Reviews (4)

  • Yes, it has its flaws. It's full of plot holes and annoying over-used tropes. Yes, the kid character is incredibly annoying but I guess he drives the plot forward. Yes, the actor playing the kid is terrible and only has two emotions: Squinting with his mouth closed and squinting with his mouth open. Yes, in classic horror movie fashion everybody takes horrible decisions, they don't make sure their mortal enemy is actually dead, they go on silly speeches before going for the kill, allowing the antagonist to escape.

    But overall, it was pretty enjoyable and different.

    Great acting, apart from the kid.

  • Pennywise is such a cool character but he got such little screen time, I don't get it.

    Not scary, stretched out, cliché and kind of boring.

    Great concept, disappointing execution.

    But yeah, worth a watch for the visuals.
  • Never wrote a movie review before but I couldn't help myself after watching this 2 hour long let down.

    The acting was pretty good and I enjoyed the vibe in the first 30 minutes of the movie but then the "horror" aspect came up and, boy, is it bad!

    It was so annoying watching the characters take bad decision after bad decision. I swear it felt like a parody.

    Not to mention the countless inconsistencies.

    This movie is a 2 hour long poorly executed political metaphor.

    Can somebody please recommend me a horror film where the protagonists actually take reasonable decisions and don't act like they've never seen a horror movie before?
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Also, the guy didn't recognize his dad's voice? How? One Hollywood cliche after the other, constant exposition and huge plot holes. Horrible.

    Also, the hologram thing?! That was just lazy writing.