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The Most BADASS, Female Assassin, Exciting Thriller 🎥 I've Ever Seen in Decades
My former husband and I almost didn't watch this movie due to low Rotten Tomatoes reviews.

But I'm so glad I chose to follow my own inner guidance/Heart/intuition/gut feeling, because it was definitely worth our focus, attention, energy, and time.

Plus, Rotten Tomatoes has been off at times with their reviews, though a large number of them seemed pretty spot on.

This is a great lesson to not always rely upon others' opinions, no matter who "they" are.

Because even "expert" scientists used to label 95% of human DNA "junk DNA."

But we've discovered that it's dormant, spiritual DNA, slowly, gradually, quickly, and even RAPIDLY activating...

to include the Soul Activation Code that's known as the 11:11 Phenomenon, and has a dominoes effect for the EXPANSION of our individual and Collective Consciousness, that's similar to opening a positive version of a pandora box.

Anyhoo, I rarely like to watche movies more than once, but I'd probably watch this one again in the future, because it was THAT exciting throughout the entire movie.

I usually don't care for OLD AND OUTDATED fight scenes and shooting scenes that seriously lacks creativity.

However COMMA the main character, Anna, takes the fighting scenes to a whole other level (the way she does with everything else).

So even though there are parts that are over exaggerated, like Anna kicking everyone and their daddies and granddaddies' ASS, we still enjoyed it.

Granted, the glamorized fighting and shooting scenes were UNrealistic, unless Anna (like in the movie, Lucy) activated a very high percentage of her once dormant DNA.

Many of the actors in the movie, especially the main four ones (and definitely Anna), did an EXCELLENT job of being authentic characters with realistic demeanors, raw emotions, engaging dialogue, vulnerabilities, BOLD confidence, refreshing honesty, high intelligence, creativity, cleverness, keen observations, convincing nonverbal cues, strong eye contact, relatable aspects, hot chemistry, and much more.

We both appreciated that I didn't need to say (or shout) to the TV, "Wear a WIG or get a haircut!" to characters needing to be out of the spotlight, though I did with a lot of other frustrating movies that didn't seem well-planned.

The creators of this movie actually put forth efforts to incorporate this slick scene.

I just hope this GLAMORIZING of main characters doesn't influence young females (and males) to believe that being an assassin is so cool and effortless; because I have no doubt that's FAR FROM TRUE.

Just like many military movies that started revealing how it can REALLY go down quick, with gun shots, other bloody wounds, torture, and even death, being an assassin (or anything similar to it) more than likely has WAY MORE CONS than pros.

Anyhoo, getting sleepy, so enough shared.

Thank you all for co-creating and sharing!

Nighty night.

Young Sheldon

Sheldon Increasingly Becomes EXCESSIVELY NARCISSISTIC AND DRAINING to Watch; Meemaw, George, Georgie & Missy Mainly Make This Show Enjoyable, & Mixed Feelings About Mary
So far-currently watching season 6-the main character of this show ironically and gradually becomes the least respectable and least likable one as the seasons and episodes continue.

At the beginning episodes of this show, when Sheldon was much younger, he got away with his MAJOR PAIN IN THE ASSness since he was cute.


WHY? Because his parents-mostly the co-dependent, hypocritical, religious zealot, and overly controlling mother character, Mary (who can also be likable and even lovable at times)-babies Sheldon to death, and hardly ever DISCIPLINES this OUT OF CONTROL kid, that even the rest of the characters on this show can't stand most of the time.

As the show progresses, it becomes increasingly difficult to tolerate (let alone like) this young Sheldon character because HE'S JUST WAY TOO MUCH for anyone with a pulse.

Allowing ANY kid to become like Sheldon is NOT caring about the kid's future, and is NOT setting the kid up for safety and success within society.

Granted, this is a TV show, but there are kids who are like Children of the Corn-witnessed a 5 year old kid shout to his mother to shut up at a supermarket (and that's just one crazyass example).

My husband's former coworker had a 2 through 6 year old boy who often BIT her (his mother)-among other SPOILED KIDS' BEHAVIORS-whenever he didn't get his way, because she barely disciplined her child (like the character Mary).

He was also violent towards other kids, and was even sent home from school as he got older. Why? Because that's what happens when you turn kids into out of control jerks.

Kids like Sheldon-and the other very mouthy ones-need to be DEEPLY GRATEFUL they weren't born decades ago.

If most of us adults from back in the day talked to our parents like these kids (especially Sheldon), we'd be gettin' MAJOR ASS WHOOPINGS (PLURAL), flying across the room, grounded for years, ETC.

There's absolutely no need to neglect or abuse children (or even adults); however COMMA they do need some DISCIPLINE.

The writers didn't do a good job balancing Sheldon's personality, so that the main character of the show is AT LEAST somewhat likable.

How is it that the best parts of every single episode is WITHOUT THE MAIN CHARACTER, YOUNG SHELDON?

Is it a good idea for viewers to DREAD watching the main character of a show?

My husband and I loved the sequel of this show, The Big Bang Theory-which was MUCH BETTER than this Young Sheldon show-because it was often highly creative, hilarious, and even heartfelt at times.

And even though the adult Sheldon was also a major, pain in the ass, he was funny, hilarious, respectable, likable and/or lovable at least most of the time.

The grandmother, Meemaw/Connie is the most authentic, refreshingly honest, free-spirited, BOLD, unapologetic, feisty, witty, FUN, compassionate, and overall interesting and lovable character so far (the main reason my husband and I chose to continue watching this show).

This is followed by the other great actors: the dad George, son Georgie, daughter Missy, (even mother Mary at times), and sporadic moments for the rest of the supporting characters who did a great job as well (even the hypocritical, very judgmental "Christians" from the church, which match a lot of reasons why MANY PEOPLE have been leaving this world's religions, to include myself).

Granted, I've known a handful of true Christians who did their best to Be Living Wisdom-like Jesus' UNconditional love-based teachings (not the altered, fear-instilling ones)-and they were unconditionally loving, UNconditionally kind, compassionate, and much more; but many more were the typical Christians.

There are some very creative, funny, and even hilarious parts to this show, that could've had a much higher rating had the writers put forth much more effort on developing the main character, young Sheldon.

