
IMDb member since January 2019
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    5 years


Raya and the Last Dragon

Beautiful but boring
It's the same old Disney story just changed the characters. The animation is gorgeous and so well done, but the story just could not keep me interested. I had 20 minutes left and I could not finish so boring! It's really not funny and the drama doesn't even really do much. The voices were fine but the story did nothing. The set up did not make you fall in love with characters and I from there on I could care less about the story. Hopefully Disney turns it around because this was terrible.


Interesting but rap it up guys
I was so excited to watch this documentary, but it really fell short. I found the topic interesting but it drags so much. Could easily been told on like 3 episodes. Not a waste of time but could have been so much better.


Cute movie that will move you in the end
It was cute with some silly moments followed by so very intense times. It's enjoyable for all ages, not the best Pixar movie but better then most other kids movies. The end is a tear jerker and really finishes the story well.

Locke & Key

There is potential there
I love the idea of the story but man does it take along time to get there. All the high school drama was use less and really off putting. In the first few episodes the time spent on the keys is like 5% of what's happening and I honestly wanted to skip ahead. I like the idea of the story and that's the only thing that kept my interested to finish the series. Here's hoping season two is better.

Wine Country

So boring
Was really excited thought it would be like Bridesmaids, not even close. It's feels like the whole movie just drags on. There really is not much of plot and leaves so many holes in the movie. I'm maybe laft once and rest I just kept think is this scene to happening. Extremely disappointing considering the cast.

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