
IMDb member since December 2018
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    IMDb Member
    5 years


Cebimdeki Yabanci

Worth the watch if you have time
The movie is unusual when you compare with other , all things just passed around the dinner table , but it succeed to get me watch itself . End of the movie was tricky . Worth the watch .


Crafty Cicero
End of the movie was tricky, just shocked , Ilyas Bazna is really clever man.

Deliha 2

Watch if you want to feel happy
Deliha , she doesn't like this calling but i love her , her energy. Gupse Özay who is acting Zeliha very successful actress , actually she is not acting she makes me feel like she is really Zeliha. While watching i laughed so many times and felt the most important things in the world deeply , it is really empose how good with working with joyful team and lt advices us behave whoever we are. We shouldn't be shy because of our personality. Just be yourself ! Thank you Deliha , I love you

The Protector

BEST Fantastic series by far, when is second season
Firstly it is not about Vampire , Troll , Elf or any other things you know it is not stereotype it is something new , DIFFERENT and all about the history of Istanbul which is hosted so many civilizations throughout the history. It is not waste of time it is going to be your history class at the same time which you are going to watch breathless . LOVE IT , waiting for second season 😊😊

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