
IMDb member since January 2019
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Deadly Class

Shame it was cancelled.
I was laying in bed one evening and I saw an advertisement for this series. I thought it looked good and marked the premiere date on my calendar. The violence and dark theme was a pleasant surprise after watching episode one (I'm used to dark shows being watered down). The story was alright, but every episode was like an acid trip. Literally, one episode was just an acid trip. Still, I stuck with the show until the end. Sucks they cancelled it, on a cliff hanger no less. Reminds me of what almost happened to Lucifer.


Stabler is now a hitman?
I'm not going to lie, at first I was hesitant to watch this because seeing Chris play the main character was a little weird- because I'm used to seeing him play the respectable good guy in Law & Order: SVU. That plus I had only seen images and a description for the show, so a part of me assumed the horse-unicorn-elephant thing would cuss and play the "not funny but adult humor" troupe. NOPE. I gave this a shot because I know Chris is an excellent actor as he can do a complete 180 in whatever role he plays (i.e. Oz). I'm not lying when I saw I was hooked in the first 30 seconds. I thought I was tripping because the beginning of episode one was hilarious. Don't take my word for it! Look for yourself. I'm halfway through season one and I'm not stopping this binge until then end of s2.

A Cure for Wellness

It's something else
What I really enjoyed about this movie was the atmosphere and the visuals. The story itself is..something unique. When I first watched the trailer I noticed it was really vague, but the chilling music and scenery pulled me in. After renting it on blue ray, I was pulled into a 2hour and 30min adventure of a man unraveling a dark secret that plagues a "wellness" center in the mountains of Germany. The movie is on the longer side, but in my opinion that just makes the story itself seem more realistic. The creator of A Cure for Wellness was brave for trying something this unique, and honestly this kind of movie, while different, doesn't deserve the low ratings I've been seeing. I think, just like the movie, you have to be a certain kind of person to enjoy it. If you are looking for a suspenseful, mysterious, and dark movie to watch, this IS it. Ignore the low ratings and watch it for yourself. Just make sure you're ready for the long ride.


Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: American Dream
Episode 20, Season 18

Related to the Times
Clearly Law & Order are showing their political views full force. While some might not agree, I believe this to be an accurate representation of what's happening in the real world. As the lady with ICE said "Everything is a mess".

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