
IMDb member since October 2018
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The Cabin in the Woods

The worst horror movie I have ever seen
This movie is literally what I would least want to see in a horror movie: cliché American college students being complete idiots who make out in half of the film, a series of awful cgi with absolutely no purpose, average acting as well as a pointless scenario with probably one of the worst plots I have witnessed to this day.

Don't be fooled by the good reviews: if you are someone who expects to see a quality or at least an acceptable horror movie, this one will definitely not suit you. If you are someone who is satisfied with watching handsome people's abs like Chris Hemsworth's and a few zombies popping out of nowhere, I think this movie is made just for you.

Women Talking

Good but lacking
This film could be characterized as a feminist one, because it is focused on the issue of women's suppression and violence towards women, all of which derive from a very conservative, 1900s-like society. Thus, the big pro of this movie is essentially the ideas that it tries to spotlight. Yet, the discussions that the women have in this film were completely unrealistic. They were supposed to be completely uneducated, yet their ideas were so philosophical, deep, alternative and well put, ideas that only a very educated person could think of, or even put to words with such linguistic ability. Although they didn't even know how to spell their names, they were well aware of the concept of patriarchy and many other complex concepts, that can only be discovered in literature or in education as a whole. Another drawback of this film is that despite its very short length, it felt like it lasted forever, and not in a good way. Last but not least, not all of the characters were so well developed.


As a musician, I definitely approve!
In music-related films, it's not uncommon to see actors who fail to mimic musicians, since they don't follow any technique whatsoever, which can be undoubtedly distracting and bad for the movie, mostly for the ones who can spot these mistakes.

"Tár" didn't disappoint in this field. Most of the actors seemed to know what they were doing, a fact which I -as a musician- really appreciate. The script was very accurate with the use of terminology as well.

Kate Blanchett really stood out as the protagonist and it felt like she was deeply connected with her character, so the Oscar nomination for her performance is well deserved. She gave a quite unique perspective of the personality of a highly successful maestro, who has more troubles than most of us can imagine.

The only negative thing for me about this movie was its duration. The plot doesn't justify an almost 3-hour film, which left me a bit tired in the end.

Nevertheless, I'd say it's a must-watch!

Dear Evan Hansen

The critics are fair.
It is a very stereotypical film and seems ignorant of reality more often than not. Awkward at quite a few moments too.

On the other hand, we heard some great voices and songs. The soundtrack was probably its strong suit, but only thanks to the original musical, which I long to see despite all the above whenever I get the chance.

They really had a powerful story to tell, but didn't succeed as I wished.

Don't Look Up

Plenty of food for thought!
100% up to date, especially for the pandemic crisis that we've been facing for too long, but not just that. We have another thousands of crisis running such as the climate crisis, poverty, the injustice of our economic systems and so on.

This movie will give you a fresh perspective of the things that are going on, politics, society, and even our own personal stand on what's going on around us.

This movie is trying to open our eyes and I really appreciate this in arts.

Unfortunately the world won't change so easily but it's still beautiful to try.

Después de Lucía

People need to know about this.
There are lots of people who have no idea about what some children go through in schools.

This needs to be discussed in all homes and classrooms.

It's not easy to watch this movie, especially if you can relate to it even at the tiniest extent. But it's truly worth it. We need to be exposed to this and be open about it, because this is the major problem: silence.

The Social Dilemma

The documentary that the 2020s era needs.
A lot of people, especially in younger generations, haven't exactly acknowledged the threats that stand behind social media and internet platforms in general. We often forget, that all of this isn't to make our lives better and easier, but it's about the exploitation of human characteristics in order to control us and profit off of us.

This documentary sheds some bright light onto these issues and gives plenty of food for thought. It should be screened in all schools and universities with relative fields. Ethics must gain more importance in technology, at last.

The Favourite

More weird than I can control.
I didn't find any essence in the plot and all the weird things surrounding it. The excellent filming, costumes and performances unfortunately didn't save it.