The boy who plays the character, Sheldon, is a good actor; but a great script for his role in most episodes would've helped, where's he's not habitually robotic and boring while regurgitating memorized data that no one cares about.

I really appreciated the parts of this show that showed different types of intelligence by other kids like Georgie, Missy, and even Billy, who had wonderful qualities, skills, abilities, talents, and/or strengths that genius Sheldon didn't have.

I read this part of someone else's review, and completely agree: "By the way, the actress that plays Sheldon's mother has done her homework! She has Laurie Metcalf's facial expressions down pat."

Plus, Sheldon's mom, Mary, is a great actress, despite her "negative" characteristics.

Also, it was Texas back in the day, and even many and the majority of humanity within this world were stuck in poverty consciousness.

But there's excessive "poor mentality" talk, and eating of many foods that have been proven by science to be the cause of many health problems, diseases and deaths.

This is why the pharmaceutical industry is a MULTI-TRILLION DOLLAR INDUSTRY.

The more people eat junk food-though moderation and treat days are fine-the more they have many health issues, and the more they turn to so many different types of pills to MERELY COVER UP SYMPTOMS, rather than heal the core cause of the issues.

This has become more mainstream knowledge these days, but many Souls are still sadly ASLEEP.

Do your own basic research, and SEE with CLARITY more truths that have been revealing to humanity (or not, it's your lives).

Glad this show has been revealing some truths. It's too bad that this show had the potential to become a classic, like The Big Bang Theory.

There's only one season left, so we're going to finish it since we have been enjoying most of the characters besides Sheldon (who's seemingly becoming WORSE AND WORSE with each episode, just EXHAUSTING AND DRAINING).

I wonder if this was intentionally done to cause many people to REACT and feel negative emotions-especially resentment, anger, and even hatred-in order to influence many to have low vibrational frequencies (that makes people much easier to manipulate and control).

By the way, what the hell happened to Billy's little sister?

I may or may not add an UPDATE to this review, depending how I feel about it.


A Rare, Multidimensional Movie That Stems from Creative Genius Frequency
Avatar is of the best movies I've seen in five decades, that is multifaceted and multidimensional, to include an amazing story, excellent actors (and not just the main characters), raw emotions, Soul-igniting and deeply heartfelt moments, breathtaking and mesmerizing cinematography, authentic and fascinating dialogues, a perfect amount of humor, drama, action, suspense, and romance, plus many Consciousness expanding themes, and their perfectly supporting, polar opposite aspects (like honoring Mother Nature, an unconditionally loving family, Heart-based ways of Being and living, supportive and strong communities, possibilities beyond humans and physical bodies, Unconditional Love, Life Purpose, courage, true leadership, etc.).

You know a movie is TIMELESS when you and those you know have watched it more than once, and continued to thoroughly enJOY it, as well recommend it to others.

Granted, my least favorite parts of many historical movies are the old, repetitive, fear-based, outdated scenes about the ongoing, seemingly never-ending conflicts, battles, and wars; but I get that such scenes come with the package deal of human history.

Hopefully, more AMAZING and memorable movies in the future will include a high level of GENIUS CREATIVITY (like Avatar), and less of the need to "revisit the graveyard of old movie ideas (like the battle and war scenes)," as one movie reviewer once expressed in such a SPOT ON way.

And this includes more movies about Extraterrestrials who are highly evolved on a combination of energetic levels-mentally, emotionally, physically (via more DNA activation), and/or spiritually (and even technologically)-that actually exist within our Galaxy, Universe, Multiverse, Omniverse and beyond.

I also enJOYed Avatar 2, though part 1 seemed more deeply moving and exciting.

The idea that ETs and aliens are only or mostly bad and evil is beyond OLD, fear-based, ignorant, and BORING; hence, I was very grateful for this movie.

But this narrow-minded and closed hearted perspective that E. T.s and aliens are all or mostly out to destroy humanity is understandable, since humanity has been deeply ingrained by a mostly left-brain-centered, masculine energy dominant, fear-based, patriarchal society throughout human history (ultimately, we were still in the crawl stage of our individual and Collective Soul evolution/consciousness).

Just like humans and all the creatures of Mother Nature/Earth, even E. T.s and aliens are a wide range of many, ultimately neutral aspects within the rainbow 🌈 spectrum of interconnected Life of many worlds.

Humanity has NOT been aware (as UNwake Souls), for too long, lost in the DARK/SHADOW/UNKNOWN (without an opening and discerning open mind/wisdom/Light Frequency/God essence).

And because of our closed or narrow minds, humans also didn't really know the meaning of needing to heal one's deeply wounded heart, the healing of which would fully connect us to Unconditional/True Love (for the self/Self/others/interconnected Life within this world and beyond), though some people (especially mothers) had intuitively, naturally, and sporadically tuned into this energy state.

Humanity has been lost due our disconnect from the Mother Goddess, The Cosmic Heart & Womb/The Divine Feminine Energies/The Unconditional Love Frequency (to include Compassion & Mercy)/Grace/The One of Many Names, but ultimately The Nameless (like Her other half of the Cosmic Coin, God essence).

S/He has been heavily oppressed, suppressed, and long forgotten by a patriarchal society, though for a while now, and especially during these times, an increasing numbers of Souls (especially Ascended Masters, Starseeds from various star systems, Indigos, Lightworkers, Blue Ray Souls, Earth Angels, Workers of Oneness, etc.) have been WAKING UP to our Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE Selves/selves.


A Multidimensional Perspective of a Mostly Timeless & Memorable Movie
Gladiator is of the best movies I've seen in five decades, that is multifaceted and multidimensional, to include an amazing story, excellent actors (and not just the main characters), raw emotions, Soul-igniting and deeply heartfelt moments, captivating and convincing cinematography, authentic and interesting dialogues, a perfect amount of humor, drama, action, suspense, and romance, plus many Consciousness expanding themes, and their perfectly supporting, polar opposite aspects (like respect, loyalty, honor, trust, faith, courage, etc.).

You know a movie is TIMELESS when you and those you know have watched it more than once, and continued to thoroughly enJOY it, as well recommend it to others.

Russell Crowe did an extraordinary job of representing a BALANCED (merged physical & spiritual worlds), BAD@$$ MAN of "STRENGTH & HONOR."

