
IMDb member since November 2018
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    IMDb Member
    5 years


The Gentlemen

Hugh Grants finest hour!
What a great film. Loads of bad language, so not one to watch with the kids! Such great one-liners scattered throughout the film which are laugh-out-loud.

Thoroughly enjoyed!


A simple story, wonderfully brought to life.
What a great movie this really is. It tells the tale of two friends who are slightly yet enjoy the friendship of each other which has evolved over time.

I felt this was a 'platonic-romantic-dark comedy'. Not the kind of predictable storyline my wife insists I watch with her. We both loved every minute of this movie!

Doing Money

Utterly Gripping!
Based on a true story, this story is shocking in modern day UK/Eire.

A brilliant performance by all the cast, telling the story of a young Romanian woman (Ana) kidnapped from the streets of London in broad daylight and forced into the sex trade.

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