSENSE
Get rid of her and let the series shine even more. Liz is boring and moronic.

The Blacklist: Ian Garvey (No. 13)
Episode 8, Season 5

Used to be 9 or 10 star then series 8
Was great then became obsessed with that stupid girl and her mother - what a shame!

Designated Survivor

9/10 first series then went down toilet
Really great concept until they brought in the pc trans stuff - then just embarrassing.

The Good Doctor

House v.2
Wanted to believe but it was over sentimental US slush. House was NEVER sentimental and it's the same concept - Doctor with issues but is a genius. Toby playing Toby was a reminder of his same role in West Wing - good actor wasted.

The Day the Earth Stood Still

One kid spoils this film
A great concept with some really good actors then they throw in an annoying kid who adds NOTHING to the film. Every time he came on screen I was hoping he'd get killed - horrible casting choice with a kid who cannot act!

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