
IMDb member since October 2018
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BoJack Horseman

A few chuckles
It's a cartoon series for adults that will make you chuckle, mainly in the first season, then takes a serious dark turn into the mind of a depressed horse.


Loved it!
This was a fun film to watch, with some very tense moments. I was shocked to find out later it's based on a true story!

V for Vendetta

Great film
I wish they'd make a sequel to this. Portman and Weaving do a fine job bringing this vigilante flick to life.

Man of Steel

It wasn't terrible but I'm finding a lot of the newer superhero films just haven't done justice to the originals. The score and CGI were the main appeals. The pacing was slow and the villain was not compelling.

Blade Runner 2049

I was really looking forward to this film - being a fan of the original. The pacing is completely off and the plot isn't particularly interesting. The only appeal is the costumes, set designs and CGI.

Bob's Burgers

I loved this series! I wish it would come back to Netflix - it is so funny, cute and quirky!

Slumdog Millionaire

I dont know that it deserved an Oscar, but I did enjoy watching it. The Bollywood cast did a fine job - moreso than the English sourced cast. Dev Patel did a decent job.


What happened to Keanu?
This film was awesome! Definitely one of those cult classics that will stick with you for the rest of your life. Such a unique premise and such a suspenseful film.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I watched this on the plane and glad I spent my time on the plane watching this film. If i'd watched it at the cinema I would have felt ripped off. The plot, acting and pacing are just not right. Of course plenty of CGI and action scene to keep the superhero flick fan interested.


Fun but not perfect
The humour in this superhero action flick is a bit hit and miss. Overall it was a fun watch but some very cliched moments.

Black Panther

Great film
Loved the soundtrack, the acting was on point. Really glad to see African Americans at the forefront of a superhero film

The Incredible Hulk

I'm not a hater of this film, I just didn't think it was that good. Maybe it was the casting. I feel like Edward Norton wasn't the ideal choice.

Better Call Saul

This is a great extension of the Breaking Bad continuum. Saul was a very endearing character in that series that I was pleased to see scored his own series. In saying that, the plot does not move as pacy as BB. That's not to say it's not great in its own right - just go in with expectations!


Best film of the 90s
I loved this film. I've watched it 10 times and cry each time. It really takes you back to the 90s through its writing style and cinematography then you're transported back to the beginning of the 20th century to a tragedy that will be forever remembered.

Alien: Covenant

Not great, not bad.
I have to say, this film should probably not have been made. It's just not as good as the original films. It tries to revive a franchise as so many other films in its wake have failed to do. But it was watchable.

Life of Pi

It was ok but overly sentimental and not at all as good as the book. I think it was decent and plucked those emotional strings at the right time. Wouldn't watch it again. Would rather get the book out.

Mad Max: Fury Road

Haven't seen the originals
So I've assessed this as a standalone film. I just loved it! The action sequences were amazing. It's an adrenaline rush from start to finish. The cinematography and CGI where it was used was amazing. Visually and aurally a great film.

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

Favorite Indiana
I loved this film. The Indian vibe really won me over. You'll see monkey brains, crocodiles, human sacrifice and more. So so good. And Harrison Ford was really in his element in this film. Direction was spot on. The initial 3 films really made IJ what it was intended to be...shame about the film that followed.

Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace

This film was quite mediocre. It did not revive the series at all, even though it was a prequel. The acting and writing were poor. Not compelling to watch at all.

A Clockwork Orange

Classic film
This film is disturbing even in the modern times. A tough watch. I can see how it was controversial at the time yet films like this now are standard fare! It's still chilling to watch even now.

Sons of Anarchy

Great show but the plotlines can get tedious
It's a very entertaining show for what it is. I mean- who would get tired of seeing badass bikers kill and shoot at each other? The plots are bit over the top and each episode seems to try to one-up on the previous. The senseless violence can become a bit much, but I still enjoyed it.

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

decent series
It tries to be a bit like Seinfeld in the new century but fails on this front. Instead the show provides a different take and level of friends getting the better of other friends in a no-win fashion. It is still enjoyable, but the equation gets old.


Fun watch
It's a binge-worthy series that ultimately loses its momentum through the series. I feel like each season was trying to better the next and failed. Either way, worth the watch

South Park

Ok it's a funny show but you have to not take yourself seriously to watch this and not hold any strong values. Otherwise you will be disappointed. The creators provide their own personal bias on issues through comedy and it can be very polarising.

Arrested Development

Funny show. Jason Bateman has come a long way since. Not sure why they needed to revive this series with the latest season. It's kind of fizzled out.

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