And because of his BIG Heart & discerning mind, deep character, very handsome outer appearance, and many other wonderful aspects of his Full-Potential Self/self, he continues to be the HOTTEST, male, Hollywood character of all movies (from my perspective).

And Joaquin Phoenix is a VERY TALENTED actor as well, whom I felt compassion for despite his "sad and bad" role. I trust that he would've turned out different had his father unconditionally loved him, especially respecting and appreciating his own, unique strengths and qualities that are just as valid and invaluable.

But it's understandable back in those days that humanity wasn't aware, lost in the DARK/SHADOW/UNKNOWN (without a discerning open mind/wisdom/Light Frequency/God essence).

And because of closed or narrow minds, humans also didn't really know the meaning of needing to heal one's heart; hence, tuning into Unconditional/True Love (for the self/Self/others/interconnected Life within this world and beyond), though some people (especially mothers) had intuitively, naturally, and sporadically tuned into this energy state.

Humanity has also been lost due our disconnect from the Mother Goddess, The Cosmic Heart & Womb/The Love Frequency/Compassion & Mercy/The One of Many Names, but ultimately The Nameless (like Her other half of the Cosmic Coin, God essence).

S/He has been heavily oppressed, suppressed, and long forgotten by a patriarchal society, though balanced and harmonious Maximus (a Divine Human) prayed to both the Mother & Father aspects of the Divine, which I didn't catch the first time I watched this movie.

Though I don't know much about Hollywood actors, and not interested in following their lives (just bits and pieces once in a blue moon), I also highly respect and admire who Joaquin is in real life, with some of his open-minded, BIG Hearted, deeply heartfelt expressions, to include suggesting to humanity that we have more compassion for various forms of Life. He, too, is handsome inside and out in his own beautiful way.

Recently, a family friend in his 80's shared that he loves historical movies. But we found out that he had never seen Gladiator and Braveheart, two of the top ones without a shadow of a doubt. Once we watched it together, he absolutely loved both.

Granted, I shared with him that my least favorite parts of many historical movies are the old, repetitive, fear-based, outdated, and boring scenes about the ongoing, seemingly never-ending conflicts, battles, and wars; and he agreed that it's the same old stuff. But I get that such scenes come with the package deal of many historical movies.

Hopefully, more AMAZING and memorable movies in the future will include a high level of GENIUS CREATIVITY, and less of the need to "revisit the graveyard of old movie ideas (like the battle and war scenes)," as one movie reviewer once expressed in such a SPOT ON way.

And this includes more movies about Extraterrestrials who are highly evolved on energetic levels-mentally, emotionally, physically (via more DNA activation), and/or spiritually (and even technologically)-that actually exist within our Galaxy, Universe, Multiverse, Omniverse and beyond.

That's why two other favorite movies of all time are Avatar 1 & 2 (though the first one was better).

The idea that ETs and aliens are only or mostly bad and evil is beyond OLD, fear-based, ignorant, and BORING.

Gojira -1.0

Never Imagined Being Deeply Moved By a Godzilla Movie
Though I'm Japorean-American, 1/2 Japanese & 1/2 Korean, I was never a fan of Godzilla movies.

However COMMA my husband wanted to watch (at home) King Kong vs Godzilla (2021) last month or so, and I really liked the ending.

So when this Godzilla movie had broken various records, I was very curious as to WHY.

And we were both glad that we watched this at a movie theater, because it was definitely worth it.

It has all the aspects of a memorable movie, to include (but not limited to) an EXTRAORDINARY: story, cinematography, authentic characters, raw emotions, Soul-igniting and deeply heartfelt moments, sincere and interesting dialogues, fiery passion, profound symbolism, drama, suspense, romance, action, humor, courage (and its polar opposite), other supportive "negative" contrasts/opposites, transparent honesty, Unconditional/True Love (for the self & others), compassion (for the self & others), Unconditional Forgiveness (for the self & others), the release of old and outdated individual and Collective beliefs that are fear-based and non-beneficial, teamwork, encouragement, upliftment, empowerment, inspiration, generosity, loyalty (for the self & others), relatable human suffering, the letting go of non-beneficial guilt and shame, outer world mirroring inner world fears, and much more.

Plus, the creators did an excellent job of building the characters; hence, it was effortless to respect, admire, and even deeply empathize with them.

During at least two points within this movie, I was so deeply moved, that tears kept flowing uncontrollably.

I felt so grateful for those profound, heart healing moments.

Due to the ongoing conflicts between Japan and Korea, even after their war, I've been conditioned since childhood to feel ashamed by who I was biologically.

So although I've been doing my best (for decades) to accept, embrace, and even deeply love more and more aspects of WHOLE Self (Divine Self within: Spirit & Soul)/self (physical human self), there were still remnants of the shame of being suicidal at times throughout my life (typical for both Japan and Korea).

I realized that suicide has been a strong energy in this last lifetime, for myself and several of my Korean family members.

In addition, genetically, the energy of suicide more than likely runs on the unknown, Japanese side of my family from past generations.

In addition, before watching this movie, I had a hard time forgiving cruel, whale hunters of Japan (though they're not the only country, and it's mostly for profit) that made me want to yell at these outdated, overly aggressive energy aspects...

"When will you guys STOP all the CRUELTY?!!! Have you not done enough damage to so many countries and people throughout history?!!

Where is your FEELING Heart?! When will you spiritually evolve?!

Cruel people like you make it so difficult for Heart-centered, Japanese people to move on from their bad reputation.

Cruel people like you are the reason why my own Korean mother has been calling me a cold-hearted Jap since childhood!"

But after watching this movie, I realized that the energy of cruelty is dying out, and that it's no longer the majority, though it can seem that way at times due to the media mostly showing the negative of Life.

It's even time for many Koreans to UNconditionally forgive the Japanese people, even if the higher ups are too proud to admit their cruelty during wars (and leave out the truths from history books).

Because the truths are revealed in Divine perfect timing and order.

I trust that more and more humans on this planet, to include the Japanese and Koreans, are going through MAJOR TRANSFORMATIONS on ALL energetic levels (mentally, emotionally, physically via activation of once dormant DNA, and spiritually).

And if we are resistant to the inevitable, natural changes ignited by Cosmic forces within this world and beyond-especially with The Return of the Divine Feminine Energies/Heart/Goddess essence-then, just like the autumn leaves, we, too, will slowly, gradually, quickly, and even rapidly parish, and experience dis-ease and/or death of the outdated.

