
IMDb member since October 2018
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Agatha Christies Hjerson

As it is not Agatha Christie... / And what else to add ???
It is just a fantasy. Plus Scandinavian.

I am from Eastern Europe, 60 y.o. OK. Pls Do not think I dont know Monthy Python or Falwtly towers. Or " Allo , Allo .Or Picasso's Adventyr really like 10/1005. Swedish comedy form the 70's. Or more... PIcassoS aDVERTYR for my universty generation is a cult film . I have seen maybe 10- 20 times. PABLO !! U R Henial ! I get you. All my friedns from the same generation we get you. And I would not think for a moment the US gets these. Go backgroud. But it is an Amazon series. Picassos's Advetyrs or Hjerson will not ever reach the right audience i the US. Except: this is not America ! Unless you GET the financies, ls DO continue Hjerson. If U R able to.

"Advantures of Picasso" will always remain in my top 5 comedies ever being aired .And I always try to introduce the film to the younger generation as an Outcast.

Cheers ! - in case you make it public. Eva.

The Unusuals

absolutely worth for watcing
I am writing this in 2022 , watching The Unusuals the 3rd or 4th time. IMO: it was cut after the 1st serie because Renner was to go to big screen. ( The Town by b.affleck, Mission Impossible ). Anyway, i am sad there were no following series. This was a really good show. Somone wrote it was an "absurd" storyline. IMO: the storyline was totally police procedure, the carachters were the absurdsist. And then what ? Absurd is a wellknown and recognised genre. Not everybody' s cup of tea. If you dont like it, quit it. Why do you torture yourselves to watch full series, just to write a very negative opinion. Really???

Thank you very much for all quitters and for all the lovers. After one episode anyone can know if it ment to be for them or not. I promise.

And please, make a come back with serie 2. Thanks.

La guerre du feu

I supposed there were more viewers/reviews, this is REAL GOOD
IMHO: a movie with no dialogues -this film makes the best of it. I am closing to 60 y.o. Have seen it in the late 1980's. Still remember some scenes and the whole impression. Inspite my film/TV series' junkie addiction. E have literally seen thousands of films and TV series' episodes.

If you are mature enoungh, this film will stick with you. And I recommend also - WITHOUT dialogues Luc bessson's early work: Le Dernier Combet ( The last Battle).

All the best for experiencing: Eva.

Agatha Raisin

Poirot without THE moustache and grey cells, Sherlock without Watson
I red 20+ Agatha Raisin books. In English. The TV adoptation very UNWELL done. After so many books with detailed description of Agatha thougts which explain what and why did she do funnily crazy thinghs and how she looks like and how does it change, all there. From the adaptations all these do not come through.

Most probably you guessed already that I am not a native English speaker.

I love so much the books, that I watched these films 1, without subtitles ( nice and -for me- understandable BrEnglish) 2, with English subtitles (not the automatically generated ones), 3, dubbled to my language.

OK, there were a few things when I smiled for 3 secs. Otherwise borderline irritating.

But the charm and fun disappeared during the writing into the filmscript and selecting the authentic actors.

Sorry my Brits, I really do love your TV crime/mystery series. But this Agatha Raisin adoptation was a failure IMHO.

Father Brown

My vote is 7,5 : not bad at all
I've been watching this show randomly. When I felt I cannot find enough better entertainment for my taste. . Though I am a woman with crime fiction addiction, I found these random wievings with her ladyship and a nosy younger girl are irritating. But I have to say that the 9th series sofar are like 8/10. I hope no- one disputes the rigth choice of actors for F. Brown and Mrs. MaCarthy. Pls. Use Sidney as much as possible to establish some kind of balance. DI Mallory is far too much stupid for a DI for an entertaining TV series. Otherwise congrats for series 9 . Sofar so good.

Stay Close

It is a solid 7
Or 7,5 . I've red 2 HC novels, not this one. I bingewatched in 2 days, 2 x 4 episodes. Seeing the main caracters' actor names , i thought it cannot go wron for me. It did not. I concentrate on the entertainment value and not on the flaws .

Who is saying it is too convoluted: well, my mother thong is not English. Watched even without English subtiteles. And udnderstood ( of course not every word ), but all the turns.

Also I wnat to emphasize the work of Jo Joyner. I saw her or even first heard of her in Shakespeare and Heathaway. Here she performs as this caracter should be. Appretiations.

