
IMDb member since October 2018
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The Professor and the Madman

Nice movie,nasty reviews
It seems to me that there is some critique-conspiracy going on around this movie. I just found out there were some legal issues surrounding this movie,but I still don't get all those bad reviews about the movie itself. Normally,I wouldn't even look those up,but they are just popping up whenever I want to google something about the plot or the true story behind it. Anyways,the movie was really enjoyable. The acting was great in my opinion,the story was interesting and captivating. It was shot beautifully. It is not perfect tho,not all parts could hold my attention,but it's a film I would recommend to my friends.

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society

A tasty potato pie with some peels on it
Fresh from watching the movie,I can say the following: The concept is nice. The movie is good. The characters are portrayed as superficial and empty as it gets. Let me elaborate. The beginning was a little slow. I had a feeling that I am waiting for more and that something big is going to happen. Then it gets better, interesting even, I'm still waiting for more,but I'm distracted by the beautiful scenery, beautiful people and good acting. The ending is really expected, predictable, but not unpleasant. I'm left with (at best) lukewarm feelings after watching it. Now,my strongest feelings were the sense of disappointment, how unfinished the characters were, You couldn't really get to know or like anyone. I liked the nutty gin lady the most, which is not how it suppose to be. The love story in this movie is without doubt the worst I have ever seen. This was a straight line, zero chemistry between the couple that should be in love. It was shocking, when she told him "I'm in love with you" or something... I have heard people trying to sell trashy products via phone that sounded 100 times more believable. So, my main problem with the movie was that it was not moving at all. All the other aspects were ok.

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