And if we happen to experience so-called death in this lifetime-a transformation of energy state like solid/dense, slow vibrating ice, to faster vibrating liquid, to rapidly vibrating steam-it will lead us to other opportunities to explore, experience, overcome challenges, enjoy, learn, grow, and evolve within this Universe, Multiverse, Omniverse, and beyond.

I've realized that ALL aspects of our Soul Self and human being self-and not just the "right, good, and Light" parts, but the WHOLE Self/self-are perfect AS IS from an expanded, unlimited, multidimensional perspective, though from a narrow, limited, human perspective, we are imperfect.

Because within physical worlds-that includes the package deal of DUALITY/POLARITY-our individual and collective minds naturally compare opposites/contrasts.

And only by comparison, do we label one thing right and another thing wrong, one thing good and another thing bad, and one thing light and another thing dark.

However, beyond the physical world of individual and collective Cosmic Heart/Unity Consciousness (that's ALL INCLUSIVE), interconnected, NEUTRAL Life simply exists AS IS (like free-spirited, wild, authentic, young children who intuitively know to Be WHOLE, before they're conditioned by society to ONLY be right, good, and light).

And just like the Essene Mirror #7 of Divine Wisdom, EVERYTHING is perfect as is from a BIGGER PICTURE PERSPECTIVE.

So we must realize that we are perfect as is at every moment, that contains our Full-Potential-like a rose seed through a full blossom rose-especially as we REMEMBER (at the Soul level) that there's no external yardstick to measure ourselves against. We are FREE to just BE.

We are each on our own unique Soul/human path, growing and evolving at our own pace, in divine perfect timing in order.

So even the so-called "bad guys" of this world may experience in this lifetime-or even reincarnate in the next lifetime(s)-what it's like to be on the RECEIVING END of corruption, cruelty, abuse, deception, manipulation, control, oppression, discrimination, poverty, suffering, etc., so that one magical day, a lightbulb moment may happen:

"These fear-based energies don't FEEL good, so I choose NOT to do it to others.

I now SEE with CLARITY that we are all INTERCONNECTED.

So when I harm another, I harm myself, and when I harm myself, I harm another.

And when I love another, I love myself, and when I love myself, I love another.

Extraction 2

Where's the Highly Intelligent Creativity? OVERBOARD of Back to Back to Back Shootings & Explosions With Severe Lack of Creative Story
Once again: Where's the Highly Intelligent Creativity? OVERBOARD of Back to Back to Back Shootings & Explosions With Severe Lack of Creative Story (worth repeating here since REPETITION is apparently a MAJOR theme in this movie).

Like many, my husband and I enjoy an engaging movie starring great actors like Chris Helmsworth, Ibis, and like others.

However COMMA where are the highly intelligent, creative, soul-igniting, emotionally heartfelt, and effective parts to this story?

Movies that riDONKulously glamorize violence are a dime a dozen since the creation of cinema, especially the same old, outdated, extremely typical and predictable battle and war scenes throughout pathetic, patriarchal human history, as well as the unbelievably boring mostly "evil" alien movies.

Just like humans, there's a rainbow spectrum of various E. T.'s in this ginormous Universe, Multiverse, Omniverse, and beyond.

This GLAMORIZING of violence STRONGLY contributes to why there's been one too many school shootings for decades by kids.

Because many boys have been desensitized to how real-life violence can actually harm, kill and even destroy many people.

For the LOVE of GODDESS, let's pull our heads out where the Sun don't shine, WAKE UP at the FULL-POTENTIAL, MULTIDIMENSIONAL, HEART-CENTERED, Soul level, and co-create AMAZING experiences and stories instead.

No wonder E. T.'s throughout our Universe and beyond are NOT fascinated by most humans.

Nighty night Hollywood.

Top Gun: Maverick

Completely Unexpected, Soul-Igniting, Deeply Heartfelt, Highly Creative & Memorable Movie
Completely Unexpected, Soul-Igniting, Deeply Heartfelt, Highly Creative & Memorable Movie

Side note: Took out all emojis since they didn't allow submission of review]

To be transparently honest, I didn't expect much from this movie, that I assumed would be like the typical, back-to-back, extremely action-packed, mostly left-brained centered, male energy dominated movie; hence, my husband and I didn't watch it at a movie theater.

However COMMA, I was deeply moved by this highly creative, deeply heartfelt movie, with a soul-igniting story about our interconnected essence/Life; I cried from the depths of my heart and Soul, and so did my husband, who's usually not that emotional.

Thank you to all the co-creators of this amazing movie.

Continue SHINING BRIGHT and Leading by Example with Excellence, Cosmic Trailblazers!

Doctor Cha

Highly Creative & Captivating Story With Hilarious & Heartfelt Moments, Plus Brilliant Acting
I've never written a review for a K-drama that I haven't finished watching yet, but the highly creative episodes 8 and 9 so far are definitely worth the focus, energy, time, efforts, and sharing.

One of the scenes of Episode 9 caused me to laugh the hardest I've ever experienced my entire life, so much so that my abs hurt, and I gave up trying to refrain from busting out laughing really loud while my husband is sleeping in the bedroom.

Episode 8 is hands down the most authentic, refreshingly honest, and impressively BOLD episode I've ever seen from all the great Korean dramas I've watched.

Congratulations and thank you to all the co-creators of this K-drama, especially the authentic, honest, unconditionally kind, compassionate, empathetic, highly intelligent, deeply wise, discerning, animated, hilarious, courageous, feisty, assertive, bold and/or very talented actors and actresses, who made the incredible story come alive.

Like other great K-dramas, this is a brilliant combination package of invaluable and interesting themes mentioned above.

Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron

A Masterpiece of Untamable Wild Spirit, Soul-Igniting, Deeply Heartfelt Nonverbal Language, Unconditional Love/Spirit & Freedom
As stated in the title of this review, this is a Masterpiece of Untamable Wild Spirit (within interconnected Life of this world and beyond) , Soul-Igniting & Deeply Heartfelt Nonverbal Language, Unconditional/True Love & Freedom.

I've watched many movies for almost 5 decades, but this is the first time that I've ever experienced deeply feeling an abundance of nonverbal, body language within a movie.