IMHO: watch 1-2 first episodes. Then keep it or leave it. And U know U can quit anytime. It is that easy. :-)

Only Murders in the Building

Not a LOL comedy-crime series, but I really liked and recommend
Giving my review after the whole 10 episode of 1st season. English is my second language ( I dont have even official examination and graduation of English ), but closing to 60 y.o, a have developped lots of criticism.

And after these facts I am looking forward watching 2nd season.

There is out a big number of crime series and miniseries- absolutlely good or excellent heartbreaking and tragic. But: hey, sometimes " girls just wonna have fun" -even if crime serie junkies.

Cast: SM had some really wonderful classic films. Still love him. MS - seen less films, maybe not among the best comedians, here he was more than average. Sel. Gom. - I knew of her. Now listened some songs from Greatest Hits, for me garbage. But: as to her acting- I really liked her. I mean with a good script/ character she is really good.

Story: considering that main caracters are all crime fans/ junkies, they are crap with police procedures. I could easily skip this fact. If it's for fun, who cares ?

I've been watching/experiencing an "out of the box" fun series what I really liked ( and I really dislike boxing anyone or anything).

Dear people, try a few episodes .Or just quit it. Anyway, I keep all my fingers and toes crossed for series 02. Viva diversity !

Leverage: Redemption

happy to see that 4000+ people got it and have a soul
I haven't seen yet the original Leverage series. But was absolutely happy to watch this show. And absolutely faboluos to see the average rating raised so high. Surprised me how many people appreciate its approach and the " good wins" storylines. So good to see modern time Robin Hoods and happy endings, meaning a kind of moral satisfaction. Its quite rare but I am who I am, and I like and miss shows with humor, positivity, some drama and than a satisfactory ending.

Dear Gina Bellman, please do not retire as Sophie D. Make for us a 2nd season. Special thanks to all the cast , writers , directors, creators ... cleaner staff. To Everyone.

This high rating means that audiance is hungry for such stories as well.



It was not just me who's been getting disappointed
Before watching the the Final final came here to check if it was just me who think the show has gone flat, very predictible and far beyond credibility . Especially this last season. It seems the majority of the reviewers are agreeing with me. I cant remember how long did it go along the Sandstorm line, maybe it included season 3 too . For me it was a not- really-believable but enjoyable entertaining conspiracy theory show . Anyway, after that the creators/writers have just lost it. Too much of a beyond-unbelievable conspiracy theory . Too many inconceivable caracters . I suggest not to start to watch it to avoid disappointment.


2nd season please !!!
Who is loving Killing Eve ? ( you should read this question on your inner voice the way you are talking to an adorable puppet, expecting exagerated tail wagging and excited slimy licking ) . And from Giri-Haji you are gonna get it too !

Giri / Haji has this same effect on me . And I am loving it . it feeds my expectations to be surprised , upset, confused, feeling empathy and the " WTF : what would IIII do ???? " feeling . I really do not care how much the caracters and the whole story are completely believable. There are other film genres and directorial tools for that . Meaning to be absolutely realistic. Just give me something unforgettable and exciting. Giri / Haji delivers these to you....for me definitely .

Plus as the silver lining : the occuring dry witted intelligent sense of humour. Educated or common knowledge like, Sarah: "Dont't lie for me Argentina.." . Sorry, I am not able to quote the educated funny lines, but I promise when it was on scene I understood and found funny :)

Now it is Your choice: to try something not conventional - and I beg you to quit if you dislike it. After the first episode. Otherwise : WELCOME TO THE GIRI/HAJI FAN CLUB.

Blade Runner

the most meaningful and beautiful film ever made
My non-native English is far not enough to express how I feel about this film. Out in the USA in 1982. In my country in1988-89 or so.

( I make a remark right now, that the Life of Brian and the Holy Grail plus some others were also as much as life defining for me , but in a different way. Truly and honestly ).

This film , right now, is still could represent a NEAR distant dystopian future . Even if it is an AI with the full potential scale of HUMAN emotions.

Picassos äventyr

In the top 5 comedies ever made . I am grateful for this film breaking the language barriers
Dear Friends, In case you are a Swedish or a Hungarian person ( plus any other unexpected nationalities ) somehow interested in this film : PLEASE DO NOT QUIT ! WATCH IT !

Anyone, who is wandering here, please give it a try. You are going to see unexpectedly the unexpected. Suspence thriller movies of Hitchcock and such are still on the international top hit/ top rating lists. Alike the Monty Python bests in comedies . In the late 80's it was really a cult film in Hungary. For me it still is. With my friends from the same generation , we still are quoting / mix in the everyday conversation quotes from Picasso. Because we are Henial. Please help me not to let forgotten this gemstone. Watch, enjoy, rate .

