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Doctor Sleep

It's ok.
Unfortunately, even though Stephen King himself didn't like the movie of 'The Shining', it was very hard to follow when you remember Jack Nicholson's performance as the crazed, insane Jack Torrance. Here we see Danny all grown up, and he has become Ewan McGregor, battling with an overlong, confused miss mash of a script that doesn't appear to fix together at times. CGI again for the special effects. Sadly no Jack Nicholson running around the snow glazed maze shouting 'Danny!' Stick to the original Shining.

It Chapter Two

Unnecessary start.
So two gay guys get a kicking at the beginning of the film, then one of them gets eaten by IT. What was the point of this? Overlong, boring at times as you wait for something to happen. Doused in CGI. Just stick with the first one.

Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker

Not that impressed
Being a big fan of the original trilogy, we had to accept the further trilogy episodes 1, 2 & 3 because they were George Lucas vision. Disney took over. That is the problem. Look what they did with 'The Black Hole' which was supposed to be their 1979 response to trying to keep up with the original Star Wars, and failed with that. This latest Episode IX is a mish-mash of a story, and gives the impression that Disney were trying to fit a 2.5 hour film into 2 hours. It doesn't slow down and give anyone time to breath. Big continuity errors, including C3PO having his memory wiped but remembering the creature that did it. Disney, in my opinion, should have left the franchise well alone. A fitting ending to Star Wars? Sadly no. No real emotion from the actors. They were being paid no matter how they portrayed their characters. Save your money, or wait until it arrives on a streaming service. Or watch the original 1977 masterpiece instead.


Not another Batman movie
I overheard someone saying, "I hope this isn't another Batman movie" when I was walking in the cinema. It isn't. Far from it. It is an amazing portrayal of how life has failed a man, driven him down a spiralling descent into insanity, and made him what he is. We can all relate to him. Joaquin Phoenix had a lot to live up to after Heath Ledger. But he has the the role his own, with an outstanding performance worthy of an Oscar. He is mad, he is bad, but you can't help but feel sympathy for him. Not often I give a movie ten stars, but this is one of those occasions. Go and see it now! It's an amazing piece of cinema.

Toy Story 4

It's missing enthusiasm
Brilliant story, some good laughs from the toys especially newcomer Forkie. But I felt the main characters were missing the enthusiasm in their voices. Hanks and Allen appeared to just speak their lines with little emotion to each situation. Don't be put off by my observation. The film is good. Action packed, scary dolls, and a cracking script. But not a patch on 1, 2 or 3.


What a let down. There are some movies that you should not try to remake. They failed miserably with Psycho. They failed with this attempt at remaking the classic Poltergeist. It's not scary, too fast paced, unbelievable characters, and lacks the minds of Spielberg/Hooper at the helm to give it life. The film is boring. You can go and make your supper, come back and nothing much would have happened. Watch the original instead from 1979.


Brilliant for its time
I remember seeing this in the cinema with my best friend. We both came out of the cinema scared stiff and never wanting a TV in our bedrooms. Who could go wrong with the two brilliant minds of Steven Spielberg and Tobe Hooper to produce this masterpiece of a horror film. I don't think there has ever been one to rival the brilliance. The story is so simple. The tension and pace just right. "They're here". The tag line that brought the horror of the TV People to life. Considering it was made in 1979 when special effects just weren't fully CGI'd, the movie is top of its class. It's scary, funny in parts and the ending is typical Spielberg/Hooper. You think it's over, and there's more. One to add to you watchlist if you haven't seen it. But guaranteed to make you want to see it again.

Pet Sematary

Genuinely scary ....
Well there have been some really terrible adaptations of Stephen King books in recent years which may have put you off. Don't let them! Atmospheric, moves along at the right pace, believable characters and a cracking performance from Jete Laurence as the young Ellie Creed who is brought back to life by her father, played by Jason Clarke. I genuinely have been thinking of getting a pet cat. Not any more! Haunting and genuinely scary, go see this cracker.


Stylish Thriller
Classic film noir style of thriller with a great cast and the story is excellent. You know who done it right from the beginning ... but proving it is a different matter. Several twists and back stories come from a cracking script. Chemistry on screen between Hopkins and Gosling as accused/lawyer just makes the movie. Well worth it. I've seen it loads and never get fed up with it.

The Football Factory

Nick Love's best film
Good story adapted from a good book. Funny in places with the humour adding to the culture of football hooliganism in London. Cracking Brit Cast with Tony Denham, Frank Harper. The downside is the dialogued script. Love always seems to include 'What?' 'What do you mean what?' In his scripting. The other downside is Danny Dyer, perhaps the most over rated 'Actor' in Brit flicks, whose wide boy characterisation is the same in whatever he does. Well worth a watch but it's no Oscar winner.

Bonded by Blood 2

Worse than 1
Another badly acted B rated Brit flick from the usual actors trying to look hard. The Essex Boys story has been milked that many times, you would think the producers would take a break. This one is bad. Really bad. Unbelievable. Terrible script and dialogue. Don't bother wasting your time.

Bonded by Blood

One of many Essex Boys films
This isn't the worst one, but it still contains B-Rated actors trying to piece together a badly scripted, violent film. Very badly cast, with a Turk as Pat Tate, Terry Stone relives his Tony Tucker role minus the blond wig he wore in Rise of the Footsoldier. Based on the Bernard O'Mahony books, who, comes across as a wannabe gangster who didn't quite make it. Fails to even mention the rest of the gang like Carlton Leach. It's one of those films that you can watch if you are home from work pulling a sickie, and don't mind missing part of it because you fall asleep.