IMDB, are we giving away rankings?!
Honestly, this film is bad. Bad like most mediocre horror movies. I skipped some of the middle part because the plot was so boring.

When you've reached a certain age and you don't want just to be scared from a horror movie, you seek the plot too. But this film doesn't offer it. At least not until the very ending. You've lost your interest before that moment arrives anyway.

I don't know if this was the worst, or all the "jokes" in this movie.

Anyway, don't watch this. As a whole it was a waste of time.

Sound of Metal

Not what I anticipated
To me, this movie is overrated. It was pleasant to watch and it surely made you feel empathy for people with such hardships, but that's the end to it.

The Stanford Prison Experiment

Pleasant and educational
I believe it's really interesting, when a movie captures a real life event, especially when that has to do with human nature. If you're into psychology too, you're probably a great candidate for this film.

There are some great performances here, and it definitely gives you food for thought, about how people act when in power, among other things.

It's not a masterpiece, but I think it's still worth the time.

Don't Breathe

A great horror movie
This film has got just what you're asking for from a horror movie: Agony, suspense, fear and great atmosphere.

It constantly keeps you alert, the plot has twists one after another and you don't know when they will stop.

The only reason I don't rank it with the last star is because the performances aren't the best you have seen, really. But I still think you should give this movie a chance, 100%.

The Big Lebowski

A bit overrated
Despite its great reviews, in my opinion, this comedy is not a masterpiece. I laughed for sure, but it wasn't anything exceptional or super extraordinary in order to justify the critic reviews. The rankings here are kinda deceptive.

News of the World

More than decent
On the pros: great work in filming, costumes and music. The protagonists performed very well too.

In addition, the movie addresses the very interesting and important topic of the Indian slaughtering in America back in the late 1800s.

Thus, it also has a few historical messages to deliver to its viewers.

On the cons: the plot unravels rather slowly, which makes the viewing a bit tiring. I believe it could use some shortening or a thicker story to make it balanced.

Don't expect a mind blowing script, that will constantly keep you at the edge of your seat and give you plenty food for thought. But there is still a good chance it will give you 2 hours of satisfactory watching.

A Discovery of Witches

8.1 is a fraud
I've just now realized, that you shouldn't rely on user reviews for series, because many of them have very high scores, although they're mediocre or even bad. I'm disappointed, because I was expecting great and original content like, let's say Harry Potter, but that wasn't the case. The CGIs are ridiculous and childish, as well as the director's approach to acting. This is the perfect series for an early teenager with low standards. Half of the scenario is foolish romance and useless convos. The way they've developed the magical creatures is foolish and senseless, and last but not least, I'm not satisfied with the actors' performances in a whole. On the bright side, it's not a cheap production, it's filmed well and most of the people shown are gorgeous lol

The Two Popes

A win for Netflix
A very good production by Netflix. Hopkins and Pryce have compensated us with their exceptional playing. A good balance between laughter and spitirual depth, very pleasant to watch. You enjoy your time but also learn new things, historical facts and expand your spirit. I'd recommend it to anyone.

10 Cloverfield Lane

Great, but then the end comes
It was a very decent movie, but unfortunately the last ten minutes ruin it all. I didn't even know that was possible. But hell yeah, it is. Not worth it, it's just frustrating. I'd love to joke about how truly horrible the ending is, but I respect that you don't want spoilers. That's the only reason. But do yourself a favor and don't watch it anyways.


An exceptional animation movie!
To my opinion, Coco is undoubtely one of the best animation movies that have been released the past few years. Its authenticity amazes me, because we rarely see such creative concepts nowadays. Interesting plot, interesting characters, majestic animation and beautiful music! It also promotes valuable messages for younger audiences. I watched it as a 17 year old, but you can definitely watch it very pleasantly as a kid and as an adult.:) You should definitely give it a chance!