In any other case : mortadella! mondiale ! imbecile ! idiota ! Mercredi !!!!!

All that means: SHAME ON YOU !

Tabula Rasa

excellent. thanks Belgium !
And thanks to Netflix, HBOgo etc. too to help people are to step out from their mindset and their small world limited by local providers' channels . The acting was amazing, the unexpected plot twists are mindblowing . Binge-worthy definitely. ( BTW: I still do not understand why is it a problem if some shows are slow burning. Who is irritated and/or bored : JUST QUIT IT ! )

And setting aside that this show as fantastically good as it is, I loved this one - and several other European series - because the women and men are not fakes. They are not the Baywatch type swimsuit models with steroid pumped muscles, no 3D fake eyelashes, sleeping with make-up on, no silicon boobs. Interestingly European women are natural beauties most of the times and at most ages. They are not sleeping in bras and take the bra off even during sex :0 !!! And they are not ashamed to show their wrinkles and eye circles either. Not even on the TV. They are just humanly, normally beautiful . I keep watching tons of UK series, watched Swedish, Danish, French, Finnish, Icelandic, Polish, Spanish, German, South-Korean series, cooperations like The Bridge and The Tunnel...just what jumped into my mind. And I am really proud and comfortable for being a European woman . Looking forward seeing more European and non- USA stuff ( no offence USA- you will always come up with some real good staff ).

Perry Mason

It is as bad as the otherwise wonderful John Malkovich's Poirot caracter in the ABC Muerders. ( Kenneth Branagh failed it too ). Or the whole TV adaptation of the Agatha Raisin books.

Interestingly after Jeremy Brett two excellent Holmes caracters have been produced and played by B.Cumberbatch and J.L. Miller. And despite the totally different personalities of Dr. Temperence Brennan in the TV show and the books both are enjoyable.

So, write proper scripts with interesting , well developped caracters. Changes do not make harm unless you are not up to the task to make ( even loosely based )adoptation about worldwide known and loved heroes.

The Favourite

where is the story people watch films for ???
1 - 1 star for the 3 excellent actresses. I wonder if they have ever seen the full film... 1 star for the design. The rest - R.I.P. I watch films for entertainment. Not to mention the feeling of catharsis since we are speaking about an overly award-winning movie. And then there were none....

The Rookie

It is soo good after Castle with Nathan Fillion
Sorry fellow IMDB users- like generally to all who highly appreciated Castle. CASTLE was not crap, but in my opinion it is far to deserv 8/10 review. It is like 6/10, meaning forgettable. I did not watch Fillions's Butterfly 9/10 rated space soap opera ,because it is defined a western and soap opera. Not really my 1-2-3st choices. I have to find a path to approach with acceptance.

BUT: after the start of THE ROOKIE, after just a few episides I am finally smitten by him. And all the other main or supporting characters. The script and the actors .

All ROOKIE STAFF : congratulations and I keep up high hopes for you to be picked up for several more seasons.

Avenue 5

I guessed with so many British actors this can be somethimigng....
I wonder about the nationalities of the people writing rewievs about it after one episode. IMPORTANT: no harm meant to be expressed towards any non -European country. Every country is making invaluable films and TV shows. Just all countries and generations might have different choices because of different backgrounds.. I am European, middle aged, loving British absurd humor , love irony and satyre.... And here we are, what we are getting it from Avenue 5. ( I am referring comments before mine) The story is messy and chaotic ? Yes, because what's happening is the same: messy and chaotic. You don't understand what's funny about the characters and story ? Just quit it, you gave alraedy your 1-2 stars evaluation. I do not suggest to re-try. OMG : Character development ??? Story development ??? We just arrived ( in a tight half an hour ) at the peak of a dunghill situation by the end of the pilot. By the end of the season there might be some development.. There are no nice characters ???? What ??? Who's rule is there should be any ?? Who's decision is if a character is nice or not ??? Only yours. So, now am looking forward seeing episod 2. Comon FANraisers :-)

The Brokenwood Mysteries

Just loving it
Cmon people, this show deserves more than 7.8 . And I watched series with below 7,0 rating and I really liked those. Just be yorself. Try and decide.

