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Blue Beetle

And I thought George Lopez couldn't be any worse
I watched this even though I hate George Lopez. He is a one trick pony who's horseshoes have worn out. Whoever thought he should be in a movie again should get their head examined. This movie puts Latino's to shame. Maybe if George would not have been in it I might give it more stars. If you can't tell..I hate George Lopez...oh did I say that already... Can't say it enough. I don't think the DCU will ever catch up to Marvel, especially with crap like this. To quote a popular line from another movie "At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."

Line of Duty

As someone said "80's action"
I had not heard of this movie before. I happened across it because my son-in-law was watching it and we are both fans of Aaron Eckhart. Decided to look it up on Prime and watch it from the beginning. This movie is no different than the movies of the 70s and 80s. It's just nonstop action from start to finish. Is it crazy? Yes. Is it believable? No. Is it entertaining? Hell YES! You can't sit there an analyze this movie as if you were watching a documentary. It took me back to the time of simple movies with not much plot but lots of action and heart.

You just have to sit back and enjoy the ride.

Wild Hogs

One of my favorite Travolta, Allen, Macy, Liotta and Tomei
I would have given this movie a 10 had it not had Martin Lawrence in it. I think they should have gotten Cuba Gooding Jr. To play the part of Bobby. He is much funnier than Lawrence. Lawrence's character is the same in every single part he has grown weary, old and not funny. I love the idea of older guys heading out on the open road. As a motorcycle owner and rider it put a smile on my face. Liotta as the gang leader was perfect. R. I. P. Mr. Liotta... I will miss you deeply on the big screen. If you don't like this movie you have never been on the open road and have no sense of humor :) It's a wonderful movie.

The Suicide Squad

The most dumbest movie I've ever seen
How can this have such high ratings...this movie sucks. It's a bunch of incoherent pieces of film. The characters suck, the action sucks period.

Dawn of the Dead

One of my Favorite Zombie/Horror Movies!
I love this movie. Watch it over and over again every year. Wish they would make a sequel to this one using the same surviving characters. It was just so exhilarating and exhausting to think the zombies could move so fast :) ... I really liked the new approach as opposed to all the others that the zombies just lumbered around.

If you haven't seen this one you definitely should. I just saw another movie recently that reminded me of this one. It is a foreign film but it was just as good... "Train to Busan" ... Add them both to your watch list. :)

John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum

Why all the HYPE? Not as good as the 1st one.
Let me start by saying I am a big fan of Keanu Reeves. I enjoyed the first John Wick but then the second dropped in creativeness and quality. Now this one goes even lower. To some, blood and gun shoots an action movie makes... but this movie is just too far from reality. I mean I sat there watching it and kept thinking... Is John Wick superman? Can he even be killed? Can he even die? No bulletproof vest, no armor of any kind and yet he doesn't get like a gazillion holes in him. He fights probably 100 guys and never gets out of breath. Knives are thrown at him and they miss. I just couldn't get over all these things. And then the fall...come on... It's as if he was in the Matrix again. Needs more story and a little less killing. I preferred The Equalizer over this.


As one user put it ... Guilty Pleasure
I don't care what the hatters think. To me a movie is supposed to entertain you. This movie for me is very entertaining. Is it the best movie ever made...not by a long shot but it has what it takes to keep you paying attention. It was a fun movie to watch and I actually find myself watching it everything it's on. It is on my same list as Armageddon, Deep Impact, Independence Day and Dawn of the Dead.... Just pure entertainment. And what is even more admirable about this movie is that it used actually military as extras and wounded warriors as extras as well. Any movie that honors our veterans and includes them is definitely a movie that I will love. SO THERE! HA!

I Can Only Imagine

Let me start by saying that I am not religious at all. I don't usually watch movies with religious themes but the previews for this movie made me want to give it a try. Besides it has one of my favorite actors in it "Dennis Quaid" ... I have never cried more during a movie then I did tonight. I cried tears of sadness, tears of joy and tears of fear for my father is getting older and closer to the moment where we may have to say goodbye. So, because I love my father so much, I felt this movie deep in my soul. I still have tears in my eyes. It is just simply "AMAZING"!

A Madea Family Funeral

I'm not a hater but this movie was NOT funny.
I haven't written a review in a long time but as I watched this movie I said to myself I have to. I have enjoyed many of the Tyler Perry movies in the past. I think I only laughed 3 times. I was very disappointed. I also didn't think that the part of being pulled over by the police was funny at all... Just an all around boring, sad and disappointing movie.

Bad Boys

So sorry Will Smith agreed to be in this with Martin Lawrence and even worse they made a second one
I am a big Will Smith fan and he has come a long way since this movie. I just recently tried to give this movie another look and I couldn't even make it past 15 minutes. Martin Lawrence is just awful. His voice is so the noise from scratching a chalkboard with your nails. Hate this movie still!

End of Watch

Amazing ... Jake and Michael give one of the best performances of their careers...
I just finished watching this movie... OMG! I agree with Roger is one of the best police movies I have ever seen. It had it's funny moments, action moments and I know I must be a wimp or getting old but I really cried at this movie. You really get into the characters... I wouldn't recommend it if you are not a fan of the F word because it is used 326 times... But if you are someone that loves police movies...this is as real as it gets. No special outrages chases or special effects...just real cops doing real cop stuff... Jake Gyllenhaal and Michael Peña put in the performances of their careers ... I loved it!


It sucked. I can't believe people say it was so great
It had no plot. The beginning sucked cause there was no explanation of where the creature came from or why. The middle just had no sense, I mean would you really risk your life behind your friend to go save someone that you barely know? And who in their right mind would keep filming. Any normal person would have dropped the camera and run. I would really like to know what camera that guy was using because I want one. It was too shaky, at times just couldn't make out anything that was happening. All the falling down, dropping it and it still worked. And that was one awesome battery pack it had. The ending also sucked. I want my money back....

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