Sorry We Missed You

It's not a Hollywood movie, it's not a blockbuster, but it's a must-see. It's gonna wreck your soul with its crushing reality, but it's worth it. Genuine, authentic, great actors, touching scenario. I fought to keep my tears into my eyes. Captures the hardship of the daily warrior, a poor family in an unknown suburb in England. Truly underrated.

12 Angry Men

Great movie-Gives you food for thought
I won't lie to you-when they told me this is a 1957 movie, I got scared. But this movie made me realize that, if a movie is genuinely good, it doesn't matter when it was filmed. If you have great actors, directing, and a great scenario like in this case, the least thing you need is advanced cameras and fancy effects. This movie really does make you think, and that's so important. It deserves its 5th place 's top rated movies, because it has an all time classic quality, since it promotes ideas that we are yet incapable of understanding. People need to watch this.


Worth it
Uncountable plot twists, good acting, filming and directing. I really enjoyed it. It kept me at the edge of my seat.

Green Book

Great movie! (tiny spoiler contained- it doesn't determine the outcome or progress of the plot really though)
I enjoyed everything about it. The scenario, the characters, filming, directing, everything. The humor was also exceptional. I was absorbed in the movie until the very end. What's very interesting and special about this film is that it gives a different perspective of racism against Afro-Americans, because it talks about an Afro-American that had a completely different lifestyle. High class, economically successful, always formally dressed, performed music for the Western European people etc. Before watching this movie, I'd rush to the conclusion that he'd be very respected because of his fame and skills, but that was certainly not the case. There was prejudice about him from both sides: light skin colored and dark skin colored people. I had the impression that individuals like Aretha Franklin or Sam Cook wouldn't have to deal with racism that much: but maybe they faced it, just like Don Shirley did. Therefore, this movie presents everything from a very unique angle. It's a movie I'd definitely recommend, not only for entertainment purposes, but also educational and awareness reasons.

Bird Box

I didn't enjoy this movie as much as I'd want to. I found the story warped. We've seen a bunch of movies with warped scenarios in a way, either mystery or crime movies etc. But in most of these films, that whole weird situation makes sense at some point in the end. Yet, in birdbox, it didn't, at least for me. It's mostly a story about survival. That isn't necessarily bad, but in this particular case the whole concept was pointless. On the other hand though, this movie has good actors, filming, sound effects etc. I wasn't disappointed at all from that perspective. It is certainly a good production. To sum up, it's not a movie I'd recommend or consider watching again in the future, because it left me with a bland taste.

Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again

Let's begin with the positive side of the story. The protagonist, Lily James, did a pretty good acting job, as well as our favorite characters, like Colin Firth and Pierce Brosnan, who supported their roles equally as well as in the first film. (although they didn't appear that much in this movie) Also, I really enjoyed the song recreations, e.g. The Dancing Queen. The songs remained classic and beautiful as they were and gave us flashbacks of the first film. Now the cons: The first half of the film was underwhelming. I skipped a good part of it, because it was either boring or cringey. In addition, the overall storyline didn't bring us any surprises. Most events were rather predictable and I found the development of the plot kind of childish. We also shouldn't neglect the fact that this is a musical. I found the new songs really disappointing. No creativity, nothing catchy or interesting. It felt like they were singing just to add time to the movie. Last but not least, this movie as a whole left me a bad impression. It seems that they made this movie just because the first one was successful, so they wanted to make more money. It would have been better if they left things as they were. This movie didn't give me any powerful emotions or a touching and meaningful message, and I'm sure I'll forget about it really soon. I wouldn't watch it again.

The Help

I'm not gonna say much. This movie isn't considered an all time classic just for nothing. It is truly a movie I'll always remember and it'll touch me every time I watch it. The protagonists are truly amazing actresses, and their roles very captivating. It's one of those movies you should watch at least once in your life, not only because of the above, but also because it serves a great message. I wish you give it a chance, it won't disappoint you.

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