
IMDb member since February 2006
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    18 years


The Wolves of Willoughby Chase

Are you looking for a family film? Stay away
I remember this film well from my childhood, that's not a good thing.

I echo the comments of other reviewers: how was this ever conceived as a family film? The scene where someone gets squashed between rollers has stayed with me for life, as the first, and most terrifying vision I had ever encountered. Forgive me for I remember little else of the film, that scene was enough. I have a blossoming 5 year old daughter, dear lord strike me down if I ever show this film to her!

Fortunately, we have come to realise as a society that scaring the wits out of our young ones may not be in their best interests. Go and find Latcho Drom, by Tony Gatlif, instead and inject some vitality into your weekend.

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