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Doctor Who

It feels like a lot of people have forgotten what doctor who is.
I saw someone say that doctor who is ruined now because of fart jokes and tried to compare space babies with father day forgetting that the Sletheen were from the same series. People are complaining about things that made doctor who such a unique show in the first place. Did everyone just forget about the happiness patrol? The enemy of the world? Everyone hating on the new doctor who episodes like it totally didn't take 6 episodes before we actually got a good doctor who episode with Dalek. Doctor who too childish now? Have any of you actually watched the show because a lot of people are complaining about things that have always been in doctor who like they've only just started to do. Not every episode is like midnight or turn left. For every wimping angel we've got fat that kills. For every Dalek we have the doctors twin. I've always found that the worst part of doctor who is the fandom and it's so ironic to me how the show all about Change is being shown to people who hate change of any kind and honestly the hypocrisy is unreal. People can not like individual episodes but hating on an entire new era just because of a couple of medocure episodes is insane to me. We don't hate the entirety of David Tennant run because it has fear her in it. So why do it here?!

Doctor Who: The Star Beast

A very good episode with some major flaws
Doctor who is back in a big way! With a much bigger budget making the visuals and effects looking as stylish as ever! The star beast is a very fun episode but I don't think it will bring in new viewers. The best part of the episode was the characterisation of each character! From donna getting in a "I told you so" after finding out the meep was evil. Or how unit treated the doctor as some guy who appears and disappears in a random order. I love the idea of unit members learning about the doctor and having to make sure they don't give away certain information on the doctors future is very fun! The first two acts is a lot of fun with some Wonky dialogue but mostly extremely entertaining. However the third act is when it starts to fall apart. The dialogue being borderline cringe worthy with a message that's both contradictory but true. We had an ending on gender identity and how it's just a concept and anyone can be anything while also saying that only women can let things go? Apart from the ending, it's a very funny episode with lots of comedic moments that made me laugh out loud and a much more enigetic atmosphere that leaves you wanting more!

Junji Ito Maniac: Japanese Tales of the Macabre

Must better than junji ito collection but not perfect
The biggest problem with the junji ito collection wasen't just the visuals but the writing too. Manga and anime work very differently and to have a shot for shot remake of a manga wouldn't work. The junji ito collection lost all of the suspence and tension and mystery behind the original manga because of the exact shot for shot remake. However this one loses the exact shot for shot remake for a structure that works a lot better in the anime format. The stories are a lot more suspenceful and tension filled just like turning the page to a horrifiying image in the manga. It slowly builds up it scares instead of rushing though and it works all the more better for it. The visual is an upgrade but not perfect still. It still is occasionally too basic to truly capture the horror of junji ito. However the writing is 100 times better making it so much better and i would say the best adaptation of junji ito work. We will have to see if uzamaki adaptation takes over or not.


Bloody legend to bloody s***
Dracula started out so brillant in episode on. Steven moffet hasent had the best of writing of late with later doctor who and sherlock episodes so this was a return to form for him. However after episode one it goes downhill. Episode two was fairly boring being a large change to the pacing in episode one but i belive it was still a decent episode with some quite tense moments. However episode three was terrible. I honestly can not belive how badly they managed to mess it up.

Doctor Who: Ascension of the Cybermen
Episode 9, Season 12

Best looking episode. And best written in chibnal era.
This is probably one of the best written doctor who episode in the Chris chibnal era. It's also one of the best looking doctor who episode. The directing and the production design Is brilliant as well as the cgi. It was good to see the doctor show her darker side instead of being an all known hero than she has been recently and it was good to see her genuinely not know what to do next. The one problem I had was the change in pacing between the two stories. It had the same problem as resolution when there was two stories both with completly different pacing which can be a bit draughting when one second its a small village and the next it's full of explosions. Other than that and some exposition it's fine

Doctor Who: Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror
Episode 4, Season 12

Better than last week.
I actually quite enjoyed this episode. It might be because of the awful episode from last week. The pacing though better is still off. The tone keeps changing every scene. Though I actually enjoyed the character development this week with Thomas edision and tresla. The cgi is also a lot better. However it has the same problem with other episode and that it feels like more of a history program than doctor who. I know that it started as a history program all the way back in the 60s but the reason why it has lasted over 50 years is because its learnt to evolve and adapt. The tension though can have Improvement is still pretty decent. I genuinely learnt a lot about the history of electricity and WiFi but again I feel like I'm in a lecture. It has a lot of exposition just like useral. But at least they don't make hundreds of idiotic mistakes. 6/10

Doctor Who: Orphan 55
Episode 3, Season 12

Incredibly stupid and too many characters.
This episode of doctor who is one of the stupidest episode yet. The characters IQ scores are In the single digit with them making the same mistakes constantly which leads to unnecessary tension. It tries to humanize many of its side characters but it just feels so forced. There are moments that are clearly supposed to be emotional but because of the fact we barely know the characters and it being executed in a terrible way makes you feel absolutely nothing. We also have one of the most pridictable characters arcs ever that is even more predictable than romantic comedy films. It's so predictable and rushed it just feels like so underdeveloped and undeserved. Though one of the characters arcs is actually quite brutal and I didn't expect so congratulations on that. However they somehow made this into a global warming episode which I doubt anyone from the 4 million viewers who watched this will actually do anything about it. Once again Graham is only used for comic relief and doesn't do much at all. We have a pointless love arc between Ryan and some other girl which is stupid because there another overarching plot between Ryan and yaz sister going on at the same time. Some of the cgi was absolutely awful and looked so fake. It genuinely had worse cgi than The Lazarus Experiment. One of my biggest complaints is how they kept needlessly putting them selves in danger constantly. The entire episode is full of mistake after mistake after mistake. And these arnt just small mistakes that have massive consequences. I mean the most stupidest mistakes you will ever heard of. One scene had the monster chasing them through a sewer type place. And how did the monster get down there. The doctor left the door open. She didn't close it she left it wide open. And she does this not once but twice. There was too many character arcs going on at once which is virtually impossible to do properly in only one 50 minute episode. There were four separate character arcs going on at once which left very little room to actually develop any of them. Their is just too many damn characters. The actual design of the monsters were pretty good but the directing was nothing new.