The creators did an impressive job of representing the animal world of free-spirited, wild horses, and their life experiences with a rainbow spectrum of different humans.

The various contrasts within this movie, especially the so-called bad guys versus the good guys within humanity, served as a very effective Divine purpose of allowing the viewer to deeply appreciate the opposite, love-based horses, humans and situations.

I cried during deeply heartfelt scenes, stemming from empathy, compassion, sadness, and tears of joy.

Thank you to the entire team who have co-created this amazing and underrated, animated movie, one of the best I've seen.

SKY Castle

A Memorable, Multi-faceted, Major Game-Changing, MEGA Combo Package K-Drama
First of all, thank you so much to everyone who co-created the most powerful and influential K-drama I've ever seen.

Like many extremely stressed out and struggling students in Korea (and other parts of this world), my younger, Korean cousin committed suicide while in high school, due to the ruthless, Korean education system.

I was so angry about this for the longest time (like many others), and I even shared my own expressions regarding this subject.

But since I seemed to have an invisible and silent voice in this world, I was so grateful that this K-drama has had one of the highest views, ratings, and popularity, which means it has reached many within humanity, and hopefully touched many Souls with deeply heartfelt Life lessons.

The story seems to get better with each episode, and is multi-faceted with an abundance of relatable Life themes, to include (but not limited to):

facade vs authenticity, dishonesty vs honesty, back-stabbing vs loyalty, sympathy (from the logical mind) vs empathy (from the feeling Heart), mental intelligence vs emotional intelligence, shallowness vs deep character, superficial success vs true/Soul success, control vs freedom, conditional love vs Unconditional Love (for the self/others/interconnected Life), and much more.

Like other highly creative, well-made K-dramas, this one also includes:

a very well integrated web of stories (even with some exaggerations that enhances the moments)

outstanding and convincing actors/actresses /

raw emotions and heartfelt feelings /

intriguing, interesting, and even refreshingly BOLD characters that grow on you, especially most of the female characters (and some male characters) who reminded me of the authentic, wild, raw, courageous, confident, assertive, BOLD, and/or expressive, lioness-like female characters from the popular Netflix TV show, Ozark

engaging dialogues where verbal expressions and non-verbal cues perfectly matched

as well as drama, hilarious comedy, suspense, action, romance, friendships, Soul connections, dark/shadow/unknown aspects of humans, unexpected twists, hardship, tragedy, and more (to include effective contrasts).

This K-drama also shared a great reminder of why it's so important and highly beneficial to Be Inner Wealth (Prosperity Consciousness) FIRST AND FOREMOST, that includes personal values, deep character, Heart-centered intentions, Life interests/passions/dreams, positive beliefs, etc.; and especially Unconditional/True Love (for the self), which helps us to fully, truly, and UNconditionally love others as well, since we cannot give to others what we don't believe we have from within.

Unconditional Love is the most powerful force within this world and beyond.

I trust that this invaluable story has encouraged, supported, uplifted, empowered, and inspired many within humanity, especially students of this world, who can truly benefit from major changes/transformations.


The Profound Power of Unconditional/True Love
Deeply heartfelt moments. Tatum seemed to do his best acting I've seen so far, and the highly intelligent dog , Lulu, did an impressive, convincing, and overall amazing job, and I just wanted to give her a gentle hug and much unconditional love.

A great point was brought up, which is basically the GREATEST POWER of Divine Feminine energies (vibrational frequencies)-aka Sacred Heart/Spirit/Goddess (The Return)/Yin/Moon/Dark (Unknown)/Water/One of Many Names, but Ultimately The Nameless-to include but not limited to:

unconditional love, deep healing, releasing of fear-based energies (especially extreme traumas), authentic emotions, compassion, true feelings, unconditional forgiveness, gentleness, softness, rest, peace, quiet, relaxation, flow, recovery, embrace, empathy, gentleness, support, grace, joy, and other feminine vibes.

Just like everything else in life, there are genuine psychics who use their multidimensional abilities to highly benefit the self/others/interconnected life, there are fake psychics who have ulterior motives and misuse and abuse there abilities, skills, talents, etc., and then there's various degrees of aspects in between.

So an open-minded (discerning) and open-hearted (with healthy boundaries), highly intelligent (mentally and emotionally), profoundly wise person realizes that it's not all black and white, but many shades of gray (or colors) within the entire spectrum.

May the mostly fear-based, low consciousness, government, political, and military so-called leaders within this society, discontinue the ongoing, seemingly never-ending conflicts, battles, and wars, within both inner and outer worlds.

That way, humanity and animals (to include dogs) no longer need to participate in very old, outdated, dangerous environments where they become severely wounded on the inside and/or the outside (or die unnecessary deaths, traumatizing MANY loved ones).

It's TIME to GROW UP as souls-evolve on all energetic levels: mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually-and stop misusing and abusing power.

Let's learn from all the downfalls of human history, rather than repeat them like FOOLS.

THE RETURN (Prime Creator/The Divine Mother Goddess/Creator of ALL Creation/Crop Circle 6666-to include The Anunnaki Gods & Goddesses-is happening NOW.

Sebastian Maniscalco: What's Wrong with People?

Laughed So Hard 🤣 Abs Hurt: One of Our Top Favorite Comedy Specials
Very talented Sebastian Maniscalco is the most HILARIOUS🤣 and AWESOME in this special!

There were many moments we could relate to-for all of his Netflix specials-and moments where we laughed so hard 😂, our abs hurt.

So much so that we watched this particular special three times over the years, still laughed each time, and recommended it to others (who also enjoyed it).

His other specials were great too, but his creatively animated and entertaining verbal and nonverbal expressions were SPOT ON in this one, and not too exaggerated.

He has become one of our favorite comedians, and we look forward to seeing him live one day, if he ever comes to scorching hot AZ; there's AC inside buildings! 😁

Jo Koy: Live from Seattle

Multi-faceted, Super Creative & HiLARIous!! 🤣 Our Family Watched This TWICE
Thank you so much Joy Koy for sharing invaluable, AWESOME, ROCK STAR you/YOU and your wonderful gifts!

You have such a vast imagination, a high level of mental and emotional intelligence, impressive creativity, soul-igniting and heartfelt interpersonal skills, natural talent, and keen, Heart-centered observations of humanity and interconnected Life.