Bohemian Rhapsody

Not as Oscar winning performance ....
The music, of course, is excellent. But I don't think this movie was Oscar winning material. It just didn't seem to touch the goal. Take Philadelphia with Tom Hanks. Tom went on a strict diet to lose wait to make it look as though he had aids. He earned his Oscar. Bohemian Rhapsody ends at Live Aid. You don't see the illness, the effect it had on either Queen or Freddie. Hardly a described biopic. It's a shame really as so much could have been done with this.

Essex Boys Retribution

Better than you think
From up and coming Brit Director Paul Tanner comes this story about what happened after the Essex Boys murders. Fictional as it may be, it is funny, harrowing and violent. The four guys just don't care, run rings around the Police and carry on even though they are major suspects. Top actor Billy Murray provides the background whilst in jail for assassinating Tate, Tucker and Rolfe. With so many Essex Boys movies out there, most of them from the Jonathan Sothcott production company, this is quite a new take and welcoming. I liked it.

An American Werewolf in London

Well worth an Oscar for Special Effects
Rick Baker well deserved the Oscar for special effects for its time. If you ever get the chance to watch the extras on the DVD on how the transformation to werewolf was done, well it's amazing. No CGI in 1981. Fantastic British cast to complement the two Americans. Tongue in cheek black humour throughout and great British locations. But it has to be left alone and never remade as it is a cult classic that the viewer, understanding the films age, will enjoy.

An American Werewolf in Paris

Not a patch on the original
This is still entertaining for 1997, but bring it into today, and it has aged. Whereas 'An American Werewolf in London' was an original story with a great British cast, this is very American. The script is American. The humour is American and very lacking compared to 'London'. The special effects are very early CGI. Gone is the black humour (ie Blue Moon playing in the background during a werewolf attack in 'London'). It's ok and good enough to watch. But don't expect it to be a sequel, it's not.

Fighting with My Family

A cracking film ....
Coming from the pen of Stephen Merchant says it all. Good old fashioned British humour mixed in with Paige's desire, and the up's and down's of her getting to the WWE. It's very funny, but with little sad bits, and a brilliant cast. Nick Frost is on top form, especially when The Rock telephones him and he doesn't believe it is the Rock. I came away with a message in my mind from this film, no matter how hard life is, there is always someone that believes in you. Go see it.


Love it ... a real good feel good film
Who else could play Buddy the Elf but Will Ferrell? It's funny, good for both adults and kids. Don't bother waiting until Christmas to watch it.


The casting let's it down
Another Jonathan Sothcott production where the idea is there, but the casting makes it unbelievable. Danny Dyer as a Special Ops veteran? The script reads like it was written on the back of a matchbox and they were making it up as they went along. The Police uniforms don't even look like British Police uniforms. Danny Dyer plays the same characterisation that he always plays; The wide eyed I'm hard look. Let's hope Sothcott doesn't get the rights to the Carry On Franchise as he is planning.


Considering it was screenplayed by Gillian Flynn, this has got to be one of the slowest films I have seen. It takes so long to get to where it has to go, with a script that you would normally see fitting into a one hour TV cop show. Then, quick robbery and all over. Quite boring, but a bit of a twist at the end. I wish I hadn't wasted £5 to go to the cinema. It's one of those movies that if you need to sleep, this one will send you there.

Cold Pursuit

Liam Neeson's best for a while
Classy thriller with a great story and a little bit of black humour. Unlike anything Neeson has done before. Elements of 'Fargo' show through. Beautiful setting and an ending that is just unexpected and will bring a chuckle. Great movie, go see!


A good ending to the trilogy ....
I'm not a big fan of M. Night Shyamalan movies. He has had a few ups but lots of downs. Glass is one of his best in years, keeping with the comic book theme that came about in both Unbreakable and Split. James McAvoy is on top form playing the many different characters that form his split personality. Willis and Jackson bring the story together. As usual with Shyamalan films there is a twist in the ending. The only disappointment being that the plan to blow the skyscraper up didn't materialise. I felt this would have been a cracking ending. Well worth it, and good to see another success at last for Shyamalan.


Terrible these days
Poor scripting, terrible and unbelievable storylines for a group of C-rated actors. Years ago you were on the edge of your seat, and couldn't wait for the episode. Now you can miss twenty episodes and still pick up what is happening. No wonder they have lost the majority of the original cast. Not even Ross Kemp will return. And Danny Dyer? Really? So unbelievable.

Total Recall

Quite a good remake ....
You can't beat the cheesy special effects of the '80's Arnie original, but this is quite a good remake. Full of action, very dark, and a bit of a different take with the 'United Federation of Britain' being used as a workhouse. They even use the original woman who Arnie dressed up as to get through customs in the same cameo role. A good shoot 'em up for a Rainy Sunday afternoon.

Age of Kill

Every good intention ....
The film starts of with every good intention and direction of being a good thriller. After that it becomes the usual Johnathan Sothcott produced mish mash of bad acting by miss matched characters to roles that makes the film unbelievable. It is a short film which makes you think that they ran out of money whilst making it, and the script looks like it was made up as they went along. Shame ... cracking Brit Cast who deserve better.

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