Too Old to Die Young: Volume 1: The Devil
Episode 1, Season 1

some good scenes but too slow and boring
Simular with other works by Nicolas winding refn such as the neon demon and drive. Too old to die young takes a long time to build-up. Both of those films have very little to nothing happen until around the final act which isn't always a bad thing as other directors such as ari aster director of midsommor and hereditary have done the same job. However, the difference is that there is too little happening to keep the viewer engaged, and it is too slow-moving, making this possibly one of the slowest tv show I have ever seen. They stretch out around 20 minutes of plot into a 90 minute run time and though I do have to give credit where credit is due the scenes aren't entirely pointless when it comes to the plot of the episode but not all of them. The scene between the killer and his father was unnecessary. What that I hear you cry, how do they get 20 minutes of plot in a 90-minute episode well I tell you how. They make every single character speak extremely slowly with very long pauses in between each sentence. oh you think I'm joking. Watch it for yourself, and you tell me that it isn't too slow. They try to do what some horror movies do and have overly long shots to build up the tension and suspense which can work if done correctly. This entire 90-minute episode is nothing but building up suspense with no payoff, and though it works with a couple of the scenes when episode as the whole is trying to build up suspense, it just gets annoying and incredibly dull. A Tv show has a lot longer run time than a film does and this is no exception, but within a 90 minutes episode, you would expect to get at least some connection to the characters. Nope, out of all the characters, only one of them I know anything about, and even then it's very little. I hope it gets much better than this because after the first scene nothing happens until near the end of the episode, and I hope that it doesn't turn into one of Nichols films when literally nothing happened until the very end. As his movies are like 2 hours long, this is 13 hours long. I've heard that nothing happened until the fourth episode meaning I have around 4 and a half hours of filler and pointlessly long take just to get to anything good and this will I don't know what Nicolas was thinking starting the story at episode 4 but most people will begin with episode one and will switch off before episode 4 because of how slow and boring it is. This is my second attempt at watching this since I stopped halfway through episode 2 because of this very same issue. Nothing ever happened. Overall some scenes were pretty good, but most of the time nothing happened, and the slowness of the show just makes it unbearable to watch. But hey at least it looks pretty because according to Nicholas and a friend of mine. As long as it's pretty its the best thing ever. The music is pretty good for the most part, but when it tries to go down the more electronic route, then it doesn't sound right and just sounds ugly. I give episode 1 a 5/10

The House That Jack Built

This is a brilliant film but.....
This is a great film and the acting from matt dillon was brilliant. The scene when he changes the kids facial expressions makes me shiver everytime I see it and it is a great peace of horror. The character development our main character goes though I think it's great as well from the awkward man who is obsessed with cleaning and has bad ocd holding him back to the psychotic serial killer is just brilliant. Lars van trier does not hold back from making it as uncomfortable and dirsterbing as he can with kills lasting over several minutes and certainly earns the 18 rating. However it isn't perfect. Everytime the narrator comes in it does annoy me as it brings me out of the film and reminds me it's just a peice of fiction which does take away the uncomfortable factor. And the ending when he is going though hell isn't that good either and brings me away from the realistic aspect and ruins the whole film for me. But the house that jack built out of the bodies I'd his victims is one very creepy scene and it is brilliant. Overall its a brilliant interpretation of a serial killer with some great shots and acting but is occasionally ruined by bringing me out of the film and reminding me its just a film.

The Neon Demon

Some people might hate me for saying this but I think this film is awful. Even though it is directed in a beautiful way that all it has going for it. The script is an unpolished mess with a awful Climax. I feel like the writer write most of the script then realised that it wasn't an 18 so put a ton of stuff at the end which has a lot of blood and sexual scenes in the final 15 minutes. The reasoning behind the ending makes no sense to me. (spoiler part) at the end the girls kill and eat our main character so they can become pretty. But how does eating someone makes you our pretty on the outside wouldn't it make more sense if they wanted to be an overall nicer person instead of just looking pretty. And what was with all of the triforces in this film. You might think I'm joking but I'm dead serious they are triforces all over this film. I half expected ganon to come out and try to steal it. The first 100 or so minutes of the film is the most generic screenwriting I have ever seen. I felt like I was watching a parady film because most of the film is just cliché after cliché in a boring mess with underdeveloped characters. The Climax just comes out of nowhere with very little to no build up to it one moment our main character is walking through the house the next moment she is being chased by crazy girls with knifes and your just like "where the heck did this come from" making you feel like it's missing a lot of scenes. And I mean a lot of scenes. Overall it has great directing in it but everything else is pretty terrible. You might say I don't get it and maybe I don't. But that dosent excuse the most generic screenplay ever and it felt more like a parady

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