Continue SHINING BRIGHT🌅 Soul brother-my Asian brother from another mother 😜-by simply Being Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE🌗 you🌝/You🌚, to include:

Open-minded (but discerning rather than gullible), open-hearted (with healthy boundaries), authentic (embracing ALL neutral aspects of WHOLE self/Self, to include ALL important FEELINGS, language of the integrated Heart/Mind), free-spirited, adventurous, FUN 🐸 (it's CRYSTAL CLEAR you enJOY comedy), animated, goofy, playful, hilarious, lovable, wise, resilient, assertive, refreshingly honest, brave (for speaking and sharing your deeply heartfelt, inner-truths during your 4th Netflix Special; we LOVE your funny accents! 😆), magnetic, deeply understanding, compassionate, unconditionally loving (for the self/others/Life), unconditionally forgiving (for the self/others/Life), very thoughtful and generously helpful (especially for your culture's people), informative, encouraging, uplifting, empowering, inspiring, and we have no doubt much more.

Your other Netflix specials are great too, and we especially appreciate the most recent Live from L. A. we watched tonight 😄, as well as this one, definitely THE BEST!!

So we're super happy for you for having the COURAGE to pursue your Heart's passionate, fiery dreams, despite various challenges.

Thank you for Leading By Example!

We need more strong, wise, and unconditionally loving Souls like you in this world, who touch so many hearts, and greatly contribute to the expansion of our individual and Collective Consciousness.

Wishing you and your loved ones an abundance of blessings! 😘💖💓💕

Ahaya Mulantis.

Isanghan byeonhosa Woo Young-woo

Unconventional, Highly Creative, Profoundly Wise, Soul-igniting, Deeply Heartfelt, Transformative, Consciousness Expanding, and Overall Amazing
I included a review of this unconventional, highly creative, profoundly wise, soul-igniting, deeply heartfelt, transformative, Consciousness expanding, and overall amazing K-drama within a post I created today.

And I fully trust that it's just one of many signs from the Universe that humanity is waking up as Souls, and tuning into the already existing and powerful merge of the Divine Masculine & Divine Feminine energies within ALL of us & all around us (interconnected Life within this world & beyond).

The title of this post is, "Hopeless to Clarity: Orcas, Lemuria, Jumping Spider & Major Opportunities," and the following is an excerpt (note: I usually don't write reviews until I've completed experiencing something, but this is how I intuitively FEEL now):

As part of this particular series (or phase) of Divine Synchronicity, I saw orcas show up 3 times within the past few days (in this physical reality), along with a magenta, jumping spider (in dream state), and a swarm of crickets plus 1 cricket (in this physical reality) prior to that, all interconnected puzzle pieces revealing the BIGGER picture, like the rest of Life within this world and beyond.

Recently, I've been drawn to watching a certain Korean drama series (that I watch with discernment) about an intriguing topic due to personal experiences from the past---3 autistic people showing up in my life, a repeating pattern that's highly beneficial to notice, recognize, acknowledge, embrace, and integrate within WHOLE self (physical self)/Self (Divine Self within/aka Higher Self/Source/Universe/Spirit & Soul/Goddess & God/etc.).

In a nutshell, this show is about an amazing, autistic adult attorney who is different from the typical lawyer, since she's very Heart-centered, has loving intentions, is AUTHENTIC/WHOLE/PURE, is transparently honest, and has a child-like, innocent, and curious free spirit.

And despite her having a "disability" according to this world's society, often being extremely logical and analytical, unable to recognize social cues (though she's willing to learn and grow), and other ways of not being "normal," she is a Creative Genius who strives to Be and do her best in Life to contribute to herself and interconnected humanity.

And she has a deep passion, loyalty, and unconditional love for whales, and other cetaceans (to include orcas)---who I trust to be symbolic of her inner guidance/Heart/intuition/inner-knowing/inner-wisdom/insights/true feelings/gut feeling/other love-based gifts (to include psychic abilities), and animal spirit guides.

Any even though she's a fictional character, I found myself FEELING super uplifted and happy to experience her Full Presence---as well as other Heart-centered characters--especially during a brief timeframe where I completely lost hope for humans (to include my physical self).

And I have no doubt that this fictional character MIRRORED to me Shadow aspects of my Spirit & Soul within that I deeply love, but didn't give enough credit to in the past, due to believing that these aspects (whether Golden positive or negative) were mostly about so-called others from outer world (though they were MIRRORING inner world aspects all this time, to varying degrees, & continue to do so).

I also have NO DOUBT that the orca spirit guide, which is also known to assist us in returning back home---not physical home, but I trust Earth/Galactic/Universal Soul Family Home---showed up in my life 3 times recently (3 being a major, sacred number) in Divine perfect timing & order, when I started to believe that even my spiritual family no longer cared.

But when I start to have hope and care (as unconditional love for self/others)---even with the tiny faith of a mustard seed, like the name of the preschool I briefly worked at from fall of 2012 to spring of 2013---then outer world automatically MIRRORS to me this True Love.

And as I'm typing this, I'm deeply moved to tears.

On August 3rd and 6th of 2018, I had two, vivid dreams of baby orcas that I realized---while doing some dream work---were connected to ancient Lemuria.


The Lost City

Underrated Movie That Includes Invaluable Unconditional Love, Authenticity, Hilarious Scenes & Profound Wisdom
I read that this will be Sandra Bullock's last movie, which to me is a Divine Dichotomy of both sad news and great news.

It's sad because I've been fully enJOYing movies that she stars in, since they're usually great combo package deals of integrated Mind/Heart stories, that include various, interesting aspects that are highly beneficial for humanity and beyond.

However COMMA it's great news that she's leaving the energizer bunny on CRACK, SUPER BUSY Hollywood lifestyle, since she (and like others) deserve a more relaxing, free-spirited, peaceful, and joyful life.

She (and like others) has done MORE THAN ENOUGH to gift humanity with soul-igniting, deeply heartfelt, encouraging, uplifting, empowering, inspiring, and (individual and Collective) Consciousness expanding entertainment.

I trust that Sandra (and like others) is becoming more awake (as Soul & Spirit within), is becoming more aware, and is tuning into unconditionally loving more and more ultimately NEUTRAL aspects of her WHOLE self (physical self)/Self (Divine Self); hence, why she has chosen to gift herself much more FREEDOM.