Personally, I am not able to watch all the time deeply serious, full of action and cruel stories . However those are perfectly written and performed. In this series the interacting of the main characters is fun, entertaining. Intelligent sense of humor. And I love these quirky ones. And I perfectly enjoy the shows where is no archenemie, just workmates being for once nice and supportive to each other. And our everyday life is not either an action movie with all time bloodshed and cruelty and unexpected storyline swings. And adrenaline rush.

Yes, if I want to recommend this series to someone I know and I guess would be interested, I would compare here in the EU to Midsomer murders. It is wellknown and still succesfull after 20 years, nothing to be ashamed of... But for the more sophisticated tv junkies I would rather compare it to the Death in Paradise. All my respects to the True Detective, to the Breaking Bad and even to the Top of the Lake or the scandinavian new cime noir ( The Bridge, the Killings, Sorjonen, Trapped). But: this Brokenwood Mysteries is not the same genre to compare to. It is that simple. I wish I have awaken the interest of the right people, Best watching experience wishes you : Eva, middle aged Hungarian

The Blacklist

My real rating is 9
BUT: I whish the rating of this show would increase a bit. It is not about how much the whole show reflects the real work of the American whatever agencies and activities of mobsters and criminal minds/ supervillans. For sure, the goal of the showmakers was not was not to get it carried it to the 7th season on the shoulders of Red, but actually it happened like that. And I don't mind Because James Spader's performance is brilliant, outstanding, excellent...and so on...and BTW: congratulations to the scriptwriters too I am a Hungarian, soEnglish is not my mother tongue. Unfortunatelly all TV shows on Hungarian channels are doubled, and many of them really pretty well. The caracters are not "lost in translation ". But Red has been totally lost.Even with his original facial expressionc, mimicries. Long live James Spider and give us such performancies for some more decades !!!! P.S. Is it pervert to be in Platonic love with Red ?????

Fawlty Towers

my rating is 10 stars plus a million
I am really sad the Internet came to the picture so late. This epic, iconic or basic series has just 75 thousand+ viewers ???!!! Even the UK audience voted this The Best Comedy Ever just afew years back. Meaning 21st century. Because IT IS. People of the Earth ! Just take your time to watch 1 single episode. And after, you can quit if you can... But if you cannot quit, please give tis series a rating. Hopefully 10 stars.

Black Books

in the TOP 5 comedies EVER
Dear UK, hats off !!! I know this is not the freshest series and I saw, though it first just a few years ago. But MEMORABLE . And I just came across of it accidentally.UK comedies for me are still ( mostly ) the best. I rearly LOL. It was a series of LOL. Let's take: in the 1st episode the Little Book of Calm...Ohhh.. Manny... And I smoke, and I drink more than average....I understand the situations perfectly :) And it's very in....And I hope Daddy doesn't want my hair get cut short... And I love this whole - sadly short - show. as it is. perfect. period.


A MUST SEE basic icon
My English might not be sophisticated enough, it's not my mother tongue. I am a 55 y.o., atheist and heterosexual woman from Eastern-Europe. And I want just simply support the lovers and devoted fans of Sense8 and encourage more people - especially the youth - to watch it and discuss. Someone said in the reviews that these series made him/her a better person. Cannot agree more. And I wouldn't say I was intolerant before watching Sense8. . And yes, professional and self-appointed critics can find flaws/mistakes, you can find it boring, disappointing, unnecessarilly explicit....or whatever. But: who denies this was made with deep educational intentions ? (OK. Fanaticly religious people) Is this that bad ? Even if it is not perfect ? Human beings being understanding, tolerant , cooperative , helpful to each other ????? Being friends ??? For me Sense8 was IT. Alltime favourite. Gemstone. Sincere thanks to the Wachowkis and all the cast and crew. LOVE YOU andLOVE YOU ALL FANS :)

Continuation in 2021 Covid era : i am surprised and happy that ppl sitll wathing Sense8. Its a shame this one has only below 1000 reviiewes. Not becos of controversial comments. With humans involved, it is natural. I dont mind it has not mindbending twists , more actions. Or has it ? I am happy for the continuous watching. A certain part of pple still intersted. And dont think even for a second, that pple will change. Happyending. ?!

Yes! I loved it !

The Wachowkis might not be the best fimmakers ever, but in case Sense8 if they just turned a a few pple to think "What about the link and care of those , who live and suffer and tolerate in this world (universe) ??

REALLY? ESCAPISM? Some of us have the finances to do it. But not sure if it is goes to where is was intended to. And did you thor oughly checked to whom you transfer?

Sleep well !!

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