
IMDb member since February 2006
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Triangle of Sadness

Didn't like the last scene
It was an interesting movie and subjects. I like the beginning, how they talk about money and gender roles. And then on the boat, how the rich people live in abundance and how then don't even got to see the lower workers.

But I would have liked the movie better if the last scene (the running boy) wasn't in the movie, and would have ended with the woman holding the stone over her head listening to the girls suggestion ("we can work together"), and that we didn't know what she chose, to kill her (communism) or to work with her (capitalism). Would have been an 8 without the running boy scene. Now a 7.


Falls flat
Is this movie a comedy or a drama? The movie want to be both and that is it's biggest problem. The first half of the movie have some funny moments, and the movie is ok. But in the second half the movie is more of a drama, also ok, but because it didn't build up as a drama in the first part it falls flat, and the movie becomes worse the longer it goes. The director Miia Tervo does a good job. Oona Airola is good, as well as Emma Kilpimaa, as actresses. The cinematography is good. For me it was also unclear why the movie is set in 1984, it's nothing in the story that make that decision clear, maybe it only was to be able to use 80's music.

Ocean's Thirteen

A 6 instead of a 7
I think the first movie (Ocean's Eleven) is a really good movie. I did not like the sequel (Ocean's Twelve). But this one is good. They are back in Las Vegas. And the heist is fun watching. The movie could have been better is the first half was better, if we would have followed the planing more, instead there is some flashbacks I didn't like so much. Also the (smaller) plot twist could have been executed better (or that we followed that character more just before his robbery). There is some setups that are shown in a less good way. And there is some silly moments here that I don't like. Especially I don't like the last thing happening in the movie (how could someone set this up on the airport?), that made me give this a 6 instead of a 7.

UFO Sweden

Not interested to see this movie again
There isn't anything here that did captured me. The story is a bit vague. And some things in the movie goes so fast, like when the protagonist know exactly what is in a "computer box" just with a glance of it. There is some scenes with number and calculations in the movie, and we as an audience are never invited to try to find clues our self. But instead just suddenly a character just gives us a solution. The movie is said to be a sci-fi adventure, but the feel of it is that it is a comedy that is not funny. The actor Jesper Barkselius is the best thing here, hope I can see more of him. Also Inez Dahl Torhaug was good. Also the rest of the UFO Sweden team did act good. But I did have some expectations on this, the second movie from Crazy Pictures, after the quite good movie The Unthinkable. But UFO Sweden did not live up to expectations at all, and I don't think I will rewatch this movie ever again.

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Many thing here I do not like
Many thing here I do not like. The tempo in the movie is, in many scenes, too fast. Especially in the beginning of the movie, eg the first and second scenes is so fast you don't get any feeling for what is happening at all. The movie does not build up any good atmosfeer. And does not deliver good high moments. Eg the moment when Mikael is discovering something about the Harriet picture(s), isn't told well (remember this being the case in the swedish movie as well). The characters isn't built up well, we meet some of them very little, eg. Henrik Vanger isn't much in the movie. So in the scene he meet his lost relative you havn't much feelings for him. Also, maybe it's just me, but it is hard to hear what people say a couple of times, and the dialogue isn't the best. Didn't like the sound mix. And the music isn't doing the movie any good. The manuscript should have been better, and also makes some strange changes to the book (eg. Catholics, Anita).

Starship Troopers: Traitor of Mars

The best sequel
This is the best sequel to Starship Troopers. It has some good action moments, and the story is ok. The length of the movie is good, one and a half hour.

Pu bu

Ok, but too long
The cinematography here is great, and the actors are good as well. Nice to see some Taiwan culture. The story is quite thin. The movie is too long for what it is. Could have been better with a shorter cut.

The Decelerators

A good start
Nice camera work and idea. Would have been better without spoken words. This idea and movie with only picture and sounds, and maybe some lines. I like the idea with the flashing lights. A good start.


Good production, but not satisfying
*** Spoilers *** The production is really good, The actors is really good. And the beginning of the story is really good. We got a guy travelling back to 1960, try to stop the JFK killer. He get's a lot of information about a lot of things, and in the pilot (ep 1) he begins to follow a guy from CIA. There is also people trying to stop him and saying "You should not be here", and cockroaches/bugs attacking him then he changing the history. A good start.

But what happens then. A love story. And, save another guy/family. And a "side kick" that dies in the end without doing anything for the plot. And they are not at the "murder scene" much, and he is not planing what to do there. He's not even in Dallas much at all. And what about the babushka lady and the umbrella man...nothing. They nearly not in the show at all. This is, sorry to say, much how King's books/Movies/series use to be: A good start, a lot of characters, but a bad ending. I shouldn't be surprised if there would have been an alien killed JFK in the end. This is something you can see, a good production, but it would recommend the movie JFK instead.

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