Thank you Sandra, Tatum, and the rest of the team for co-creating a memorable movie.

Continue SHINING BRIGHT no matter: what neutral aspects you choose to freely Be at any given moment, where you are and what you do.

And always REMEMBER that it's your AUTHENTIC, Full Presence-your WHOLE self/Self, FEELING state/core vibrational frequency-that matters most.

EnJOY many present and pleasant moments of now. 😘💖💓💕


Raw AUTHENTICITY & WHOLEness At Its Finest, Merging Dark & Light ^_^
Though I don't care for most TV shows, my husband and I REALLY enjoyed the Netflix show, Ozark.

I've also learned on my physical/mystical journey that it's WAY TOO EASY to say things like, "Oh, I could NEVER be like that, or say or do that (i.e., "wrong," "bad," "dark," and even "evil" aspects)."

But the truth is, I have no doubt that we ALL can be ANY neutral aspect under the same or similar circumstances, that includes god knows how many factors mixed into that situation.

Ozark is hands down one of my favorite shows---not because of all "negative" contents to include violence, drug cartels, gambling, and other non-beneficial themes (if lost within them)---but because there's an abundance of rare AUTHENTICITY, especially REFRESHINGLY REAL, honest, and intriguing characters, RAW emotions, true FEELINGS, and very passionate, highly intelligent and deeply engaging dialogues of Ruth, Marty, Darlene, Wendy, and practically all other actors/actresses.

We even enjoyed the Netflix show, Lucifer, a while back, because it did a great job of cracking old and outdated beliefs, and shared a fresh perspective on the devil himself, though within all dramas, there can be some exaggeration.

The so-called "devil"---aka the black sheep, the perfect scapegoat for many within humanity to play the BLAME GAME towards (i.e., NOT taking responsibility for their own negative aspects)---has had a bad rap throughout human history, thanks to some of this world's very limiting, narrow-minded, closed-hearted, fear-based beliefs within rigid and dogmatic religions.

One of my favorite scenes from this show is where Lucifer shares his authenticity, refreshing honesty, and vulnerability, basically stating that one female in his life wants him to be good, and the other female wants him to be bad, but that he's basically a combination of all (hence, the name Lucifer, The Bringer of Light/Information/Knowledge/Profound Wisdom/Awareness/Expanding Consciousness of Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self/Self).

This was profound since we all contain within us---like the drop that contains the entire ocean, or the fractal that contains the entire Universe---ALL ultimately NEUTRAL aspects of WHOLE self/Self, not good or bad, right or wrong, light or dark of duality/polarity within physical worlds.

When it comes to the so-called "dark" side of Life, I've come to fully trust that "The Devil"/Lucifer (The Bringer of Light, like God Jesus/Thoth/Hermes/etc.) is God Enki (part of The Anunnaki)-the original Creator God of humanity and beyond, the other half of God Enlil (like Goddess Hathor-Sekhmet Being 2 sides of the Same Cosmic Coin).

The Divine essence of God Enki has many earthly and otherworldly names, but is ultimately The Nameless, like the Divine Goddess that has many earthly and otherworldly names, but is ultimately The Nameless.

And it is the graceful embracing and integrating of the seemingly opposites-right and wrong, good and bad, light and dark, etc.-that brings us back to Soul Home...WHOLEness-Unity Consciousness that contains separation consciousness, the spiritual world that contains the physical worlds, the Spirit that contains the frowned upon ego-so that we REALIZE our Full-Potential, Multidimensional God and Goddess Selves living our own versions of Heaven on Earth and way beyond.

I've been drawn to shows like Lucifer and Ozark-not because of all "negative" contents to include violence, alcoholism, drug cartels, gambling, and other non-beneficial themes (if lost within them)-but because there's an abundance of rare AUTHENTICITY, especially REFRESHINGLY REAL, honest, and intriguing characters, RAW emotions, true FEELINGS, and very passionate, highly intelligent and deeply engaging dialogues, especially the latter (Ozark).


The Devil/Angel Within: It's TIME to Fully Embrace & Integrate WHOLE self/Self
The so-called "devil"---aka the black sheep, the perfect scapegoat for many within humanity to play the BLAME GAME towards (i.e., NOT taking responsibility for their own negative aspects)---has had a bad rap throughout human history, thanks to some of this world's very limiting, narrow-minded, closed-hearted, fear-based beliefs within rigid and dogmatic religions.

Though I don't care for most TV shows, I did enjoy the Netflix show, Lucifer, a while back, because it did a great job of cracking old and outdated beliefs, and shared a fresh perspective on the devil himself, though within all dramas, there can include some exaggeration.

One of my favorites scenes from this show is where Lucifer shares his authenticity, refreshing honesty, and vulnerability, basically stating that one female in his life wants him to be good, and the other female wants him to be bad, but that he's basically a combination of all; hence, the name Lucifer, The Bringer of Light/Information/Knowledge/Profound Wisdom/Awareness/Expanding Consciousness of Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self/Self.

This was profound since we all contain within us---like the drop that contains the entire ocean, or the fractal that contains the entire Universe---ALL ultimately NEUTRAL aspects of WHOLE self/Self, not good or bad, right or wrong, light or dark of duality/polarity within physical worlds.

We also enjoyed the Netflix show, Ozark that contained similar, profound, Life lessons.

I've learned on my physical/mystical journey that it's WAY TOO EASY to say things like, "Oh, I could NEVER be like that, or say or do that (i.e., "wrong," "bad," "dark," and even "evil" aspects)."

But the truth is, I have no doubt that we ALL can be ANY neutral aspect under the same or similar circumstances that includes god knows how many factors mixed into that situation.

I really appreciate shows like Lucifer and Ozark---not because of all "negative" contents to include violence, alcoholism, drug cartels, gambling, and other non-beneficial themes (if lost within them)---but because there's an abundance of rare AUTHENTICITY, especially REFRESHINGLY REAL, honest, and intriguing characters, RAW emotions, true FEELINGS, and very passionate, highly intelligent and deeply engaging dialogues.

