
IMDb member since October 2018
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Puss in Boots: The Last Wish

A fantastic movie
Stunning animation, heartfelt story, beautiful music and most importantly, there was true passion. You can really tell someone wanted to make this movie.

The fun moments were heartwarming, the scary moments were truly suspenseful and the action was incredibly fluid.

There are some negatives, mainly regarding the villians, but they are very minor compared to the overwhelming positives.

The main message of the movie is as beautiful as the animation, you have one life, don't spend it doing frivolous things, find people you can love and trust, embrace them with all you got, because death comes for us all one day and you don't want to face it alone.

Just watch this movie.


Only one episode really worth watching
Hopp on Board - 1/10 Not only is it pointless, boring and nonsensical, but it actively detracts from the world. As per the director of Zootopia, Bunnyburrows is about 340 kilometers away from Zootopia and there is a massive body of water separating them. All of which is disregarded in this episode.

The Real Rodents of Little Rodentia - 5/10 Not good, not bad. Just bland, but at least it expands on the world in some minor way and the story has a nice message of love for the family, even if we hate them at times.

Duke the Musical - 6/10 Funny, but pointless unless the character is used again and expanded upon in Zootopia 2. We see he has the potential for change, defying the stereotype, so if we see him do good in the future, this episode can serve as a part of that arc.

The Godfather of the Bride - 10/10 This is what all these episodes are supposed to be like. It has a positive message of loving and serving the community and chaging the world in our own little ways. It exapands meaningfully on the world, showing us how small mammals had to fight for fair treatment, which we know from the movie is still an ongoing fight even if it improved.

So You Think You Can Prance - 5/10 A dream sequence of Clawhauser, same kind of bland nothing as the second episode.

Dinner Rush - 1/10 Aggressively boring. Flash and Priscilla got engaged in a restaurant, great, boring and uninteresting but great. Except they had dinner in the afternoon, before a huge concert for which they had tickets together. Call me crazy but that's something only a madman would do.

Overall, Disney had a golden chance to make this into something worthwile. Put some worldbuilding which fans would appreciate here, something they didn't have the space for in the movie. We could explore the other districts, give more character development to the people we met, show us the Hopps family home, which they wanted to in the movie but had to cut. Instead of all that possibility we got this bland mess of pointless filler, none of which expands beyond the movie, except for that one amazing episode.

The Anarchists

"""The Anarchists"""
Why not name the documentary Anarchapulco? Since it's clearly about that and not anarchism? Anarcho-capitalism isn't anarchism, it's a thinly-veiled neo-feudalism.

Goddamn, it's like if you named your documentary "Socialists" and it was about the NSDAP, or called your documentary "Democracy" and made it about DPRK.

Do better, one wiki search and you'd actually know how cynical their use of the word "anarchist" is and what actual anarchists think of "anarcho-capitalists".

Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore

A film lacking in redeemable qualities
Visuals are nice.

That's the one redeemable quality and even that goes missing in some parts of the movie.

Same soundtrack as in the Harry Potter movies, either out of laziness or terrible attempt to milk some last bits of nostalgia.

Most characters get zero character progression. Two characters get some, but it's sudden, undeserved and utterly nonsensical.

The overall story itself gets almost zero progression and the little progression it does get is moronic and a spit to the face of viewers.

Anything of importance in this movie to the franchise and the Wizarding World is canon-breaking and inconsistent both within the world and just this series itself.

Rowling has no idea what she's doing, writing an another terrible story and butchering the whole Wizarding World.

Thankfully, I pirated the movie, Rowling is getting no more money out of me.

Bo Burnham: Inside

Depressing, funny, uplifting, insightful, weird.

One could say a lot about this special but most importantly, it's great. No matter the state you are in, you'll find this enjoyable.

It's truly inexplicable just how amazing this special is, admittedly it might be my bias since I too as Bo find myself at my all time low and seeing all that misery in a form of free form comedy is just refreshing, liberating from my imprisoned POV.

I do think this is a piece one absolutely should watch more than once, look out for details they haven't noticed or couldn't see without pausing.

One for the history books and just that little drop of serotonin which my desperate mind lacks.

The Monster

5/10 horror movie 9/10 addiction movie (light spoilers)
The movie for the most part plays as an average "monster in the woods" horror flick however it is interlaced with flashbacks which give us insight into lives of the mother Kathy and daughter Lizzy.

From these we see that Kathy and Lizzy have a very strained relationship caused mainly by Kathy's alcohol addiction. She tries to beat her addiction but ultimately fails.

Seeing these together, it's clear to see that the film uses the monster as a metaphor for Kathy's addiction. This works most of the time but at times it needs the movie to make weird leaps in realism and internal logic.

Overall it is an enjoyable movie and especially during the flashbacks it shines in it's very human portrayal of addiction. However the horror parts are not really scary, there are tense times but never made me feel unsafe in my chair.


Most terryfying movie of a decade
This is no normal horror, I would classify it as a psychologically-social horror. The scary thing is not a alien clown or murderer with a knife but an incredible feel of reality, especially with Hong Kong protests and the boring dystopia we live in. If you ever wanted to be horrified of yourself and the community you live in, go see this movie. Because WE ALL LIVE IN A SOCIETY

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