
IMDb member since December 2018
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Seriously Red

Seriously W.T..F
Has anyone in this film ever googled what Dolly actually looks like. Kenny looks more like a Bee Gee and has no charisma. This film was embarrassing. Cmon Aussie Cmon....this was trash. How did this get made ? Please stop making trash Aussie movies.

I waited for this to come out on DVD as I had reservations for the big screen. So glad I didn't spend the money on the cinema ticket.

I gave this film 1 star reluctantly as the only good thing about it was most of the Dolly merchandise or memorabilia is in my personal collection. The soundtrack is amazing as it's Dolly but wasn't enough to keep my interest.


Nope. Just Nope !
This movie was sensationally boring.

Wow a big floating thing in the sky is supposed to be scary. The thing looked like the underside of a wonky cowboy hat.

I feel sorry for the horses that were cast in this film. It took me 3 goes to watch this movie as I had to do it in intervals as I just couldn't sit through the entire run time as it is pure nonsense.

Keke Palmer could not even save this train wreck of a film. The only thing I liked about the film was the Mad magazine parody as it brought back nostalgia. The flailing tubey arm men were the better actors in this.

Hollywood please stop making movies like this...we can't keep blaming covid !

The Batman

Nanananana crapman!
I now know why this film went for 3 very long's because Batman in every scene walked in slow motion. It was like they took Edward Cullen off the twilight set and gave him a batsuit and told him to throw some punches. He's gone from a vampire to a bat and an emo one at that. He looked ok in the bat get up but as Bruce Wayne forget it. Get a hait cut you can afford it Mr Wayne. Baby Kravitz did ok with what she had but the 2 leads had no chemistry. The Riddler looked like he was wearing a costume from a S& M movie and had too much of the creep factor. The police force all running around together was something out of a Benny Hill skit and totally ridiculous. The best part was Oz The Penguin but wasn't in it enough. Half way through I completely forgot that Alfred was even in the movie.

Halloween Kills

Michael Myers for the win
The Halloween franchise has terrified me for decades and I build up all my courage everytime they decide to rehash the series and watch it. This time I found myself wanting Michael Myers to kill every one in the cast. Its almost like they deserved it. The mob mentality of the town did my head in. This was absolutely rubbish. The slow motion only added to the absurdity. The story, the script, the actors were pathetic. Jamie Lee where are you in this film. I'm hoping Halloween Ends can bring it home and we forget about this sequel. Would recommend Sharknado over this nonsense.


F9...then F10 ...CTRL..ALT..DEL this franchise
Fast and are you serious ? This movie made me furious. After 10 minutes in I thought this movie couldn't get any more ridiculous so let's keep going. Well...there is a bit of everything magnets, space and plenty of "hey didn't that guy die" moments. I think they forgot that Charlize was in the movie. It's a mess with too may back stories and plenty of insurance claims per scene. At any point any one could have walked into this movie and I wouldn't have been surprised even if it was Batman. Are they spies ,Avengers or street racers. I don't even know any more.


I wanted to love it
I went in with a 10 and dropped down fairly quickly. Maybe it would have worked better as an animation. Costumes were good and i thought it looked great but i thought the songs were terrible. The big names couldn't really save this one. But I'm an animal lover so I'll keep it halfway.


Oscar worthy?
Over hyped nonsense. Too long and I didn't care what happened to characters. Needed to be a short film and im being generous. Although i thought the 3 dogs were better actors.

Holmes & Watson

The comedy is afoot!
After reading the reviews i expected this film to be horrendous but i found myself smiling and chuckling the whole way through. I'm not a huge fan of the 2 leads but you can't deny their chemistry with hilarious results. I rented this movie but wouldn't have been disappointed had i purchased it. I will definitely add to the collection. Would have loved to seen a gag reel on the dvd.


Broke the movie rule
Had potential as a top action film but he killed the dog and he's supposed to be the goodie. No need for it. John Wick would go looking for you Mads.

Between Worlds

Oh dear
I rented this movie for free and I still got ripped off. Absolutely woeful. Lift your game Nic Cage.

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