When it comes to the so-called "dark" side of Life, I've come to fully trust that "The Devil"/Lucifer (The Bringer of Light, like God Jesus/Thoth/Hermes/etc.) is God Enki (part of The Anunnaki)---the original Creator God of humanity and beyond, the other half of God Enlil (like Goddess Hathor-Sekhmet Being 2 sides of the Same Cosmic Coin).

The Divine essence of God Enki has many earthly and otherworldly names, but is ultimately The Nameless, like the Divine Goddess that has many earthly and otherworldly names, but is ultimately The Nameless.

And it is the graceful embracing and integrating of the seemingly opposites---right and wrong, good and bad, light and dark, etc.---that brings us back to Soul Home...WHOLEness---Unity Consciousness that contains separation consciousness, the spiritual world that contains the physical worlds, the Spirit that contains the frowned upon ego---so that we REALIZE our Full-Potential, Multidimensional God and Goddess Selves living our own versions of Heaven on Earth and way beyond.

Raya and the Last Dragon

Soul-Igniting, Highly Creative, Hilarious, Fun Action, Profound & Deeply Heartfelt
Out of all the Disney movies I've watched, this is the most AMAZING, because it's a soul-igniting and deeply heartfelt story that includes: an abundance of priceless and magical imagination..

outside of the limited earthly box thinking, high level of creativity, interesting and memorable characters that quickly grow on you...

dialogues that are authentic, honest, meaningful and/or funny, a smooth flow of colorful, gorgeous, and high-tech scenes, fun action-filled moments, deep soulful eye contacts, genuine and miraculous soul connections...

very effective themes of CONTRASTS (opposites/duality/polarity), and profound, ancient wisdom (Divine Wisdom) of trust/faith, true power (Divine Power) that's meant to be used in highly beneficial ways for the self/others (rather than misused and abused)...

and Unity Consciousness (that includes Prosperity Consciousness), the Universal Truth that All of Life (All That Is) within this world and way beyond is energetically interconnected as...

The One/integrated and merged within Heart & Mind/Spirit & Soul/Yin & Yang/Moon & Sun/Dark (Unknown) & Light (Known)/Goddess & God/Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine Energies/Love & Light Frequencies/I AM/I AM Presence, I (God) AM (Goddess) Presence/etc., ULTIMATELY...

The Cosmic Heart/Source/Universe/Multiverse/Prime Creator/Creator of All Creation: Crop Circle 6666/Very Holy Spirit/Unconditional Love/The Divine Mother Goddess/The Nameless/Alpha & Omega/Infinity...

Naui ajusshi

Authentic, Emotionally Raw, Soul-igniting, Deeply Heartfelt, Consciousness Expanding & Profound
This truly is an authentic, emotionally raw, profound, soul-igniting, and deeply heartfelt K-drama that does an excellent job of expanding one's perspective/consciousness (aka further opening one's mind and heart). It's one of the best that I've seen so far, and the song, "Grown Ups," by Sondia, is hauntingly beautiful.

Miseuteo Shunshain

Ingenious Teamwork, Multi-faceted Deeply Heartfelt Story, Profound Characters, Soul-Igniting Dialogue, Uplifting Humor & Mesmerizing, Universal Beauty
To place this awe-inspiring story in an earthly labeled box would be an injustice. It's an extraordinary, collective love story of interconnected souls---of the so-called "good" and "bad"---that stem from the extremely rare, Unconditional, True Love (of self and others).

Though the story also includes a love story between two individuals, it's not the typical one that's been diluted throughout the ages, and often based on the very common, conditional love and/or lust.

When viewed with an OPEN mind and heart---aka integrated Mind/Heart of Soul/Spirit within---you will truly appreciate the showing of the FULL rainbow spectrum of human aspects that exists within all of us (to varying degrees), ranging from the contrast/duality/polarity of the so-called good and bad, right and wrong, light and dark, etc.

As you pay close attention, you will realize that experiencing any form of duality helps us to deeply appreciate its opposite. For instance, we can never experience what we call Unconditional Forgiveness UNTIL we've experienced the opposite energies such as heartbreak, betrayal, anger, rage, hatred, and/or sadness; hence, even the so-called "negative" aspects have a Divine purpose to highly benefit interconnected Life, despite outer appearances.

As collective humanity, our ego selves---conditioned by society since childhood---are often quick to judge everything, everyone and their mamas and grandmamas, and especially anything unknown or somewhat foreign. And this show can remind us to clearly see, and intensely feel, the bigger picture with an expanded perspective.

Earthly labels such as race, ethnicity, gender, social status (e.g., slave vs royalty), positions, ranks, financial background, education level, family history, etc. gracefully move with the ebb and flow of Life as they play the game of separation consciousness vs unity consciousness, collide and then break way, and even gently and beautifully merge as One.

I'm very grateful that the creators incorporated magnificent fireworks of all invaluable, human emotions (our inner compass revealing our authentic state) and feelings (language of the Soul), which are Divine, precious gifts given to humanity while experiencing the physical world on planet Earth.

In this very fast-paced, instant gratification society that we live in, it's a breath of fresh air to experience highly creative cinematography and storytelling at its finest.

This impressive series include some of the following soul-igniting themes that radiate humanity (and its significant opposites that make them stand out in the spotlight): fascinating, lovable and memorable characters, inner-strength, courage, determination, resilience, honor, loyalty, deep understanding, pure compassion, empathy, unconditional forgiveness, true friendship, outstanding teamwork, fiery passion, freedom to make a choice, wild adventures, intelligence (mental and emotional), patience, gratitude, deep appreciation, charisma, refreshingly honest communication, heartfelt verbal and nonverbal expressions (like gentle yet intense eye contact), joy in various forms (like free-spirited playfulness), inner-peace, wisdom, the dance between the material and spiritual worlds, and last but not least...profound, Unconditional Love.

By the way, the creators also did an excellent job of integrating humor into various scenes in Divine perfect timing and order. So don't be surprised if you find yourself smiling, chuckling, laughing, and even rolling and/or holding your stomach due to hilarious moments. ^_^

So far, this is hands down THE BEST Korean drama I've ever watched, and I'm a Japorean-American who lived in Korea most of my childhood, and was also stationed there for three years while in the Army.

Thank you so much to everyone who contributed to this amazing creation. You definitely went above and beyond, and I have no doubt that you will continue to Be a wonderful gift to this world, merging worlds, Galaxy, Universe, and beyond.

See all reviews