
IMDb member since October 2018
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The Binge 2: It's a Wonderful Binge

What is the opposite of a Christmas miracle?
Is it even possible to dislike a Christmas movie full of actors I love that is meant to be watched while on drugs? Yes. Yes, it is very possible. I enjoyed the first film for what it was and spent many late nights watching it laughing. It's A Wonderful Binge however just wasn't enjoyable. I know when the filmmakers wanted me to laugh, but the laughs never came unfortunately. I chuckled a few times here and there, but I found myself checking the amount of time left until it was over more than once. I'm sure that some people will enjoy this movie but for me this is on par with Caddyshack 2 when compared to the original.


Nothing special in a time full of nothing special
My latest watch, I actually watched twice because I wanted to give it a fair shake. In a nutshell, the 2022 'Hellraiser' reboot just does not have enough spark to reignite the fire in the franchise. While I won't say Jamie Clayton did a bad job, her pinhead was more quiet and reserved which really made miss Bradley's deep voice and imposing figure. There was a genuine lack of sex and grit and the majority of the time the cenobites were on screen it was dark to the point of annoyance. This is NOT a movie inspired by grungy BDSM clubs in NYC. The story was okay with a bit of a cliche ending, and it could have used more editing to cut down on the runtime. All and all 'Hellraiser' was basically like digging up a beloved friend, reanimating their corpse, and then sending them back to their job at Wawa. Personally I would never bring someone back from the dead merely for the promise of mediocrity.


1918 was a crazy time indeed
Filmed simultaneously in secret with 'X' the prequel, 'Pearl', certainly does not disappoint. While less of a "horror" movie than 'X' it will still make you jump and cringe. 'Pearl' answers the question many people ask, "Is there anyone out there crazier than my ex?" and spoiler, there is! While I do not believe 'Pearl' has as much rewatch value as 'X', Mia Goth's performance alone was worth the price of admission. If her performance, (especially her monologue at the end), doesn't AT LEAST get her an academy award nomination Will Smith should slap someone, scratch that, EVERYONE. The homages to Psycho and The Wizard of Oz are much appreciated and the cinematography overall is just stunning. 'Pearl' is the prequel fans of 'X' truly deserve. *No scarecrows were harmed in the making of this film.*

Speak No Evil

Worth One Watch
Speak No Evil did an amazing job making the viewer feel as uncomfortable as the Danish couple on screen. The cinematography was top notch, and there were certainly some notable performances. I was torn on my rating because this was one where there was just too much disbelief to suspend for me. I understand the overall theme of pleasing others to the point of self subjugation, and that was depicted flawlessly for the majority of the runtime, but the ending was just too unrealistic for me for a movie that otherwise seemed so real. Love it or hate it, Speak No Evil is certainly a film that will have you questioning making additions to your circle of friends.

A Banquet

Edging with no climax
I wanted to like this movie, I really did. The acting was pretty damn good and the story kept my attention, but overall this movie had issues much like the characters. It just seemed like the filmmakers could not decide what kind of film they wanted to make at all. So when all is said and done for me this one was all edging and no climax for me, and honestly...isn't the climax the fun part?

Betsey doesn't eat for six months and shows no physical signs that she is losing weight so the viewer believes that something supernatural is occurring. Oh, but then at the end it is evident that she tampered with the scale which is why she was the same weight everyday, and we are back to a simple movie about mental illness. But leave it to mom to start glowing and lighting up while wandering the streets implying that maybe she is a star and Betsey was telling the truth the whole time.

When I watch a movie I don't mind having to interpret endings and themes but the filmmaker needs to give me enough to make that interpretation. This movie was like a puzzle with pieces missing, and so unsatisfying to put together because it will never be complete.

Haunting Inside

I love you Henrique...but
First off, I love Henrique Couto. I first saw him on Popcorn Fodder and he just seems like such a nice guy. He is very knowledgeable when it comes to movies and pretty entertaining. That being said, I saw very little of that in this movie. It was pretty slow, the way Autism was depicted was just silly, and I think 75% of the budget was candles. It had a story with a beginning, middle, and end, so there's that? I appreciate the work that went into this and I'm sure a lot of the movie's problems could have been fixed with a larger budget, but for me this one was on par 'Sledgehammer' without the so bad it's good factor. I would like to see what Henrique could do with a decent budget and I admire him for doing what he loves.


There was a reason this didn't go to theaters
Even with the 3.3 rating on IMDB I signed up for Peacock just so I could watch this and wow was that a mistake. This movie was more predictable than diarrhea after Taco Bell with cliche characters who were given the most inauthentic dialogue I've seen in awhile, which was such a waste with this talented young cast. It is almost like John Logan couldn't decide on the tone and if I wasn't familiar with his work and knew that he was openly gay I would assume he never met someone from the LGBTQ+ community in real life.

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